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Everything posted by NoCalMike

  1. Hard to guess what kind of adjustments are going to be made at the half. Our defense was okay, but I still think Hurts had way too much comfort every time he dropped back. Forrest made a great play on it, and then their WR falling down on the 3rd down helped. I wonder if the Eagles will go to more rush attempts coming out of the half to try and balance out the time of possession. Not much to complain about with the offense so far besides the turnover and awful snap. I think we are getting about as much out of Heinicke as you can expect and while the run game hasn't been great, it has been consistent enough that the Eagles have to scheme against it and not just drop everyone back into coverage. Going to be an interesting 2nd half. I really hope the defense doesn't lay an egg on the opening drive of 2nd half to get the Eagles all the momentum back.
  2. BRob flexing out there. That is 3 runs in a row where he is basically contacted at the line and keeps those legs going. Wear that Eagles D-line down in the 2nd half....keep being physical with every RB that is active. Ok now defense has to guard against giving up something big before the half. You know the Eagles want to snatch the momentum back. Do not allow anyone to get behind you.
  3. This kind of drive is ideal, but like Aikman said, it has to end in points here, preferably 7 and the lead. All that time, to only get 3 (potentially) is not good enough against this Eagles team.
  4. Did the defender not lead with his helmet and hit Terry in his helmet on the slant route catch?
  5. What is the issue with play calling, why is every other play being snapped with 1 or 0 seconds on the playclock?
  6. Remember in the 1st game, Hurts threw passes into a lot of traffic, a lot of 50/50 passes and they all went his way. Tonight, the secondary has been a lot closer with those and now Forrest has an INT and great run back. Get Hurts 2nd guessing tossing those up!
  7. It is so hard to watch this offense when the coaching staff doesn't believe the QB under center can do a whole lot.
  8. That last Eagles drive is why Chase Young missing hurts. The Eagles O-line is elite, and you need elite talent to go up against it. Jon Allen by himself is not enough.
  9. Uh-huh, this was the point I was making earlier. Any MAGA ally that survives the 2022 elections is going to push the "DeSantis is part of the establishment" narrative. Now, it might be their toughest sell because to his credit, DeSantis really hasn't taken the bait and tried to hit back at Trump much at all yet, but if he does decide to run, he is likely going to go on the offensive at some point leading up to any announcement.
  10. Every game with Heinicke at QB, when making a prediction, the first question you should ask yourself is, "Can the defense hold this opponent to under 17 points?" because that is about what the offense scores. This week, I am going out on a limb to say no.
  11. Agreed. Everyone should go watch his debate against Charlie Crist. Crist was lame in his own right, but DeSantis came off so much different than when he is holding these bully pulpit press conferences in which he can just say "Woke" 50 times in response to every single question. Sometimes politicians at the state level when the entire legislature is in their favor look a lot different when facing the scrutiny of a national election. And another thing, the youth vote actually came out hard in these mid-terms, and something else that might get them to show up to vote against DeSantis is him leaning so hard into "Lets get the wokesters" Almost every issue DeSantis claims is about "wokeism" are things everyone under 30 laughs at when he speaks, if you energize and mobilize that demographic it isn't going to be good for him.
  12. I actually think Biden would beat Trump again, because it would just be two very old guys shaking their fists at each other all over again. I don't like Biden's chances against rising GOP stars though. The Dems really need to get their act together about getting younger people into leadership roles. Pelosi is 82, Biden 78, Schumer...is up there.
  13. The question is what happens if the GOP leadership doesn't want Trump to run, but he does anyway. They didn't want him to run in 2016 either, or at least didn't want him to be the nominee but all fell in line when the tide turned in his favor. Do they tell DeSantis to stay away and keep a good thing going in Florida, continue to build up his rep as the next in line, and focus on 2028 when there will be no potential Trump conflict? I can say with certainty that if both Trump & DeSantis run, Trump is going to try and hit DeSantis hard at being an establishment hack. It won't work on the entire base, but there are a ton of GOP voters who are loyal to the MAGA cult over anything else. They don't view Trump as a politician but more as a prophet in a sick sort of way. When you are dealing with a cult of personality, reality & facts (and policies) don't really matter. Yeah and what people from outside of CA might not understand is that Porter lives in a pocket of Southern California that is pretty split down the middle between Dem/GOP voters. Porter even being elected is sort of already a feat. No matter how well she performs, she is always going to have a legitimate battle on her hands because of the demographics of her district.
  14. There is no reason to think the Commanders will win, I just want to see the team compete and avoid anything embarrassing. If they lose a close game the same way they lost to the Vikings, I will be fine with it. It will still cause pain in the sense that it's a loss, but I can deal with that more than just get rolled.
  15. Trump is already putting out passive-aggressive shots towards DeSantis. Trump is running, and he is making it clear already that no one better get in his way.
  16. The GOP would be best served to cut ties with Trump ASAP. They are going to be in charge of the house, and still can realistic take the Senate by a seat, their priority should immediately be to go back to being a serious political party and don't cater to the Trump acolytes remaining in the party. Trumpism will lose steam once the base realizes Trump is done, but done for real. Right now the guy is just lingering in the shadows at all times and you can 100% see that it has an effect on how GOP members talk and act, you can see it behind their eyes. I am not even a fan of the majority of "serious GOP" but there is a higher chance that they can be negotiated with than the MAGA loons who are mostly unserious in the first place. They have had multiple chances in the last two years to put the final nail in his coffin, and maybe with DeSantis cruising to re-election in Florida they see their new knight in shining armor to take the mantle.
  17. All this criticism of Trump and his picks is going to get him seething, and he likely doubles down on everything that makes him.....Trump. Assuming he is still announcing that he is running for on the 15th, it is going to be interesting how the GOP handles his shadow over their shoulders for the next 2 years. I don't think Trump wants DeSantis anywhere near his ticket and if I am DeSantis I want to steer clear from Trump myself as well. DeSantis is who he is, but from a "skeletons in the closet" aspect, he seems pretty clean right now. Saddling yourself up to Trump and all his baggage could put unnecessary wear & tear on your own political career that you don't need, and can simply ride out a fairly drama free term in your red haven of Florida. From Trump's perspective, I don't think his ego could handle a DeSantis on the VP ticket as so much media would be focused on DeSantis being "groomed" to run in 2028 and Trump would hate that attention. I truly think if DeSantis was Trump's VP he would be watched and followed way closer by the media than any recent VP because of the implied sense that he will be running. Trump wants a Pence type that will sit in the corner and largely be unseen and unheard from. Finally, the last time we saw a supposed GOP "alpha dog" try to take on Trump in a primary, we saw him humiliated and he hasn't been in politics since. (Chris Christie). I think if Trump decides not to run, the nominee is served up for DeSantis, but if I am the GOP leadership, and Trump does decide to run, I am recommending to DeSantis he wait it out for another 4 years. Or....do what they want because they are both awful and i hope they both lose anyway
  18. Robinson is seeming to have the same issues in the run game that Gibson did initially as a rookie, which is he is either too eager or not patient enough when following the play of where he is supposed to run. There are a lot of carries where he gets the ball and initially runs right into his own blockers, and then manages to recover to still end up with a tough 3 yards, but the play should have net a good 5-6 yards. The fact that he is a rookie, and the O-line isn't exactly a juggernaut at blocking to begin with, I am not going to give him the the too soon verdict like we all did with Jamin Davis. Let's let the kid work this out as a rookie and see what happens.
  19. Something tells me this is going to turn into a circus sooner than later, but hopefully it is the final act of what has been 30 years of a just that.
  20. Go look at the film on the heave to Samuel. I know it turned out in our favor, so harping on that play can get old, but McLaurin was wide open in the middle of the field with no defenders behind him because there are 3-4 guys covering Samuel on the deep route. If Heinicke makes the throw to McLaurin, he is running, at least into the red zone before he is touched. Now you can say who knows if they end up scoring a TD on that drive, but in the big picture of Heinicke's ability, it is worrisome how much he is passing up wide open players. This was something Wentz was criticized for and rightly so, but Heinicke is the QB on the roster that knows the offense and should be a lot more comfortable going through his reads to find the mismatches. Wentz has exactly 6 games in this offense and his output was still higher. Again, not an endorsement of Wentz in the grand scheme of things, just perspective.
  21. Heinicke threw for 150 yards against the Vikings pass defense. Was their pass rush good? Sure, but we are also told over and over how mobile Heinicke is and how much of an asset that is, but it seems like so far this season, his mobility has been more of an aberration than a normal tool he is using. Is Howell ready to go out there and win games for the team? Who knows, probably not, but I think he could at least match the output we are seeing from Heinicke.
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