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Everything posted by @DCGoldPants

  1. Next she's going to trot out people who she paid to say the dog attacked them. Then a week later we'll find out they weren't even in the same timezone as her when this took place.
  2. I've trained my folks in the late 70s to never answer unless they know the number. Took a while.
  3. Haven't had a landline in over a decade. Don't answer the cell unless I know the number or the caller ID has something I recognize. Never had a pollster call ever and I'm a Gen Xer. Nobody I know when I've asked have received one either. So, I don't know who they are talking to anymore. Registered voters? Or likely voters? Or people who can spell V-O-T-E-R? I don't know anymore.
  4. Maybe this too. I look at states like Arizona and Penn and think an issue like Abortion is huge for both..... and we know how important both are for whoever wins. I'm a broken record with this comment. But for being the party of Hollywood insiders, the Dems suck at messaging. I've be looking for movie quality 30 second TV spots with an earworm tune and a easy to repeat 5 word slogan about protecting America from electing extremists who think they have a right to be part of your doctor's appointments, and in your bedrooms. Get a voice that sounds like Tom Hanks or Morgan Freeman.
  5. Can't knock you for being concerned. I would like to see that campaign doing something more right now. I get they might be sitting on this to go hard in the late summer to election day and bury any outlet they can with ads. But something now would be good. Doesn't even need to be pro-Biden. They have plenty of anti-Trump stuff they can run with without mentioning Biden yet.
  6. if a lefty 30+ batter can't hit..... is he still a lefty bat?
  7. Rosario is batting .088 right now. Like Gallo, just get him out of the lineup. DFA/Release him if that's possible. I know they have guys on IR working their way back. But anybody would be better right now.
  8. That's cool. I hope he really crushes with Baseball. They feel like they are a good program on the edge of being better with a few guys being high draft MLB prospects.
  9. Right. Peters literally referenced San Fran's 1st year when they got there. Said something like it was tough days, but they saw their work starting to pay off in the development of guys throughout the season. It didn't equal a lot of wins right away, but hard play and installing the way they did things was clearly the goal for that year 1. Could Washington overachieve? Yeah. But this is a building the foundation year. Including a rookie QB taking his lumps.
  10. Convince me that she's not a deepstate plant to destroy the House GOP from the inside out.
  11. They clearly aren't rushing him since with the few changes they'd had, they kept him in AAA. Still...... Got Wood yet?
  12. Crews isn't even being considered soon. Its James Wood who will be next and well before Crews.
  13. Nice sweep of a terrible team. Taking that step forward means doing what they did against Miami.
  14. Wave 3 of free agency is already happening. Eagles signed that OL. They are talking to agents again. Also looking at team who might be about to release some players in positions we want because they drafted his replacement and he's making too much for them.
  15. And it doesn't mention dogs. This is about dairy cattle. You're terrible at this. Now go fetch us some opinion piece from Alabama where they talk about how it's cool to shoot dogs who they don't like. We know you googled "Euthanize a dog with a gun" and came up with that article, but didn't see https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/virginia/man-shoots-and-kills-dog/65-18c39d36-386c-4415-87ed-e33eaac8206c.
  16. That's from a Canadian Vet Society from over 30 years ago that references other sources going back to the 60s. There are also still books sitting in libraries that are bound with human skin. We all get it. Some cultures or groups have different beliefs when it comes to pets, farm animals, or animals in the wild. It also doesn't sound like she was particularly "humane". Not saying she tortured those animals like Michael Vick, who is a piece of **** too. Still, **** her and like many have said, there are other options like trying to rehome or taking the dog to a shelter. She sucks and I hope every night she has nightmares of being chased by dogs for the rest of her life...... and her fancy teeth that she just got done, fall out of her head tonight.
  17. Desantis was going to fold faster thar Superman on laundry day. He's unnecessary to fatso and it's not like he's going to go campaign for him in Pennsylvania for people who need to be convinced. ****, he needs Nikki Haley for that.
  18. Phew. Felt like Finnegan was super shaky there. I didn't realize this is a 4 game series.
  19. Personally, I think grading a draft before at least 2 full seasons is more for fun and otherwise, basically bull****. But, I will ask. You weigh a pick in each round the same and then just average the grade? I could see a bunch of different ways to do it. Nailing the first rounder being worth more. Or hitting on a day 3 guy earning you extra credit. Maybe taking a guy who was a projected first rounder in the 2nd? All I gleamed from this is that after an audit of what Rivera left the roster as, they saw needs everywhere. On top of that, I don't think they looked at this as a draft that is about the upcoming season, but more about 25, 26, 27 with a whole other offseason and draft needed in their minds. I'll give them the grade of 🎱 (8 ball emoji) because I don't know **** but when I listened to them talk about their guys. They explained all of their picks better than Ron ever did.
  20. I'd love to write a question for Dave's postgame. I don't hate Corbin. But how can he feel like he's being the leader of this team when and play guys who simply aren't performing anymore.....in this case, for years. Something like "why do you expect different results now? Is there something new being tried in between games?"
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