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Everything posted by @DCGoldPants

  1. I feel like they f'd up by bringing back Punk so quickly. But, giving a new belt away so fast was dumb too.
  2. WWE has links of their own site about Punk crashing...... I've got to think that we're way up over 90% that he's already resigned with them. Tomorrow with HHH running Raw hopefully will be interesting....starting with HHH not holding that title match. Let it be "gone" for a bit.. In other news, apparent Kane is out for a few months with a fracture fibula. I hated the turn after he took off the Mask. I hate the poor use of his size and strength.
  3. I think he wants a role. Not sure if in ring, or as a GM. I say put him on Smackdown running a stable of young guys trying to take over the show. Then eventually when that happens, invade Raw to either set up a big mixing up of the rosters, or to get rid of the stupid brands.
  4. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/776968-wwe-big-sexy-unhappy-roles-kevin-nash-can-play-in-the-wwe I'm sure with all the latest happenings the WWE, "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash just couldn't stand not being part of the action. According to a report Thursday from The Wrestling Observer, Nash is unhappy with his role in the WWE. One of the greatest icons wrestling has ever produced and former six-time world champion, Kevin Nash, finally spoke up against his inactive role in the wrestling industry, in particular, his seemingly noticeable absence from WWE TV since making a cameo appearance at the Royal Rumble. Once a man always in the mix, he finds himself on the sideline. And when push comes to shove, friction breaks way. When former Kliq member Triple H, told the world on Monday night that he was taking over as WWE CEO, you can probably guess that surely made Nash squirm.
  5. I still think I could write better storylines. I'd make the Tag Titles relevant with one existing PPV's centered around it. Probably TLC style. I'd bring back the Cruiser Weight division. Create more stables with managers and members that are involved over a much longer amount of time.
  6. Well, if he's really not with the WWE anymore, then I think HHH handled it awesomely. If this is an angle, then they both pulled it off well. I like the idea of HHH running stuff, but getting his hands dirty once in awhile. Its a good storyline like Austin/Vince over a decade ago. HHH brings back Punk with the title.....Punk holds the title for awhile and HHH puts together a stable of guys to go after him. The anti-hero stuff would work well there.
  7. That would be lame. Maybe it'll be Steph....or Mick Foley who I've read could be coming back for a mic role.
  8. Hopefully this means the end of the stupid Raw GM storyline and HHH maybe takes over that roll. Who knows? It would be nice if he came out next monday and announced a huge tag team tourney, or the comeback of the Cruiser Weight division. Again. Raw should have one belt defended each week, and it should be the main event......AND it should be mixed up. So, you can build up storylines to that title defense. Tag, Inter-cont, US, Womens, Heavyweight, Cruiser Weight.
  9. Its funny you say that. I was wondering if they considered having the Rock and HHH, show up and jump Punk. Both are company guys obviously. I just don't see Punk jobbing like that.
  10. I don't know how the process works. But Ted should think about putting a d-league team in Richmond or Baltimore
  11. am I the only one who thinks there is a good chance we'll see another draft before another NBA season tips off?
  12. I would find it hard to justify any trading up this year. The difference between the top 5 players and the next five just isn't that steep to me. I think they should stand pat, take the best front court player available at both 1st round picks.
  13. I'm cool with HHH if he #1. Plays more of a goofster DX role, and #2. is running a stable of younger guys and not wrestling himself much.
  14. Its funny. I really believe if Vince fired all his writers and hired older fans (and by older I mean late 20's through late 30's), he would have good storylines for years. Personally I would change a lot to the writing. I would give more love to other belts including getting rid of one of their "heavyweight" ones and bringing back their Cruiser Weight and Middle Weight ones. They need to reinvent the tag team division. I'd put guys in storylines for a single belt that takes weeks and weeks to develop.
  15. I think looking at Dallas, their Veteran leadership and maturity carried them during all the rough spots. Their lineups probably only would work with an older team.
  16. I don't agree. I think Saunders was hired to coach Arenas/Butler/Jamison as a more vet group who was already making the playoffs. You could say the same thing about a number of younger guys making the same mistakes. When that happens I ask "What are they doing in practice?" because I simply don't believe Flip is putting in the work.
  17. I don't think you trade McGee right now. He shows more and more bursts of quality play. I think right now his biggest issue is no good teacher/head coach.
  18. Just saw two WWE trucks heading down 270. I wonder if they do prep for the PPV in a few weeks at Verizon.
  19. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/723134-tna-news-tna-says-they-have-severed-ties-with-chyna-and-jeff-hardy-trial-update It is being reported by TMZ.com that the contract between former WWE female wrestler Chyna and TNA has been terminated. Things between her and the company became shaky after it was reported that Chyna was working on her second adult film. Despite that, the two sides had continued to work towards a long-term contract, and there were some reports that it was already signed, but talks seemed to have stopped. TMZ reports that Chyna was told by TNA that if her second sex tape, "Backdoor Into Chyna," was released by Vivid Video later this month, she would never work for them again. TNA has since told Chyna that their previous contract offer is off the table for good. Chyna told TMZ, "The whole thing has been constant drama ... it's all good in the end ... [TNA] is missing the boat ... FREEDOOOOOM!" My personal thoughts on the subject are this: I don't really care. Chyna is a good women's wrestler, don't get me wrong, but if she wants to do her own thing then she should go do her own thing. She was at a crossroad in life and choose the adult film business over wrestling, and that's fine. TNA did the right thing here. Theres a big difference between one of your wrestlers posing for playboy and one of your wrestlers being in a "hardcore" adult film. On that note, anyone that would want to see Chyna in an adult film needs to take a serious look at themselves in the mirror and get their lives together. The sad thing is that by working with TNA for the little time that she did, Chyna probably screwed herself (no pun intended) out of getting into the WWE's Hall of Fame anytime soon, if not ever. In other TNA news, Jeff Hardy's drug case has been delayed once again. The never-ending drug trial feels like one of TNA's storylines it's been going on so long. The reason for the delay is that Moore County Sentencing Services program administrator Becky Carlson missed her June 1st deadline for Hardy's evaluation. The trial is now set to take place June 27th. Also TNA is now branding its live events as the "Impact Wrestling World Tour."
  20. I wonder if the next NBA commish will try getting rid of this stupid lotto. Congrats to the Cavs, they were abused by James. But if the NBA had a franchise tag, they wouldn't be in this situation.....and the NBA wouldn't be dealing with players who avoid playing against the best because its too hard.
  21. Does feel that "Monuments" is coming. Not sure if I like that. Make it easy, call them the Capitals also, and lets go home.
  22. When the NBA custom shop has updated gear with this stuff, let me know. Then I can make a t-shirt or hoodie I like.
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