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Rex Tomb

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About Rex Tomb

  • Birthday 10/24/1981

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  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Chris Cooley
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  1. I completely forgot the Vernon Davis played here for a stretch.
  2. Not to worry, with our offensive line I doubt he will have a clean pocket very often.
  3. That message board took me back 1997. Absolutely disgusting! 🤢
  4. Can't imagine that... Eckeler, just two seasons ago, was one of the top backs in the league... had a bad stint last year with LAC.
  5. OMG… Grant and Danny spent an entire 20 minute segment on this stupid topic. Fortunately rookie minicamp is just two days away.
  6. What was hilarious was hearing how many times the analyst who was talking about the pick had to say his name - it must have been like 15 times in two minutes... probably felt a little bit like a tongue twister by the end... howmuchwoodcouldawoodchuckchuck.
  7. From the Detroit Lions Scouts: Key observations: Opponents completed 43 percent of their passes with a 37.8 passer rating for just 194 yards and no touchdowns when throwing at DeJean in 10 games last season. He recorded seven interceptions combined the last two seasons and returned three of those for touchdowns. That stat may have scared us off - apparently prospects who are considered elite at the position only allow about 20% of their targets to be completed, so 43% is awfully high.
  8. Some might say he's still not a superstar, but I get your point.
  9. LaPorta tore it up early and often last year. Would be awesome if Sinnott could get that type of production early.
  10. The dude that plays Anakin is so bad at acting it's hilarious. He has the same expression on his face the entire series and says his lines like a whiny robot.
  11. A buddy of mine said he saw a stat that Dejean gives up a 50% catch rate or close to it. May be part of the reason.
  12. Peter’s appears to be playing the long game - stock piling guys with high upside without reaching on tackles simply because it’s a need. This will be a multi year process given the poor state the roster was in when Peters got here.
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