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About mike42

  • Birthday 06/07/1983

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Darrell Green, Clinton Portis, Ken Harvey
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    SW VA
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    Sports, Outdoors, Gaming
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  1. I feel the same based on my experiences with battling cancer as well. I can't see how this is going to work for Ron during treatment/recovery. He should step aside and focus his energy on his health. Coaching in the NFL is a dream job, but it's just a job.
  2. RELAX. If you're going to quote me, please talk to me directly, not to an audience. Not speaking for user twa, but where does twa think the tragedy is funny? He laughed at a Asbury post, but it wasn't at the victims. I stand correct on my response to AsburySkinFan. Look at his recent posts, I think it's fair amount of evidence to make the claim of playing for teams.
  3. Talk about playing for teams. Wow. It's always the other parties fault with you, isn't it?
  4. I listen to a lot of Redskin shows too ....but I watched the entire thanksgiving game to form my own opinion. You can find penalties on almost every play on either team on thanksgiving, when they choose to finally throw a flag or do oddly do nothing to obvious calls is where it makes things interesting. If you're going to be bias at any level in a game, it wouldn't be unreasonable to be low key about it by calling a bogus calls/no call for either team. With a even balance NFL, the officials have more of a impact than it ever has. See the 3rd Down call on our defense in the 4th quarter..a massive back breaker. It's about the timing is where things get strange. Do you have proof that the officials were not biased? I'm not saying Roger Goodell and the NFL boggy man are out to ruin the Redskins and not saying this happens often at all. I just feel there was some bias among the officials in this game. I'm not sure why there was bias.
  5. Please list the games of bad calls that won us the game like it did for Dallas. Yes. I'm for the integrity of the game. I normally don't blame the officials for a loss. Sure, bad calls has went our way in some games, but not in the way it worked for Dallas. Did you honestly watch the entire game? When we came crawling back, the officials suddenly shorted a fuse. It was that bad. These penalties and no calls shaped the outcome of the game. Kinda like it worked for the Texans the week before...
  6. After yesterday, I don't know what to believe anymore. I'm starting to agree with those who think things are bias, especially this game. I don't know what the officials are looking at and how they are missing these calls and why they threw the flags on some of it. It tend to work against us at the worst times possible. Very puzzling to me. But if you think the officials mistakes didn't have a huge impact in this game, then you weren't watching the same game as me. I'm sorry, it was that obvious.
  7. I use to hate that combo until this year when they brought these back. Never appreciated them until now. It's my favorites now.
  8. Talking about which retro uni to wear has gotten old. How about something modern for a change? Trying something new/staying modern is what we were doing for the first 75 years of our teams existence. Unsure why Allen took the cleanest uniforms and went half ass time travel backward with them. Time to move on to something modern..
  9. Makes a lot of sense. I'm surprised how much better that looks. Good job. Send that to Bruce.
  10. Why one thin line? 2 Wide stripes looked clean to me and classic. But I agree with a darker burgundy. Right now, we have one of the most confusing uniforms in the league because nothing matches. For a professional sports team, you would think they would do something to fix something simple because we look weird.
  11. Hopefully they can just go back to these: Just watched some old school Redskins and didn't realized how much I missed those. Especially the white on burg. Looks timeless.The stripes were really cool.
  12. I prefer the khaki gold and that shade of red. Looked more rough/serious. But the uniforms sucked. I'm one of the very few, but seeing an overwhelming amount of bright colors in football never looked right to me. Agreed about the piping being screwed up. Looks like Snyder is trying to save nickels/dimes on a tight budget and probably is.
  13. Yes, technically it is gold. But most people who see this shade of gold will likely say its yellow. To me, it was part of an idea in the late 60s to mimic the packers which is sad. It's an eyesore to look at. When Bruce Allen is fired, hopefully they go with him. That is why I mentioned the those pants started in the 70s, not 30s. Agree with burgundy with white jerseys man.
  14. Hopefully it's doing some modernization or having a consistent look to our team. I love our history, but these uniforms isn't going to bring a 80s Gibbs or Allen back. Need something to represent the present and teams do this through updates in uniforms, no different than we use to do. Doesn't have to be loud, but something better than what we have now. Personally, I hope they fuse the 80th anniversary colors with updated uniforms or at least fix the stripes. Maybe even ditching the helmet stripes. If your refering to the current yellowish gold we now, that is simply not true. Even Burg pants have longer history than these yellow pants. Burg pants : 1980-2009 Yellow gold pants: 1970s, 2010-present
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