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Worst Sci Fi, or otherwise remake of all time?


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I'm asking because right now I can't think of one worse than this Battlestar Gallactica remake I browsed over on tv yesterday afternoon.

Apollo: What's wrong captain!

Adama: Its.....its the budget, we don't have one...

Apollo: No fear captain, the cylons they're.....they look (gasp) like us.

Adama: Oh dear god, you mean now they could look like any actor or actress in Santa Barbara, oh save us!

Could they have come up with any crappier way to explain their obvious lack of a budget for special effects?

Let's not forget to mention lame acting, lame storylines, and lame sets to go along with the lack of what made that original series captivating the first time around, the cylon robotic army.

Has there been any worse remake?

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I've tried to get into the new Galactica, but it's like watching a soap opera, and the guy from Miami Vice who plays Odama is a real snooze-fest.

It wasn't that bad, but does anyone (and I'm showing my age here) remember when they tried to make a TV series out of Planet of the Apes? How about the TV version of Alien Nation.

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Guest Gichin13

You may be seeing the old series through rose colored glasses. It was not exactly filled with great dialogue, special effects, or acting.

I watched the new one a bit and enjoyed it, but somehow missed it whenever it was on.

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I never thought the old one was that great, either. Like nearly all Sci Fi shows, its first year was pretty bad, but it improved dramatically afterwards. (I'd say the same was true for Space 1999 and ST Next Generation).

I don't think the new Galactica is bad, but after seeing a few episodes, you're really just watching the same schitck over and over again i.e the Schizo VP fantasizing about the bimbo, the Asian babe dealing with denial of being a Cylon, the worn out Adama fighting to stay awake,etc.) It's too melodramatic, sorely lacking in action.

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Originally posted by iheartskins

The decision to remake Charlie's Chocolate Factory baffles me. The original is classic.

yes I don't understand that one either. Can't anyone make something orginal anymore everything is a remake.

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Agreed Riggotoni. I'm hoping that after the initial success the budget and hence action will get ratcheted up a bit. Otherwise I think it's a pretty good show...and now with Enterprise gone it's all I got left on TV as far as sci-fi goes.

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