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Bachelor night stories?

Erwin S.

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I just finished planning and celebrating a bach night for my best friend. Rule #1 was NO CAMERAS!! For my bach night my best man brought a camera and then left the pictures on my kitchen table for when we (my wife and I) returned from our honeymoon. Yeah, that was worth a few laughs to some of my "friends" but I must say, to this day the argument that ensued between my wife and I was the biggest we've had.

Anyway, the other night I got a luxury bus and all my buddies flew (or drove) back home and we went out. Half way through the night these 2 girls - pretty hot - get on our bus and allow whomever to stick their hands down their jeans to check for panties. Of course I did not participate - I'm happily married. THEN for 20 lousy bucks that one of my friends ponied up - one of the girls dropped her pants and took off her shirt bra and all. Putting aside the fact that she was stupid do such a thing on a luxury bus with 13 drunk guys (nothing happened but the possibilites for a future Dateline story were certainly there)- I have to ask: have girls changed this much in the last 10 years or did I miss out during my young and "crazy" days?

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Hate to say it Erwin, but I think you missed out. I certainly understand and admire your concern for the young "ladies", but I've seen,ahem, my share. my military days not withstanding,(the dorm was co-ed), my bouncer,bartender days here in Park City provided plenty of examples of the story you just told. It's amazing what some people, in this case women, will do just to get into the door, much less a few free drinks.

Quick example. Say.....Febuary 1989. I'm bartending one night,(keep in mind this is a Ski town), and this attractive well built woman informs me she likes my shirt. I said we had them for sale and could get her one. No, she said, i like "your" shirt. Oh. :D Let's just say a trade of shirts was arranged right there, on a busy weekend night at the bar. Sigh. I miss that job sometimes.

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In this day and age you'll be surprised at what these partys can hold. I've been to my share and from my experiences, bachelor parties at strip joints can't compare to private ones. Girls for hire are much more scandalous and will almost do anything for the right $$. Pretty much anything goes. Lesbo action with multiple penetrations and the works. Been to one where the groom's brother was the bodygaurd and brought two hotties that were totally faded on something. They were so messed up that we took full advantage and they didn't know what was going on with them. Of course I didn't fully participate in this porno but these girls were a notch below the industry in my opinion.

Money talks and now you can go online and check out the girls you want. They even ask for back-ups just in case you don't like what you see. I say take advantage of these opportunites and just have fun with it. :D

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Man, my bachelor party was so tame. Strip club and then a poker game. Not much to it.

I'm not about to start posting detailed stories of past, hedonistic experiences anyway, but if I were we'd have to have a thread called "College stories."

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Hey Brave! Now there's a good thread idea! :D Although i would imagine it would be best for those who are attached to never, I mean never, let the other half see it. :cool: Actually, maybe not. Descrection is the better part of valor. :rolleyes:

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Reminds me of the seasoned party girl who didn't realize she'd been raped until the check bounced.


Gotta admit, my deal was pretty quiet by cdandrun's standards, too ... a pair of fairly attractive -- if experienced -- ladies who gyrated a lot of flesh, then favored us with a bit of light interplay with one another. Naturally, that went on just enough to make everybody crazy before the bouncer dude did his Mr. Grumpy act and pulled the plug (as it were).

It's no wonder brides are so exhausted after honeymoons.

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Bachelor parties are an important step in getting married. It is that night that you realize that there is no return. Everything you ever wanted (lesbo's, orgies....etc) should be thrown in u'r face.

Is getting Oral the night of your batchelor party, considered 2 be cheating?

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