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Reason not to have Cyber sex...

Johnny Punani2

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PLEASE NOTE!!!!!!!!!!

I have stated on an earlier post I am 5'9", blonde and athletic. Just so there is no mistaking.....THIS IS NOT TEXAS BLONDIE!!!!!

I almost think I need to post picture! That is so sad.

Texas Blondie

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Well, ahem. (blush), hi Blondie. Er lady in the house! :D I saw that post and I believe ya. No picture necessary.(But always welcome. ahem. ) Ya know, the um, woman in that picture up there is more than likely a Dallas fan. :D

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Blondie, (sorry, just can't put Texas in there:laugh: ) seeing we both work for a school district, even though we're at different ends of such...feel free to e-mail me with any pictures for a second opinion of which ones to post here.:laugh: Just kidding .

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