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Bush job preformance


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Originally posted by Jay Master Jay

Why cant someone say something negative about Pres. Bush? He's not perfect and he has lied to the people. In a lot of our eyes he isn't a good president why is this so hard for you Bush backers to understand? This isn't about Clinton this about Georgie Boy. He has the job & the question is how is he doing? He isn't doing a good job right now in some of our eyes.

Exactly what did he lie about? Every president makes mistakes but curious what you think he lied about.

Pez the quote about the demand is largely due to the huge demand from China right now, I have heard that the price of a barrel could double soon.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Exactly what did he lie about? Every president makes mistakes but curious what you think he lied about.

Pez the quote about the demand is largely due to the huge demand from China right now, I have heard that the price of a barrel could double soon.

I'm just here to provide info to keep the debate going :D :D :D :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by smack500

We did not go to iraq for the iraq people, if you beleive this I would beleive you to be ignorant. We came there for wmds, there wont none, then we were there to help the iraq people suposedly. Which was said so the admin wouldnt look as bad.

I'd agree with "We did not go to iraq for the iraq people". But disagree with "We came there for wmds".

Bush fully intended to invade Iraq, even before he was elected. WMDs and 9/11 were the excuse he used to "sell" it to the voters.

But that doesn't mean his motives were evil, either.

I suspect a good part of his motives were based on the reasoning that

  • A lot of our economic interests are based in the middle east.
  • The middle east has been home to more pains in the tookis than anywhere else in the world, for some time.
  • I don't have any effective bases in the area.
  • And I need what they've got. (And they know it.)

Now, to me, if I wanted a base in the mideast, I'd have been talking to Kuwait, since I seem to recall that those folks owe us a really big favor. (Like, they wouldn't have a country right now if it wasn't for us). Granted, Kuwait isn't quite as nice a place for a base as Iraq, but it's rather close, and there's something to be said about a country giving us a base voluntarily.


I'm remembering a friend, telling me about an interview he saw with Moshe Dyan (sp? Former Israeli SecDef). They asked him why Israel was continuing to occupy the "occupied territories".

His response was that, in "the old days", every so often, he'd get a report, saying that somebody in the Golan heights with a mortar was shelling an elementary school.

His response was to pick up a phone on his desk (points at a phone), and call the Foreign Minister. The FM would then have to compose a protest letter, and deliver it to the ambasador from (Peru? No diplomatic relations with Syria.) The Peruvians would deliver the letter to their Syrian ambasador, and about two weeks later they'd get back a letter saying that gee, they'd looked at the place where the mortar was, but gee, everybody had left.

And, a few days later, it would happen again.

He then pointed out that now, if there was a problem, he picked up that other (military) phone, and a young man on the other end said "Yes, sir". And under the second arraingement, a lot fewer people were firing mortars at elementary schools. (And very few people were doing so twice.)


So, to get back to the topic: Yes, I think Bush lied to get us into this war. But, he may have had a perfectly good reason for doing so.

(I'm a bit disapointed that he's still lieing about the reasons. But really, the correct time to "come clean" is in his memoirs.)

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Iraq didn't have WMDs when we invaded..........most likely they were shifted to the Bekka Valley which is a big reason that we want to make sure that Syria leaves Lebanon so that valley can't be used for terrorism training and such...

Indeed there was a lot of faulty intelligence that Bush used to back up his claims that Iraq had WMD but he never lied just relied on advisors who misled him, chose to ignore tangible evidence and he dealt with an intelligence community that was competeing against itself...

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advisors who mislead him, no he mislead us. ,CIA, DOD, and others have released reports that the white house exagerated reports on several ocasions to the U.N., and to the american public / media. This was a big thing months ago.

this is not his only lie either. How about his intentions/comments on canadian drug importation pre election.

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Originally posted by smack500

advisors who mislead him, no he mislead us. ,CIA, DOD, and others have released reports that the white house exagerated reports on several ocasions to the U.N., and to the american public / media. This was a big thing months ago.

this is not his only lie either. How about his intentions on canadian drug importation pre election.

when you get a report from our agencys that say they have WMD how is that a lie, this is what he was told and this is what he told us

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The fact is this is not what he was told. When he tried to blame intelligence agencies they released reports on what was givin to him. There was no clear evidence of wmds. What you saw on tv pre war, was exagerated by bush and staff. This is very public knowledge now.

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

pez chart seems to indicate otherwise unless I am reading it wrong....anyway....I don't put much stock in charts, graphs or surveys because they can be biased very easily as I am sure people are aware....


I am sorry, but Kilmer is right on this

You have to factor inflation ( and by historial standards, it is rather cheap). It's ok to be wrong

Don't let your hatred of this adminstration blind you from logic and reason.

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Thats irrelevant....gas prices have gone up for myself I am paying more for gas now than I did say....6 months ago....and inflation hasn't increased the price that much....so...in a way we are both right....he can use economics to say that we are paying less now than back then I can say look at reality....and compare what was being payed say last week with what is being paid today.....gas is going up at 1 cent a day...

Any ways I tend not to blame the Bush admin that much for the price of gas...

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

Thats irrelevant....gas prices have gone up for myself I am paying more for gas now than I did say....6 months ago....and inflation hasn't increased the price that much....so...in a way we are both right....he can use economics to say that we are paying less now than back then I can say look at reality....and compare what was being payed say last week with what is being paid today.....gas is going up at 1 cent a day...

Any ways I tend not to blame the Bush admin that much for the price of gas...

Funky you are as old as me so should have been driving back in the early 90's when Clinton was in office, remember that 98 cents of gas, well after he left didn't gas go up to like 1.50??

The horror :doh:

It is called prices rise over time, this is normal stop trying to blame one president when it happens under everyone.

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Originally posted by smack500

The fact is this is not what he was told. When he tried to blame intelligence agencies they released reports on what was givin to him. There was no clear evidence of wmds. What you saw on tv pre war, was exagerated by bush and staff. This is very public knowledge now.

again, link??????

Please back up statements with facts when you post here. Otherwise, it's just opinion from you with little credibility.

I also asked you for links from your vitriolic statements in an earlier post and you opted not to respond. As a reminder, here is my post again...

It must be hard living life so misinformed.

"take all of social security"???????

Link please...

How has he shown he's "forgotten" about the troops?

Link please...

"He's a thief"

Link please....

Just making things up to bash him about adds nothing to the discussion.

I fully understand those that have actual concerns over policy and political Dogma. Why not stick to the facts instead?

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you must have lumped several peoples comments in one lump some.

as far as me, go back to my previous posts. I have posted links on the president devious ways regarding prescription drugs. I also posted a link regarding how bad his social security idea is (not just my or democrat opinion either). I will post a link as far as the intelligence reports go soon. Ill have to find them again.

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Originally posted by smack500

you must have lumped several peoples comments in one lump some.

as far as me, go back to my previous posts. I have posted links on the president devious ways regarding prescription drugs. I also posted a link regarding how bad his social security idea is (not just my or democrat opinion either). I will post a link as far as the intelligence reports go soon. Ill have to find them again.

I apologize, the question was meant for Jam Master Jay.

I quoted the wrong post in error.

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Originally posted by smack500

I also posted a link regarding how bad his social security idea is (not just my or democrat opinion either). I will post a link as far as the intelligence reports go soon. Ill have to find them again.

No one has a clue what his plan would do. At least it would provide people like you and me some form of Social Security.

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Originally posted by jbooma

No one has a clue what his plan would do. At least it would provide people like you and me some form of Social Security.

If your point is that Bush hasn't made any precise proposal for SS, then I guess you're correct. But do you really want to stand behind a statement that points out that "No one has a clue" (because it's all vaporware), and "At least it would {do so-and-so}", in the same paragraph? :)

But I should point out that even the White House is now admitting that the proposals Bush is making so far will do nothing to "save" Social Security.

In short, the one thing that you're guaranteeing it will accomplish, is the one thing that Bush is saying it won't do.

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Originally posted by Larry

If your point is that Bush hasn't made any precise proposal for SS, then I guess you're correct. But do you really want to stand behind a statement that points out that "No one has a clue" (because it's all vaporware), and "At least it would {do so-and-so}", in the same paragraph? :)

But I should point out that even the White House is now admitting that the proposals Bush is making so far will do nothing to "save" Social Security.

In short, the one thing that you're guaranteeing it will accomplish, is the one thing that Bush is saying it won't do.

Larry it is hard to find out what the impact would be if we don't know the entire plan yet, all you hear is this and that.

Do you understand Social Security was never meant to have people live off of it, it was created as a type of insurance, not something you can just live off the rest of your life.

This is why I hate dems on this subject, the reason social security is failing because we take to much advantage of it and use it for something it was never meant to be.

At least with Bush's plan think only 3% of your normal contribution will go into a 401K type account, why is that so bad for some of you?

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Originally posted by jbooma

No one has a clue what his plan would do. At least it would provide people like you and me some form of Social Security.

Why dont you look at the links I posted before commenting on them.



Also you complain about the dems. However theres alot of republicans that dont want to have nothing to do with this. I think this is an important subject to most americans, and the fact is most of the ones that take the time to look into it, dont like this idea. Democrat or republican.

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