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Shocking news - Skins may release Coleman!!!

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Shocking news indeed!


Agent Says Coleman Expects to Be Released Soon

By Mark Maske

Washington Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, May 29, 2002; 1:03 PM

Marco Coleman's representative said today that he expects the Washington Redskins to release the veteran defensive end next week to clear salary cap space. Agent Jack Reale said the two sides are far from an agreement on a reworked contract that would keep Coleman with the team.

The Redskins have told Reale that, barring a last-minute deal on a renegotiated contract, they plan to release Coleman early next week but intend to try to re-sign him for a lower salary after he tests the free agent market, Reale and club officials said. Coleman, 32, has refused the Redskins' request that he accept a significant reduction of his salary of more than $3 million for next season.

"I don't think he's going to have a new contract on June 1," Reale said. "There's a distinct possibility that the Redskins will release him. He's going to go test the market, and the Redskins have indicated they would have an interest in trying to re-sign him."

Reale said the Redskins have told him they will give him the official word on their decision regarding Coleman after Saturday. Under NFL rules, teams can defer the bulk of the salary cap hits for releasing players by a season if they make the moves after June 1. But asked about the possibility of a last-minute breakthrough in negotiations, Reale said the Redskins' intentions to release Coleman have become clear.

"I think they've already made the decision," Reale said.

Joe Mendes, the Redskins' vice president of football operations, declined to comment. Sources confirmed that Redskins officials have only slim hopes of a deal with Coleman in the coming days but said that the club has a strong interest in attempting to re-sign Coleman later if he lowers his price tag.

"I've talked to Joe, and I think we're pretty far apart," Reale said of the negotiations. "The team has made a decision that they're going to reevaluate things on June 1. It doesn't look like there's going to be a new contract."

Reale said he expects the Redskins to act quickly next week. The team would have to pay Coleman a roster bonus of $500,000 if it doesn't release him by next Wednesday. The Redskins would clear more than $3.5 million of salary cap room by releasing Coleman after Saturday. The club currently is less than $1 million under next season's $71.1 million-per-team cap.

The Miami Dolphins, Chicago Bears and Philadelphia Eagles apparently are interested in Coleman, but it is not clear whether he will attract big-money contract offers at a time of the year when most teams are searching for bargains. The Redskins apparently would want to re-sign him for a salary around the veteran's minimum of $750,000.

"I think we have to see what's out there," Reale said of the possibility of Coleman re-signing with the Redskins. "There's simply a disagreement over his value. Our conversations have been cordial. Marco is a veteran player. He understands this comes down to financial considerations. He respects their right to do what they feel is best for their team. The Redskins have simply told us not to break off the conversations."

The Redskins also are likely to release long snapper Ethan Albright and cornerback Donovan Greer after Saturday, moves that will create more than $1.2 million of salary cap room.

The Redskins have opened discussions with agent Leigh Steinberg about renegotiating the contract of veteran defensive end Bruce Smith. Coleman's departure virtually would ensure that Smith would remain with the team next season. The Redskins have had conversations with agent Steve Weinberg about a new contract for tailback Stephen Davis, who would be in jeopardy of being released for salary cap purposes following the 2002 season.

The team needs salary cap space to sign its draft choices and veteran free agents. The Redskins would like to sign Sam Adams or another free agent defensive tackle to start alongside Dan Wilkinson. The club also needs a starting left guard and might sign a wide receiver and a safety.

Matt Campbell was added to the list of available guards when he was released by the Houston Texans on Tuesday. Campbell played for the Redskins last season but was selected by Houston in February's expansion draft.

Newcomer Renaldo Wynn is slated to take over as the Redskins' starting left end, the position that Coleman played the past two seasons after one season at right end.

Coleman was not immediately available to comment today. He said in a recent telephone interview that he hoped to remain with the Redskins, but was prepared to move on with no bitterness if an agreement could not be reached.

Coleman signed with the Redskins as a free agent prior to the 1999 season and became an immediate locker-room leader for a team that won the NFC East title that year. He nearly left the Redskins as a free agent following that season, but re-signed and had a career-best 2000 season, notching 12 sacks and being selected to his first Pro Bowl. Last season, however, he missed four games because of a dislocated elbow and his production slipped to 4 1/2 sacks.

The former first-round draft choice out of Georgia Tech has 56 1/2 sacks in 10 NFL seasons for the Dolphins, San Diego Chargers and Redskins.

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...intend to try to re-sign him for a lower salary after he tests the free agent market...

..."I think we have to see what's out there," Reale said of the possibility of Coleman re-signing with the Redskins. "There's simply a disagreement over his value. Our conversations have been cordial. Marco is a veteran player. He understands this comes down to financial considerations. He respects their right to do what they feel is best for their team. The Redskins have simply told us not to break off the conversations."...


Probably the best strategy for Marco if he wants to make sure he gets his maximum value. So, assuming Reale is telling us the truth about Marco's feelings, what is our competitve offer?


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Originally posted by Skeletor The Invincible

okay, question, Why are we releasing Coleman, even though Smith is several years older?

Is Colemans's cap number just too high?

My guess is that the team already has a younger version of Coleman in Wynn. There is no Bruce Jr., however. Like it or not, he's still the best pass-rushing end the team has, at this point.

That make's him more valuable than Marco is, and so the team is more flexible in negotiations with him. You notice in the article that they are trying to re-do his deal, too.

That certainly isn't "news", but they aren't going to take such a hard-line approach with him. I just hope they're not restructuring, but just trying to lower his base.

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I would like to keep Marco over Bruce but money and cap space is the key. I am very excited to see if M.Lewis uses LaVar as a pass rusher as has been said. I think LaVar can cause some problems for opposing offenses.:cool:

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Originally posted by Skins57

I would like to keep Marco over Bruce but money and cap space is the key.

With the signing of Wynn, I think it's a no brainer that if one of the two must go, it's Marco. I still think Bruce is going to be a great pass rusher. But I'm very interested to see who's going to start at right DE on running downs. Any ideas? If we had to go with what we've got right now, who would it be? We still have some young guys that we haven't really seen much of. Anyone know how some of them would fair against the run? Just a thought.

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Marco indicates he may resign after he's cut if we can offer him the best deal and there are others whose teams want to resign guys who they cut.

Lets say we cut Marco and take his pro-rated bonus hit in new dead-money and then resign him to a multi-year deal with a bonus and cut him next year. Would he then create two seperate cap hits or one?

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From a Cap standpoint its better to keep B Smith until next year the release him or let him retire preferably June 1st 2k3.

I'm thinking right now our project Leverette could be our RDE on running downs until we pick up one after Saturday.

Why can't we just go with a DT at the RDE spot on running downs?

We definately have the secondary to dare them to throw.

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ND is right. We save more than $500,000 additional cap space releasing Marco over B. Smith. We really need the space to sign the rookies, and a DT and LG.

I see the slyness of Joe Mendes in this deal. Both he and Marco know that he's not worth his current cap space to the 'Skins...but they disagree on what the current value is. Joe is letting the market set it for a 32 year old DE with ave 5.6 Sacks per year. Then, he re-approaches Marco and talks about the savings of staying in camp...no moving (ask you wife about that), no buying a new house, no new schools. Mendes can then match another offer with the same money or less, but with more value to Marco and his family


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Originally posted by OPM

Lets say we cut Marco and take his pro-rated bonus hit in new dead-money and then resign him to a multi-year deal with a bonus and cut him next year. Would he then create two seperate cap hits or one?

Once he's cut, the cap hit from his current deal is frozen so there would be additional cap ramifiactions from another contract. So it depends on how you want to lok at it; there would be just one Marco Coleman cap hit, but there would be one from his current contract and one from whatever deal he may sign after being cut.

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