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Spurrier's QBs look better ... when they know the defense

One Dollar

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What the heck is this? :doh:

Spurrier's QBs look better ... when they know the defense

Does this not worry you fans? I mean when the real bullets fly opposing coordinators are NOT going to be giving away thier plays. Somehow this just does not look to promising for the Qb and IMO will really blow thier confidence once they are in a real game.

He should let them LEARN the defensive looks and you have a DC that has an excellent resume' to give them a variety of them...just don't tell them! Just an outsider's viewpoint.

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I'm shakin' in my boots. I'm sure this is the first time this has EVER been done in a mini-camp. I'm sure that the Bucs and the offensive juggernaut that they are would never have pulled a dastardly stunt like this. :doh:

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Old news and no news at that. Every freakin team has "walkthroughs", especially with a totally new revolutionary system being installed. The difference is Spurrier is under the biggest microscope in the league this year and stupid meaningless bullshiznit like this will get printed. No story here.

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This is One Dollar reaching again, but, at least he's a "friend" so we can let him. As has been said in a long thread from last week, there's really nothing negative that is going to concern a fan of a team that can happen in May. As is known of the Spurrier system, there's always a correct play for a specific defense. It would appear he isolated those plays against those looks to demonstrate that this offense can be successful against great defensive backfields. Answering criticism against him that he couldn't get players open in the pros like he did in college, Spurrier proved he can get players open against pro athletes. All it takes is the right play call.

Now, in coaching sessions and camp to follow, the offensive players must show the ability to build on what Spurrier showed them by making their own adjustments. But, in May we know two things. First, the right play will work against even a good defense. Second, the offensive players know this, and the success or failure of the offense is now on their learning curve and ability. We'll know a bit more about how that's working out as the months roll by.

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Rat_boy, how many NFL seasons was in that 19? ;) And my resume is the same as yours as far as NFL coaching goes so what is your point?

mardi gras skin at least got it right when he said "2 cents from 1 dollar isn't worth 1 plug nickel." :D that was good..

It is kind of comical when you take in all the QB controvery he had getting his mediocre to poor NFL QB's and then giving them the defensive plays. I couldn't just sit idly by and not throw some chum in the water. Lets just hope SOS does at least let them TRY and learn how to read defenses. ;)

and FYI Gruden and Kiffen are longtime friends and it has been reported that the practices and camps were like poker matches between them with neither tipping thier hand. Plus we do have QB's that are keen on reading defenses already. In fact our defensive players were commenting on how much harder they are working on stopping Grudens schemes. Kiffen also wants to avenge that 45-0 whipping Grudens Raiders gave him in 1999 :)

How about more pics in that player wives thread :cool:

Cheers! :cheers:

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So real man's weather is not 98 degrees with field temps over 105 and 100% humidity? :cool:

That weak weather argument looks more and more ridiculas whenever someone brings it up.

Let me point a few things out which makes this argument bogus:

1) a sample size of 20 over 26 seasons winds up being less than a game a year, hardly representative.

2) this is important because the Bucs have sucked for approximately 18 of their 26 seasons, meaning we couldn't beat ANYBODY IN ANY WEATHER during most of our history. Sh!t, if we're 2-14 and lose to Green Bay in the cold does that really tell you anything?

3) Since 1997, or when we became a pretty good team, we have generally lost in the cold to teams that were BETTER THAN US, usually Green Bay. We did beat Chicago in Chicago in January of 1999, but I think the temperature was exactly 40 degrees. We beat them 20-6, so it wouldn't have mattered if it was 20 degrees.

4) All of the cold weather games have obviously been ROAD GAMES, where the probability of winning is lower anyway (particularly when your franchise average record over 18 of your 26 seasons is 4-12! )

This whole argument is baloney (sorry but it steams me because the media keeps bringing it up). Yes people get used to the warm weather, and I'm sure it's harder to win in the cold, but hey, both teams play in it and the best team that day usually wins.

But like lemmings you all follow the media's claim so I know you will never realize the real reason, unless of course dave was just trying to return the favor :silly:

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Originally posted by One Dollar

In fact our defensive players were commenting on how much harder they are working on stopping Grudens schemes.

Well, that's good enough for me. The Bucs are on their way.

This may or may not be true, OD, but do you really think you would hear otherwise, at this point? Isn't this a meaningless statement?

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Hey Jimbo-boy,

you can't be refering to that profootballtalk rumor page I hope. that's about as credible as ...your post. :silly:

Rice has attended all the minicamps. Off-season workouts? Who knows. In the quotes I've seen attributed to him in the off-season, he's been nothing but positive and really looking forward to the season.

The players are like the rest of us. They have families, responsibilities, things that come up in their lives. But as a Buc hater I know you assume/wish the worst. ;) We don't.

Henry, that thread is WAY to long for a non-Skins fan to even fathom reading. :)

I have to give you guys credit though for looking at the positives and shrugging off the worries, but hey it is the off-season and everything is hunky-dory right now. I'll be here during the season to take my lumps or give them ;) :laugh:

Damn it's hot today.

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Dollar, it's a pretty excrutiating read for Redskin fans too. Which, I'm pretty sure, was my point. :)

I just wanted to let you know that the horse you just walked by and gave a playful kick is very very dead. No need to keep beating it.

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Dollar, sadly, that website is about as credible as the report you cited. I can't believe espn prints such tripe, but there you go. Some nitwit AP reporter either doesn't understand how things work, or else espn figures we'll just print it anyway because a certain percentage of saps will always bite. And you did.

I'm not a Buc hater, more like an ignorer. I like Gruden and am interested to see hos this works out for him.

Now, many Buc fans I could work up a distaste for, but that's different.

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I'm with you Jimbo on the media tripe. but I'm not a sap, maybe an instigator :)

I can I work up a distaste for many Skin fans too just because of internet chat and forums like we have here. It's just the way it is in cyberspace discussion.

In reality we all have a common interest in the game and if we were to hang out in person we would all get along and enjoy eachothers company I'm sure.

One way I look at it is if I went to a party and a game was on I would much rather have a rival fan to watch the game with and converse about it with than to have no football fans at all there and watch it by myself.

If Gruden interests you here is an article on his first 100 days as Bucs coach

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