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OT: Eminem


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Has anyone heard the new song by this jackass? Through out the whole song he is going off about how everybody talks about him, everybody cares about him, etc. What a bunch of bull. Maybe two years ago everybody was talking about him, but does ANYONE other than the jackass down at the 7-11 with the bass system in his old mustang still care about Eminem? I was just wondering...

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Actually..........yes. Eminem is still hot. As a 19 year old college student who watches BET/MTV all the time, I count myself as part of the loop. a LOT of my college boys like Eminem, I am not a big fan myself, but many people still like him. His new stuff is hot. And "Without Me" is kinda tight. I like it personally, even though I'm more of a hardcore gangsta rap kind of guy...IE Bone thugs, Eazy E, Cash Money, Three Six Mafia, etc etc

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Has anyone heard the new song by this jackass? Through out the whole song he is going off about how everybody talks about him, everybody cares about him, etc. What a bunch of bull. Maybe two years ago everybody was talking about him, but does ANYONE other than the jackass down at the 7-11 with the bass system in his old mustang still care about Eminem? I was just wondering...

Eminem's record sales this summer will answer your question. In Hip-HOp entertainment sector the album will be highly coveted.

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I don't give a rat's *** about this guy. Yes I am a 30 somethin rocker. I prefer some Zep or rush ,who ,the stones ,cream, mountian,sabbath, yes, creedence,CSN, Skynyrd,Van Halen, Doors, Hendrix, Clapton you get the point. This guy should be arrested for noise pollution.:laugh:

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When I was young I used to buy up every rap album in sight. At 30 I'm not as impressed with what's put out in general and don't like rap as much since now it's based so much on the music more so than the rapper. A rapper can be garbage but sound good because he's rhyming over a nice R&B loop. Tiring.

Eminem is a rare exception as he has a wide range of vocabulary and can rhyme very well over any speed or tempo. I also commend him in the fact you can hear everything he's saying word for word if you listen. The same can't be said for 60% of other rappers out there today mumbling over whatever their trying to say. This is helped by his unique voice, one thing that carries a rapper more so than style. His content is a bit redundant but so has every other musician that ever lived. You keep going with what works.

escholz, your getting the point of Eminem and missing it at the same time. Negative press is what makes his money. If he's pissing you off to the point you have to talk about him on a Redskin messageboard, he's accomplished the targeted response from you.


Absolutely useless movie trivia: Cuba Gooding Jr's first big screen appearance? In a barber shop chair in Coming to America.

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Guest Trevor

I downloaded it the other day. It's ok, typical Eminem stuff. Not a big fan of his, but it's listenable to me. Rather listen to Ice Cube or 2pac myself.

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I now know I have officially joined the ranks of the Old Men. I'll take Rush or Van Halen over the shock-value-punk du jour any day. So Eminem says naughty things and makes kids feel rebellious and rightious. More power to him. As long as this is America and I'm allowed to change the station, I don't really care.

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Eminem is going to be headlineing the HFStival at RFK stadium on May 25th. I used to listen to HFS when I was in college and law school, back when Little Feat and Bruce Springsteen were cutting edge and that was the only station that would play them. Since then, I continue to listen to them.

When my older daughter was a freshman in high school and asked to go to her first HFStival, I was faced with a bit of a problem. I did not think it was an appropriate place for a 14 year old, but I really didn't want to "stunt" her. so a friend of mine came up with the idea that we should get tickets and "invite" our daughters and their friends (his daughter is the same age as mine) to go. I have been to the last 4 of these concerts and seen a lot of great groups, including rap legends RunDMC. Now that my daughter is a senior in high school, I am still a little uncomfortable with her going when I am not there, but ta-da, my younger daughter wants to go.

So. . . I will be seeing Eminem in two weeks. This is probably the only type of venue that I could do so, he will play for perhaps an hour and I will have heard much of what he sings.

BTW, I like his new "song." (there is a school of thought that Rap is not real music because it lacks one of the basic elements, melody.) I think it is funny as H*ll.

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Has anyone heard the new song by this jackass? Through out the whole song he is going off about how everybody talks about him, everybody cares about him, etc. What a bunch of bull. Maybe two years ago everybody was talking about him, but does ANYONE other than the jackass down at the 7-11 with the bass system in his old mustang still care about Eminem? I was just wondering...

Does anyone else find it ironic that escholz is going out of his way to emphasize exaclty what Mr M&M is claiming. Is Escholz not talking about him, caring about his popularity enough to post an off topic thread on a football message board? Yes Mr. Escholz you are talking about him. Although I have never heard the "song" and I use the term "song" very loosely, I fear Mr. m&m's legend is still going strong, the no-talent-egocentric-wannabe a brotha-mouse voiced-twerp.

Gawd, I hate "rap" and wish it would just go away. I think they are running out of bad rhymes for that poor over-used electronic scratch beat and recorded or sampled bassline.

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Ya know, I must be a gluton for punishment but I gotta say...

I'm a 42 year old white man and I LIKE Eminem. The guy has a talent for words and he tells a pretty good story. He's funny as hell yet songs like Stan show he also has depth. I don't agree with everything he says or does but then again, I can say that about a lot of people I otherwise admire.

Listen to the song people. I mean really listen to it. He doesnt think he's that big a deal. He's making fun of people who get so bent out of shape about him. The guy has learned from the past that controiversy sells records, the media is willing to fan the flames so he eggs them on and makes a joke about it. I think it's pretty funny.

I'm pretty much a rock and roll kinda guy but I can appreciate just about any kind of music from jazz to blues to classical. If it's good, it's good. When it comes to rap, Eminem is pretty darn good.

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There will NEVER be another rap artist that compares to 2PAC.

As far as Eminiem goes I will give him props. He has been the only white boy since Vanilla Ice(and we know how that turned out) that has made it and his flow is great. He can freestyle with the best of them. He talks noise about everyone, because that is what sells. Joking on top performers is the way to cause controversy and make MONEY! Isn't that what it is all about?

Still I would pefer DMX and Ja Rule on the rap scene.

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Xfactor, Kid Rock is white. He is a pretty fair rapper, at least in my opinion.

Mad Mike, the HFStival attracts a pretty eclectic crowd. It will not be packed by eminem fans, but by followers of alternative rock. Other groups that will be there include Papa Roach, Good Charlotte, and the Strokes. All in all about 8 bands on Saturday and 9 on Sunday. It's an all-day affair.

In the past I have seen Rage against the Machine, Offspring, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Cypress Hill, Godsmack, Stone Temple Pilots. and Limp Bizkit. Most of these I would not see at a regular concert, but in this setting, it's OK. The only rules I have are that there will be no crowd surfing and that the kids have to check in with me between groups.

The following week I am going to see Greenday and Blink 182. Both my daughters will be at that one too, but only the younger will have to check in with me between groups.

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Well, guess I was wrong...must just be the white-bread crowd that I hang around with. I guess that I was just hoping that this guy would fall off the face of the earth. Looks like I will have to wait another year. This ADD-ridden society of ours doesn't allow any artist a shelf-life of more than a few years.

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Have you listened to much Eminem? Songs like Suck my D***? The guy can be as crude as they come and he doesnt strike me as the type of person to tone it down for anyone, anywhere.

I mean It's your choice. I respect the concept not hidding children from the world and being there to teach the valuable lessons. I'm just saying You should know what you are getting into if you don't already. Personally I would draw the line at 16 with supervision. Maybe :rolleyes:

Man... "Rage against the Machine, Offspring, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Cypress Hill, Godsmack, Stone Temple Pilots. and Limp Bizkit." GOOD STUF!!!! I would see any of those bands. The Chili Peppers are way up on my must see list!

Back to Eminem though. Seriously, think X rated movie. :peace:

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I'm sure someone, somewhere said the same EXACT thing about Elvis.

Your point being? Elvis mostly got by on shock value too, and it eventually caught up with him. There's a reason he ODed on the potty while slurring his way to oblivion in Vegas. That untimely death saved his reputation and made him a favorite subject of the National Enquirer, but that doesn't mean that Elvis was a talent unequalled by his peers.

Your comment simply reinforces my point. Pushing the envelope is nothing new. (insert name here) has been doing it for decades, and will do so long after Mr. Mathers is languishing in the discount bin. But if button-pushing is what you are looking for in music, that's totally fine with me. Personally, I look for something else. :)

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Mike, the Chili Peppers have a song with identical lyrics to the eminem song you mentioned. Blink 182 has a song where the lyrics mentions having "your father suck my d***" When I questioned my daughter about some of these lyrics (this would be the older one, several years ago) she responded that it was nothing that she had not heard on the playground in 4th grade.

And is it really any worst that rock and roll songs of years gone by. Ever since Elvis, heck could be since Sinatra and the bobbie-soxers, parents have had trouble identifying with the music of their children. I just never stopped listening to rock, and some rap, like eminem, crosses over.

Like you, I appreciate all music from classical to jazz to rock to rap. Pretty much everything but C&W.

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Cool, Just wanted to make sure you knew what you are getting into. BTW "Suck my D***" is the chorus, he says it about twenty times. :rolleyes:

You are right though, you cant hide kids from the world, all you can do is be there to explain it to them.

Pretty much everything but C&W.

EXACTLY! I'm also not big on Opera:laugh: :cheers:

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Don't get-em bunched up partner!

Whatcha got against Elvis? He's inspired everyone from the Beatles to Van Halen. (If Ice cream man is'nt an "Elvis tune" I don't know what is)

on the potty

Do people actualy say this any more?

Sorry, I couln't resist:halo:

I don't look for button-pushing, it just doesn't bother me as much as some people. Then again, if it were not for button-pushing people we would all be Quakers or Taliban.:shutup:

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