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DTC website preview

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Originally posted by gibby56

First of all I am hell bent on doing whatever it takes to make you stay in the DC area (this includes a promotion) and come to every home game next year, but if you refuse to be a team player I would like to know where you get your tickets from and I may be interested in selling those to some up and coming members of the DTC

No chance I'm staying man. I've promised, however, to make at least 2, maybe 3, home games next season. With that said, I might need help acquiring tickets. We'll talk.

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Originally posted by gibby56

First of all I am hell bent on doing whatever it takes to make you stay in the DC area (this includes a promotion) and come to every home game next year, but if you refuse to be a team player I would like to know where you get your tickets from and I may be interested in selling those to some up and coming members of the DTC

The save Thito fund? You could put a "donation" link on your new website....and for all those that donate could receive a wristband with Thito's mug on it....I likes, I likes...

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Originally posted by Art

Hey, can I be the official DTC bouncer?

Hey, Art.

Since I am the "Head of Security" at F-51, you need to talk to me. :D

I don't think any of the other members would have a problem with you being an "Honorary Bouncer" when you come and tailagte with us.

I could use all the help I can. :laugh:

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Originally posted by skinsfan44

Hey, Art.

Since I am the "Head of Security" at F-51, you need to talk to me. :D

I don't think any of the other members would have a problem with you being an "Honorary Bouncer" when you come and tailagte with us.

I could use all the help I can. :laugh:

This is correct all security issue need to be addressed to SknisFann44

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Originally posted by gibby56

First of all I am hell bent on doing whatever it takes to make you stay in the DC area (this includes a promotion) and come to every home game next year

I feel the same way, gibby.

I am really bumbed out about thito not repping at ALL the games this upcoming season.

We are going to miss you, Seth. :(

Thito, you are going to be here for the Draft Day Party, right????

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Originally posted by skinsfan44

Thito, you are going to be here for the Draft Day Party, right????

It's looking more and more like I won't be. If everythin goes as planned, I'll be gone around the weekend of April 15, which I believe is the weekend before the draft. I was planning on leaving the first weekend of April, but that's getting delayed 2 weeks, and I won't be able to push it back any further. If anything changes, there's no doubt I'd be at draft day, but it's looking as if I won't make it this year.

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Originally posted by SkinsHokieFan

I'll stop in two or 3 times again this year, and show up earlier when everyone is still somewhat coherent, rather then the hour before kickoff when I did this past season.

Maybe I'll have the privelage of hitting up the cone this year ;)

The cone has your name all over it, specially since you are a Hokie fan as well

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Originally posted by thito_da_skins_fan

It's looking more and more like I won't be. If everythin goes as planned, I'll be gone around the weekend of April 15, which I believe is the weekend before the draft. I was planning on leaving the first weekend of April, but that's getting delayed 2 weeks, and I won't be able to push it back any further. If anything changes, there's no doubt I'd be at draft day, but it's looking as if I won't make it this year.

Then maybe you will be coming to the Extremeskins get-together.???

If not, we (the DTC) have got to throw you a going away party.

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Damn it looks like I almost missed a nice DTC thread.

So much going on, and it is true what Gibby said, we'd be nothing without such great Redskins fans surrounding us.

First, Die Hard thanks for the support, it's much appreciated. Class all the way.

For those of you wondering what's going to go down this upcoming season. . . you can't imagine the intensity that we will display. Next season is not going to be just another DTC season.

The three co-founders will permanently be in the same region for the first time ever in the DTC's history. This will allow improved communication, transportation, and synergy on a daily basis.

Committment and dedication to the Redskins and tailgating are not things that we have to work on. They are things that for whatever reason were woven into the fabric of our souls. That is what makes the DTC real. It's 100% love.

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I love the look of your all's graphics - whoever came up with your all's logos, and the opening webpage screen - very nice :cheers:

Good luck with the site guys (and Huly).

Thito, you name the game this year, if you can get to DC, you're my guest man, as long as you like your oxygen thin and your altitude high.

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Originally posted by Tarhog

I love the look of your all's graphics - whoever came up with your all's logos, and the opening webpage screen - very nice :cheers:

Good luck with the site guys (and Huly).

Thito, you name the game this year, if you can get to DC, you're my guest man, as long as you like your oxygen thin and your altitude high.

Thanks for the compliments Tarhog.... I did them in photoshop, even though graphics is not my forte...

My real forte is the back-end that I am currently building.. I am hoping it will be a multimedia resource for everyone to use....

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