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DTC website preview

The President

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Good morning. This is the President of the Dead Tree Crew speaking.

As you probably already know, the DTC is getting huge. We are blowing up thanks to you guys. Yes, Redskin fans like you, are what makes the DTC so special.

Started 5 years ago, the DTC makes leaps and bounds every year.

Coming off our best season, I am happy to annouce that the DTC is about to set it off with a brand new website, www.deadtreecrew.com

Pez, The DTC Webmaster has been hard at work for the past couple of months putting together what will be a spectacular at worst website, that will be your portal for up to date DTC news, as well as game reviews (tailgating), recipies and various things, DTC and tailgating related.

Today, I give Extremeskins a sneak peak of some never released DTC pictures.

These pictures were taken at a Top Secret photo shoot before the Giants game.



Skinsfan44 was behind the camera and did an excellent job.

Thank you Redskin fans, all of you make up the best fan base in America.

My favorite day of the week is Sunday when the Redskins play, and I wouldnt rather be anywhere else, but at Fed Ex Field, with Redskin fans.

Here you go.

This first picture is of The President of the DTC, The Mayor of Fed Ex Field, and the CEO of the DTC sporting their official Washington Redskin jumpsuits.




This next picture is of the Captains of the DTC sporting the burgandy jerseys. The burgandy jersey is the preferred jersey of the DTC.




Next up is the all white ensamble, notcie that my boy Smoot21 aka The Mayor switches hats every picture. Leading the parking lot of Fed Ex Field with not only enthusiasm, the DTC leads the parking lot in style.




And finally, the DTC gets Retro with it. Interesting fact, the jersey I am wearing, the backwards Arrington is an authentic Retro, and I had Lavar Arrington sign it during training camp this summer.




So there is your sneak peak of www.deadtreecrew.com

I wanted to give something to the Redskin fans that have supported us during the last 5 years, including Extremeskins who has been a big help to the DTC.

I just started posting here as of late, but The Mayor (even though he is banned for life here), speaks very highly of this site. I now know why.

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Originally posted by Bugs'

Looks like a sausage festival to me gentlemen! Where are the ladies! ;)

We currently have only one female member and her pic will be on the website.

As I said this is a preview, we can’t give ya everything off the jump or you wouldn’t have to check out the site


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Originally posted by Bugs'

Yes, I have seen many a fine lady hanging with the DTC...my 4-C Crew tailgate not far away (like 20 feet) and have been the lucky recipients of a few nice digital camera photos....;)

I'm thinking we copyright our females and charge for all photos taken? We could make some $$$.

For you, Bugs', it'll be free of charge. :)

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Originally posted by skinsfan44

Gibby, nice intro, bro.

There will be a ton of tailgating pics coming soon to the site.

Pez, Huly, and myself were working last night on putting these pics together.

We also have a few surprises instore too.


Thanks Bro, but I can’t take all the credit. You know the Mayor had his hands in the pie as well. I really appreciate you taking these pics, they came out great.

As far as the website I have been working on a lot of material for the site. I ask that all members of the DTC send me the info you think will be good for the site so I can get all the content to WebMaster Pez!

In addition if you are not a member , but plan on tailgating with us next year or you tailgated with us in the past let me know so we can give you a shoot out on the site.

The DTC plans to keep growing every year so anyone interested in becoming a member, Holla at ya boy!

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Die Hard:

Smoot21 wants to know if we have your permission to link www.extremeskins.com on our website on the link section.

He said you probably wouldnt mind, but wants your permission.

He also says, even though he is banned, that he still wants to link you guys, says you guys have helped him out during the years.

What should I tell him?

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Originally posted by gibby56

Die Hard:

Smoot21 wants to know if we have your permission to link www.extremeskins.com on our website on the link section.

He said you probably wouldnt mind, but wants your permission.

He also says, even though he is banned, that he still wants to link you guys, says you guys have helped him out during the years.

What should I tell him?

Sure thing. I'll put up your link now.

Like I've said before, I don't have a problem with some of you guys personally.... but the way some have behaved in the past... we just cannot allow. That's all there is to it.

I'd recommend ANYBODY to Tailgate with you guys. No lie. I've even considering making the DTC the official ExtremeSkins Tailgate party crew. More on that later.

No hard feelings here... just business... and doing what's best for everybody involved.

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