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Gus Award: Griese knocked out after fall in driveway

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For a moment, I thought it was the day Todd Husak's been waiting for all his life.


Tuesday, May 7

Report: QB knocked out after fall in driveway

Associated Press

DENVER -- Denver Broncos quarterback Brian Griese received seven stitches after falling and knocking himself unconscious in the driveway of teammate Terrell Davis' home, The Denver Post reported Tuesday.

The newspaper quoted Grayson Robinson, Arapahoe County Undersheriff, confirming the accident.

On March 28 of last year Griese pleaded guilty to driving while ability impaired and was placed on 12 months probation after failing a breathalyzer test after being stopped for speeding. He also was placed in the NFL substance abuse program, which requires him to submit to testing for two seasons.

Robinson said Griese was running down the driveway Sunday night at a party hosted by Davis when he stumbled.

Paramedics treated Griese and took him to Swedish Medical Center. He got the stitches above a blackened right eye. A chipped tooth was treated by a dentist Monday, The Post said.

"He was unconscious as a result of a fall on the driveway," Robinson said, reading from the information report that was filed with his office. "Paramedics will transport anyone who is unconscious, to be on the safe side."

Ramonna Tooley, spokesman for Swedish, said the hospital had no record of Griese's visit.

"There's always the possibility someone like that used another name, but we have no way of tracking it," Tooley said. "All medical records are confidential."

Griese was unavailable for comment, the newspaper said.

After last weekend's three-day minicamp, Broncos coach Mike Shanahan gave the players time off Monday and Tuesday. Their celebration commenced at Davis' house Sunday night, as it usually does the night after the end of the first minicamp.

Those attending the party said Griese arrived in a chauffeured car. At 9:40 p.m., according to the information report, Griese took his first big fall of the season.

"There was no indication of a disturbance or of an issue other than running down the driveway, tripping and falling," Robinson said. "No law enforcement action was required."

Griese was expected to be ready for a throwing camp June 10-14.

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wouldn't it have been ironic if Griese had been put on the shelf by that fall and Gus would have missed out on his chance to start for Denver, instead having to qb in Cincinnati?

man, Gus doesn't deserve THAT kind of kharma. :)

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. He got the stitches above a blackened right eye. A chipped tooth was treated by a dentist Monday, The Post said.

A blackened eye? Does his eye protrude out so it hit the ground first? I could see contusions or scrapes on the forehead, a bloody nose, or something with the chin or cheek bone but a black eye?

Also, he had a chipped tooth. what did he do, bounce his head up and down so as to blacken the eye, get a cut above the eye, and chipping the tooth?

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I have a guy who works for me who is a big Denver fan. He HATES Griese. Said (seriously ... honest) that he would've traded us straight up Griese for BANKS!

I told him of this story and he just laughed and said he hoped it put him out for the year.


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I have a guy who works for me who is a big Denver fan. He HATES Griese. Said (seriously ... honest) that he would've traded us straight up Griese for BANKS!

I kind of like Griese. Too bad that guy doesn't own the Broncos.

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Don't be so harsh, guys. Anyone could just be walking down their driveway in broad daylight and fall on their face, couldn't they?

It happens all the time. I don't know about you, but I'm constantly on-guard for that. Aren't you?

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Here's what impresses me about Griese:

It was 9:40 pm and he was already falling-down drunk (or drunk enough to get knocked out in a fight). That's pretty early to be snorting tarmac!

I usually wait until Thursday night to get that slobbery!

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I envision a different scenario. Griese got there late, realized he was way behind in the party enhancer intake department, and charged the keg and subsequently planted his face on the pavers surrounding the tricked out pool.

It's called.... "Unabated to the Kegger", and often results in a black eye and stiches.

Jesus...I read the above and realized I know way to much about this "alleged" incident.

Oh... and.... "I see dead people".......

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Oh, hi, Lou!!!!! Well, you're not the boss of ME. I can cheer for whoever I want. Like George W. Bush said: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but get out of the kitchen."

Dallas is supperior???? HOW???? Repeat after me: 5-11. One more time: 5-11.

Ralph rules, baby.


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