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Any devil worshipers, witches or warlocks here?


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Originally posted by Painkiller

My dad is a warlock, my mother is a witch, and I'm a devil worshipper. :evil: :evil: :evil:

Actually, I just like metal. Am I evil? ;)

:laugh: :D:silly:

Am I evil? yes, I am

Am I evil? I am man

\m/ ;) \m/

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And there we have it. A post completely lacking in content, attempting to play trite messageboard games (again with the infantile "no, you!" response), completely failing to deal with the ridiculous position you took. I'm not surprised that it happened, but it it comes rather early in the thread.

You clearly DO care, because you've taken the time to respond (in immature and ineffective fashion, but nonetheless respond). In reality its not for your amusement, but for an outlet to your paranoid delusions. Seek help.

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I'll throw this in: I've had lots of debates with people on this board, both calm and heated. And while we all have our flaws, it does seem that Bac takes this approach that anyone who doesn't agree with him on an issue or his conclusions is somehow possessed of a peculiar brand of blindness to his 'truth' and that anyone who suffers such is not merely under-informed or mis-informed but completely obedient and under some form of mind-control.

Actually, that isn't true. Most of the time I simply accept the fact that much of what I may discuss is NOT mainstream. That's obvious. But what I do not understand is when questions, that to me are obvious, seems to be dismissed. That, to me, leaves me wondering "How come they are dismissed so easily when they are indeed valid questions?" After all, half the times when these questions are raised, the person who raised them are shouted down as being a "conspiracy nut" or "an America hater."

It is funny that you mention that I accuse those who don't agree with me as being "brainwashed," when you don't even mention that, most of the time, if I post something out of the "norm," I am usually asked about my tinfoil hat or some such. So, I guess it goes both ways, apparently, eh?

BTW, I don't spend my time posting about others being under "mind-control." What I do post, though, are things that may raise some questions in folks - my feeling is always "Free your mind and your ass will follow." But I am the first one to always admit that, hey, I may be completely full of it and may not know a single thing.

But please, I would rather you not exaggerate the nature of my posts, especially since I am rather sarcastic half of the time.

Ghost, I believe that you need to get that chip out of your head so you can think out of the box. Take the purple pill!

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And there we have it. A post completely lacking in content, attempting to play trite messageboard games (again with the infantile "no, you!" response), completely failing to deal with the ridiculous position you took. I'm not surprised that it happened, but it it comes rather early in the thread.

Yeah, and you are a board warrior trying to play the part of a psychologist? Pffft. Whatever.

BTW, I NEVER said that Bush was a satanist - you know, if I believe HALF of what I read in the "conspiracy" world, then I would TRULY go running off into the night screaming "They're here! They're here!" (BTW, my "hook 'em, Satan" remark was a joke. Egads.) Trust me, I would feel much better knowing that Bush is making the U.T. handsign - even if I don't care for his policies, I really don't believe the man is the anti-christ. We all know that is Jerry Jones (I kid, Dallas fans.)

But, you know what - either way, if you don't like my position, then great. But don't attack my own position with ignorance. You have already stated that you didn't think I have read anything of a objective nature, when you are flat out wrong. (I have read articles from different periodicals, someof which are definitely not "conspiracy" in nature.) So if your own premise is incorrect, what about your conclusion?

BTW, once you attacked my own position, you unleashed the opening barrage of the trite message board games.

You clearly DO care, because you've taken the time to respond (in immature and ineffective fashion, but nonetheless respond). In reality its not for your amusement, but for an outlet to your paranoid delusions. Seek help.

It's Satuday night. I am posting on a message board. It is something to do. So, what are you doing here?

Yeah, I CARE about posting on the forum - yeah, I am not devioid of caring at all. I never said that. I do care, though, with some joker I don't know is trying to get a bit personal with me. Of course I am going to respond. Aren't you playing the same game, board warrior?

Get help? LOL. Your sense of self-importance is amazing. Good thing they may pass that law that allows me to get help for my paranoid delusions AND get reimbursed for it, right?

Check, please.

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Originally posted by Baculus

Actually, that isn't true. Most of the time I simply accept the fact that much of what I may discuss is NOT mainstream. That's obvious. But what I do not understand is when questions, that to me are obvious, seems to be dismissed. That, to me, leaves me wondering "How come they are dismissed so easily when they are indeed valid questions?" After all, half the times when these questions are raised, the person who raised them are shouted down as being a "conspiracy nut" or "an America hater."

It is funny that you mention that I accuse those who don't agree with me as being "brainwashed," when you don't even mention that, most of the time, if I post something out of the "norm," I am usually asked about my tinfoil hat or some such. So, I guess it goes both ways, apparently, eh?

BTW, I don't spend my time posting about others being under "mind-control." What I do post, though, are things that may raise some questions in folks - my feeling is always "Free your mind and your ass will follow." But I am the first one to always admit that, hey, I may be completely full of it and may not know a single thing.

But please, I would rather you not exaggerate the nature of my posts, especially since I am rather sarcastic half of the time.

Ghost, I believe that you need to get that chip out of your head so you can think out of the box. Take the purple pill!

Dang man, a goodly portion of that post was lifted almost verbatim from one posts in another thread where you and I were having a disagreement. Of course everything you used was taken fully out of context ,misinterpreted, and used in the complete opposite manner as was originaly intended but it still smacks of plagarism to be. I better get credit in your bibliography buddy.

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Originally posted by codeorama

My wife, who does sign language, said she thinks that Bush is probably trying to do the I love you sign but is probably too big of an idiot to know he's doing it wrong... (her words, not mine :D)

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

General Franks joins in on the fun.

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Dang man, a goodly portion of that post was lifted almost verbatim from one posts in another thread where you and I were having a disagreement. Of course everything you used was taken fully out of context ,misinterpreted, and used in the complete opposite manner as was originaly intended but it still smacks of plagarism to be. I better get credit in your bibliography buddy.

Well, yes, so far, in two different posts, I have had folks claimed I stated one thing, when I had never actually said it. *Shrugs* I am just going to create a copy and paste reply to these.

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From the Satanic Bible: The ‘Satanic Salute’, Horned Hand or The Mano Cornuto is a signal of allegiance between members of Satanism to their ‘horned god’, a sign of recognition and allegiance.

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Hand Signs

The Kansas City Star

Posted on Sat, Jan. 22, 2005

`Hook `em Horns' sign has different meanings in other cultures


Knight Ridder Newspapers

FORT WORTH, Texas - (KRT) - President Bush, who's had difficulty at times holding alliances together, may have inadvertently ruffled feathers overseas by flashing a "Hook `em Horns" sign during last week's inaugural parade.

Bush and the rest of the first family raised their right hands in the traditional "'Horns" salute - customary among University of Texas Longhorns - as the school's band marched in front of the presidential reviewing stand Thursday.

But in Norway and some other parts of the world, a nearly identical hand gesture is considered an insult or, worse, a sign of the devil. In Mediterranean countries, it implies a man is a cuckold, the victim of an unfaithful wife. In parts of Africa, it's used as curse and in many European countries it's used to ward off "the evil eye." In Russia, it's a symbol for so-called New Russians, the newly rich, arrogant and poorly educated.

In sign language, it means "bull----," which elicited a surprised giggle from the first lady's press secretary, Gordon Johndroe of Fort Worth, Texas, himself a University of Texas grad. When told its meaning by the New York Daily News, Johndroe replied, "Texans have been known to BS every once in a while."

A headline in the Norwegian Internet newspaper "Nettavisen" expressed outrage at the first family's collective gesture last week, saying "Shock greeting from Bush daughter" above a photo of Bush's daughter, Jenna, smiling and waving the sign, according to The Associated Press.

The originator of the "Hook `em, Horns" sign said he doesn't see what all the fuss is about.

"I think `silly' would be a very kind word for it," said H.K. Pitts, 73, who was a University of Texas student in 1955 when he came up with the hand signal. "It's much to do about nothing," said Pitts, who went on to teach history at Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

"I wouldn't think many Norwegians up there watch Longhorn football," he added. "So I'm not concerned about it that much, to tell you the truth."

Chris Plonsky, women's athletic director at University of Texas-Austin, defended the hand gesture: "It is sort of a symbol that is unifying. You know you're around a Longhorn when you see that symbol," she said.

Some Europeans don't see it that way.

Catherine "Cat" Osterman, a Longhorn athlete, found that out in Greece when she pitched for the U.S. women's softball team, which won a gold medal last year during the Olympic games in Athens.

Plonsky said Osterman drew some "adverse" reactions from athletes from other countries when she flashed the "Hook `em" hand signal.

The sign has been around at the University of Texas for more than a half-century. (It's only been a symbol for heavy metal rockers since the early `70s.)

Pitts, who lives in College Station, said he and a fellow student were killing time in his 1951 Ford sedan outside a drive-in restaurant when he made the shape of horns with his right hand. He suggested it could become a Longhorn tradition, just like the "gig `em" hand sign for A&M.

Pitts said he passed the idea on to Harley Clark, head University of Texas cheerleader at the time, and Clark introduced it at a Longhorn pep rally, in preparation for a football game in Austin against Texas Christian University. (The `Horns got trounced.)

Now a retired state district judge living in Dripping Springs, Texas, Clark, 69, advised against using the gesture in Italy, but called Norway's reaction to Bush's "Hook `em" gesture "preposterous."

"I wonder what they think the Aggies' thumbs-up-in-the-air sign means," he said.


Explanation-guide.info; www.nationmaster.com; www.worldhistory.com/wiki/G/Gesture.htm; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mano_cornuto.



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BTW, this is Harley Clark who started the Hook 'em Horns sign 46 years ago. . Notice the two fingers are NOT straight up. They are out somewhat........like the horns of a longhorn.

Even though I am an Aggie, I DO know how to make that pitiful sign. :laugh: :laugh: ;)



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