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13 Year Old Girl tosses her infant son out her window

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Originally posted by twa

This to me is just another example of the breakdown of the family unit. Putting aside all religous arguments[i don't care what or even if you are religous] the FAMILY is the basic unit of humanity and its loss[thru divorce or our putting our own needs first] is the greatest tragedy of our time.:2cents:

Ding Ding, we have a winner.

If you want to point to the origins...I believe it is when the Mom was forced to come out of the house, and into the work force.

Now before I get attacked by feminists coming out of the woodwork, let me explain.

I don't care who plays "homemaker." Whether it be Dad or Mom, but I don't think anybody would argue that kids, as a whole, were raised better when a parent was home. If both parents are working all the time, who is raising their children?

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Originally posted by KDawg

I have a HUGE issue with this entire piece...

The girl is in her room, in labor, and she gives birth to her child and cuts the umbilical cord?

A thirteen year old girl went through all that and acted like a trained professional in giving birth only to chuck her son out of the window?

There's alot about this story that doesn't add up.

Definately agree. Something doesn't make sense. I am willing to bet the mother knows more than she is admitting.

Perhaps, she couldn't live with her 13 year old having a child, and was involved in what happened. A autopsy should probably be performed on the baby, to determine the exact cause of death. Was the child dead before it was tossed?

Who knows.

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Originally posted by dks1240

i think your parents values can only take you so far. you have to grow up at some point and be able to make your own opinions.

This is true, but she is just a baby herself! 13 years old! She's not even CLOSE to being grown up. She isn't even out of MIDDLE SCHOOL!! I'm not pointing fingers at anybody, I've got no right to, but there has to be something else for you to do other than get pregnant at 13 years old. Its a shame is what it is...

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Originally posted by Liberty

Lowering the age of consent really has nothing to do with this.

It is pressure from other people that made her feel depreesed and hopeless (you would have to to do something like this right?) her peers tell her to have sex and once she becomes pregnant she is called a slut if they know she is pregnant, or a murderer if she tries to abort it.

With all do respect, you can take your societal views and. well, doesn't matter. This is about a scared girl, and apparently oblivous mother. These things can be solved at home. Society won't do a DAMN thing about this. There used to be something called a strong family. This is a parent's responsibility, not 250 million citizens' responsibility.

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Originally posted by Liberty

This is what happens when you have a society that condmens any young girl who gets pregnant, The girls are told they are horrible sluts, but no one tries to help them by telling that it is not the end of the world and they can persevere.

Or she is crazy, I don;t know.

That's not always the case.The problem is that you have terrible parents today and some of the most irresponsible teenagers ever.

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It is pressure from other people that made her feel depreesed and hopeless (you would have to to do something like this right?) her peers tell her to have sex and once she becomes pregnant she is called a slut if they know she is pregnant, or a murderer if she tries to abort it

It is for this exact reason that our teens should not be having sex, and why we as a society should be enforcing it as a wrong behavior. At this tender age, you are not able to make mature decisions. This was a scared, immature little 13 year old. You see Liberty, society no longer views young pregnant girls as sluts or trash. We use to, and fewer girls got pregnant. This is a sad, terrible thing. The mother obviously did nothing to instill self confidence and courage into this child. She is as much a victim as is the baby. A victim of a society that is quick to not be too harsh on teen sex and too quick to cram any manner of sexually explicit material down our youths throats in terms of entertainment and advertisement. This is why teens SHOULD NOT be having sex. She is also a victim of the complete failing of her mother. Her mother didn't talk to her about sex!!! What in the world was she thinking. Has she not looked around at all the sexual stimulus that bombards us on a daily basis. Something like this should never happen.

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I have a daughter who is about to turn 13 and this story just frightens every fiber of my body. I hope and pray that we have guided her along the right path and that the decisions she will make will be the right ones. As a parent, I cannot see her doing anything of the sort but Im sure this same girls parents felt the same way. What a sad story!

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"I would dissagree with Parents being worse today.

I would dissagree with Teenagers being worse today.


I would dissagree with your dissagreement. :) Kids are doing things today that weren't happening when I was in school. I'm fully shocked at what goes on. There maybe wasn't 24X7 news coverage, but you know what went on at your school and the schools of your friends. Heck, If someone was having sex, we all knew about it. It's just a different time now, and we have to be all the more vigilant in raising our kids to deal with it. I have two daughters, and while I won't rule out the possibility that they could screw up and get pregnant, I can guarentee you they would come to my wife and I if they do. It all has to do with parenting.

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Originally posted by Painkiller


I can only pray that the next little girl who finds herself trapped between an expanding belly and her stuffed teddy bears asks for help. She must know there are options. Adoption. Abortion. Anything but murder.


Abortion is murder!!!

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Originally posted by Thiebear

I would dissagree with Parents being worse today.

I would dissagree with Teenagers being worse today.

Its been the same throughout history.. we just have 24hr reporting now....

Parents are far,I repeat,far worse now,than when I was a kid.I'm not just saying this to say this,I'm saying this because I've seen some of these "parents" with my own eyes.

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A few random comments here - not looking to offend, just to add to the discussion:

1) According to the laws of this country, abortion is not considered murder. Please do not hijack the thread with your personal opinions on abortion, because that is not what this thread is about. Thanks.

2) Just a little background on Fantasia Barrino. She is a single mother. She's 19. She has a 3 year old daughter. She is pursuing her high school diploma. (all according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantasia_Barrino) That song is about what she knows - she is a teenaged mother, went through pregnancy, and ended up keeping her child and is working to try to make a better life for herself and for her child. It's not unique - it's becoming common. Have you been near teens other than your own children lately - gone to places near your hometown that are the homes for the working poor - or the lower middle class, or even down the next street over from you?

3) It isn't just about teaching young girls about the pitfalls of sex and the consequences. It's also about teaching young boys about the same. Although the father of the child in this story appears to have tried to do the right thing, his efforts fell short because he didn't go to an adult and tell them what was going on - he should not have left it to the mother of the child to say something. Sorry, but it is partially his fault too. Unfortunately, he is probably the one who will suffer the most emotionally long-term, I believe, because he knows he could have done something (and indeed tried to at the end).

4) The job of parenting has become increasingly more complex as the years go by. There are more lessons to teach children, more dangers to try to keep away, more pressure financially to get ahead and to provide for your family. It's hard. It's always been hard. The problems begin, however, when the parents (either one) do not foster good relationships with their children, and are more focused on themselves (and don't tell me you haven't seen that - it's a cancer throughout our society, this selfishness). If EITHER set of parents of these two teenagers had tried to foster good relationships with their children, had made time for them, etc., then perhaps one of the two of them would have stepped up and said something and avoided the tragic result :( The girl's mother needs to get help (and try to get out from underneath the threat of her own suicide..) and learn how to talk to her daughter. I also believe that the boy's parents need to step up here and get involved in their son's life...

5) Did these kids know anything about birth control?

6) Parents are not necessarily worse today - not all are bad. However, it is easier in today's society to lose focus on the things that need attention and focus on things that do not truly mean anything...such as parents of children who spend hours on the internet (trolling chat rooms, playing games, etc.) instead of spending time with their children and spouse or on things that are more important (getting sleep so that they perform well at work, maintenance on the house, etc.). (I know quite a few marriages that broke up because of that type of behavior - and the kids are not real forgiving either.)

7) Because of the economic realities of "modern" life, it is very difficult for many parents to allow for one parent to "stay home" and be there for the children while the other parent works and brings in the income. Prices on housing, food, cars, etc. have jumped in recent years (over the last 15-20, let's say). And let's not forget about divorce...how many single parents are able to spend that amount of time at home with children? This isn't about society's pressures to get ahead and to have things and get the next cool stuff, it's about making sure that you can put a roof over your head, etc. Single parents have a really tough time - with or without child support/alimony.

8) It's a horrifying situation, isn't it? I feel badly for all of the parties involved. We all do. So do something about it. Find time and volunteer at the schools - become a mentor/big brother/big sister/etc. Do something at your church. Volunteer at the local Y. Get involved.

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I believe that our society really needs to take a look in the miror. We tell our children that underaged sex is wrong but look at all the movies, tv shows, video games, music/ music videos and comercials that are pumped into our kids heads. They are all filled with sex or refrences to sex. Look at britney spears her fanbase consists mainly of young preteen and teenage girls, most of her songs are verry sexual and every video shes made is more sexual then the song. Look at all the hip hop videos with women half naked and doing sexual dances, I have little cousins under 10 years old that do not watch cartoons they just watch mtv and bet all day repeating the lyrics and the dances, all they do is talk about how they want to dance in the videos. Do their parents care hell yeah when their parents catch em they get beat, but the problem is now days parents can not always be around. This is because the cost of living is so high that unless one parent is making six figures you need two incomes. My mother has a doctorate in economics and is a profesor at the university of maryland but sence she is a single mother who recieves no help or financial saport from my father she is hardly getting by. She is usualy at work from 9 to 9 when i lived with her me and my sister would haft to get ourselves home from school and stay home alone. My mother is a profesor imagine what an uneducated single mother with half my mom's income hast to go through.

and those of you who think it is imposible to not notice that the 13 year old girl was pregnant, yea im shure the sighns were there but who looks for them in their 13 year old daughter. one of my little sisters is 13 she ust to be real skiny now she is getting heavier and her moods are starting to change, but thats natural for a preteen they are going through puberty and starting their periods this same thing could have happened to al lot of people.

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