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Those darn liberals....errrr conservatives...


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I have a novel idea: who gives a sh*t?

You see, I can't stand anything about Bush. IMO, he's a smug, mindless, worthless puppet. On almost every issue, I feel he and his party are dead wrong. I think that while he's done some damage to our country, the damage we'll see in the future caused by him will be nearly immeasurable. It killed me to see Kerry lose, and I personally think that this country is going in the absolute wrong direction.

With all of that out of the way, I once again come back to the question of "who cares?". This goes for Democrats and Republicans. What's done is done. If Bush's election was fraudulent, well, that sucks, but it's not like Kerry wouldn't have done the same thing, whatever that thing may be, if he had the chance. Bush's campaign was just better. With the way Bush is running the country, there's no reason Kerry should have lost. But he did. Rather than dwell, and b*tch, and moan, we should deal with it, and figure out how to stop it from happening again.

And you Republicans, cry me a river. You've won plenty of shady elections yourselves, and you've got enough power. You accuse us of being crybabies? Fine. You guys are worse then. You're crybabies and hypocrites.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Larry, please link to those laws. Specifically the 6 month rule.

Background: All the information I've cited came from news articles I'd read during "the" election.

However, I've been getting so ticked off at so many people (like you) making blanket (unsupported) declarations, and then demanding "proof" if anybody disagrees with their (unsupported) declarations, that I've decided to actually do some research. I'm hoping to have some documentation that I can put in a seperate thread, so that the (many, many) people who don't want to read more about "the" election can avoid it.

There is a State site that lists the current election laws, but those seem to have been changed. (For example, if it's an election that's larger than a single county, then any recount request now goes to the state capitol, and will be conducted over the entire affected area, rather than the county. I think I agree with this change.)

I've also found a state web site that sells CDs with the laws on them. I'm hoping that the CD titled "Florida Laws of 2000" will contain all the laws that were in effect at that time, as opposed to only those things that actually passed the Legislature that year.

One other hitch I'm finding, so far, in my "Legal Research for Dummies" adventure, is that the site I've mentioned sells a CD called "Florida Laws of 2000", and another called "Florida Statutes of 2000". And gee, I always thought the two terms were synonyms.

(I'm also aware that there may be lots of other places where someone could find things that relate to How To Run an Election.)

So, I may come up dry in my research, but I think it's worth $75 and a few hours research.

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And yet you see no problem making the same kind of unsupported blanket statements?

The reason I asked for a link was because I know you're "laws" are not real. Specifically the 6 month rule. But alas, my own web search did not turn up anything to either support or refute it.

And the bottom line would still be the same even if they WERE real. FLA SC still would have been in violation of the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment. And that was the basis for the SCOTUS stepping in.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

And the bottom line would still be the same even if they WERE real. FLA SC still would have been in violation of the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment. And that was the basis for the SCOTUS stepping in.

Actually, IIR, the USSC cited no Constitutional basis for their ruling whatsoever.

The basis for their stopping (again) the (legal) recount was that they concluded that the Fl Court had intended for the recounts to be finished before a particular federal law kicked in, (the one that would've allowed Congress to intervene), and that therefore, that date constituted a deadline that couldn't be violated, and that deadline (which wasn't a deadline) couldn't be met (thanks to the same USSC's halting of the recount while they thought about it).

But, let's just stick to what I'll call "your" legal opinion. (Not ridiculing your right to an opinion. After all, I've just begun working on my "legal research", and you certainly can't have less legal experience than I do. I'm just needing a name to give to this position).

Am I to understand that your position is that, even if Florida law requires a county to conduct a hand recount if asked, and even if that same law requires that the results of that hand recount be used, that the county must at all costs be forbidden from complying with that law, because doing so violates the equal protection clause.

But, passing state, local, and federal laws, and even modifying constitutions, simply to make certain that gays cannot under any circumstance be treated according to the same laws as non-gay married people, not even just for tax purposes, doesn't?

Have I got that right?

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The difference between WA and OH is that there is lots more evidence of *something* happening in OH. Heck, OH state and Federal election laws were broken by Sec. Blackwell and other OH state officials. Yes, laws WERE BROKEN, and there was some pretty fishy actions take by folks (such as Sec. Blackwell, who worked on Bush's campaign in the state. Gee, what a coincidence, eh?)

If something happened in WA - investigate it. I am all for it. But, the fact is, when you have vote-tallying companies with close ties to the Republican party with a representative who even SAID they were committed to deliving the state of OH to George W. Bush, we have a problem. And when one researches and sees, first hand, how the election fraud could have happened, we have a problem. (I have Diebold's GEMS program - you have the means to committ such fraud.)

We do have to be fair and investigate all fraud from both sides of the aisle. But, also in all fairness, Republicans have no problems backhanding anyone that questions any election, but they have no problems making a stink if things do not go their way as well.

My solution: Vote for a third party, and let's start fresh!

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