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Originally posted by Eagles_Legendz

You missed the point. :doh:

I was pointing out how bad the other defenses in the NFC were, you just furthered to accentuate that.

I've been discussing this one for weeks. There isn't one team left in the NFC that has a passing defense in the top 20. Atlanta is 28th. You see, the Iggles will have their way in the passing game through LJ, Lewis and Westbrook. Now if they make the SB terrel will play the question will be at what level.

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Originally posted by buzzlightbeer81

Here's one, it's spelled "O-K-A-Y".

You're the Bills of the '90's, great work.

Now McNabb can go home to Easter Island to complete the landscape.

I guess you don't remember the SNL skit, too young I suppose.

About this window theory. Unfortunate for you, the Eagles are poised to continue this success for at least three more seasons. 18 million under next year, 22 and 28 the following. 11 picks in the draft this upcoming April, five in the first three rounds. More starters signed long term than any other club.

Continue to be bitter because you have no choice.

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Originally posted by phanatic

I guess you don't remember the SNL skit, too young I suppose.

About this window theory. Unfortunate for you, the Eagles are poised to continue this success for at least three more seasons. 18 million under next year, 22 and 28 the following. 11 picks in the draft this upcoming April, five in the first three rounds. More starters signed long term than any other club.

Continue to be bitter because you have no choice.

I guess I am too young Buckwheat

We'll see, you've been decent, just have not been able to get it done, maybe its the coach. How long before T.O. is an issue? The more stars you bring in the more attention that baby will require.

Good Luck

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Originally posted by buzzlightbeer81

I guess I am too young Buckwheat

We'll see, you've been decent, just have not been able to get it done, maybe its the coach. How long before T.O. is an issue? The more stars you bring in the more attention that baby will require.

Good Luck

As TO would say.."I'd love me some me"!

Best thing to happen to the Iggles franchise in the last five years.

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Originally posted by buzzlightbeer81

yea that ignorant jackass would say something like that

It could be worse. One could proclaim his innocence while intoxicated on the road at 3 AM. But who's really paying attention? Pom Pom's and sharpies, as well as a slick tounge, is now punishable in a court of law and could diminish your staure as one of the leagues top receivers.

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Originally posted by phanatic

It could be worse. One could profess his innocence while intoxicated on the road at 3 AM. But who's really paying attention?

How do you know he was drunk? Did he take a breathalizer? was there evidence? Obviously not or it would not have been thrownout. This is America thank God, where you're innocent until proven guilty and you are allowed to spout your BS all you like.

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Originally posted by rdsknbill



You're baffling me with your brilliance :rolleyes:

He failed his sobriety test. he was drunk. He IS the Redskins best player on D. He WILL NOT be lambasted by the law or the media. That's my point and that's how the law works. If it makes you feel any better to believe he wasn'r drinking and driving, fine. It still doesn't change the character of the player. You know this to be fact. I think Taylor is one hell of a talent and probably will end up being the Skins franchise player. let's not treat the guy with kid gloves. He's already proven on and off the field he's a loose canon. he'll clean up his act. just don't baby the punk if you're gonna sling the cow patties at others.

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Favre had every chance to keep that game close, but he kept throwing interceptions. Without such a redicolous +/- turnover ratio, don't expect to see the Vikings do that again. Obviously Favres interception numbers are much different then McNabbs. This year, and on a yearly average.

The Eagles are much more prepared to handle Culpeppers mobility as well. They showed that in week 2 by moving Kearse all over the field to account for it. This game will be won on defense.

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