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Daunte Culpepper/Gus Frerotte Debate


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Out of curiosity, I visited a Vikings message board. I found that they have an entire section devoted to whether Daunte or Gus should be starting. Honestly, I don't follow Minnesota much but are they really unhappy with Daunte? :confused: I wish we could be so lucky.

"The Daunte Culpepper/Gus Frerotte debate is a hot topic, so we’ve created a separate board for those discussions so it doesn’t overwhelm the variety of topics we like flooding our general topic board, Purple Thoughts. Since it seems to be such an emotional debate, please limit your discussion of Culpepper to this board for at least the near future."


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The Vikes are an enigmatic bunch with a ton of talent that typically underachieve. I think that is more of a result to the team's coaching rather than any particular aspect of it's personell.

If the Vikes aren't happy with Culpepper, I am sure there are alot of teams that would love to rid them of that "burden".

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Originally posted by Skins4SB

Didn't Frerotte play a couple games with the Vikings last year and they didn't miss a beat? Maybe that's what sparked this discussion..

all Gus did in those 2 games was hand-off and throw deep fly patterns - 2 things he does well.

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Last year, I actually would've said Gus, just because Culpepper's mistakes (particularly fumbles - an average of 1 a game) were costing them games. This year, it's no contest. Culpepper has hit his groove. It's not his fault that they have no defense. Tice and Erickson have to be the 2 worst coaches in the league.

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