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If I wasn't so freaking stubborn.


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I'd be a Carolina fan. about 10-11 years as a hardcore skins fan, 1 playoff appearances and numerous disappointments. This is like Battered wife syndrome. Common sense says you should leave, yet I keep sticking around and taking more punishment thinking things are going to get better. I feel like the redsox fan that started being a fan around 1920. :doh:

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Originally posted by pr11fan

I'd be a Carolina fan. about 10-11 years as a hardcore skins fan, 1 playoff appearances and numerous disappointments. This is like Battered wife syndrome. Common sense says you should leave, yet I keep sticking around and taking more punishment thinking things are going to get better. I feel like the redsox fan that started being a fan around 1920. :doh:

If you're a Redskins fan, you're a Redskins fan. If you think common sense says you should leave, then in my opinion you don't know what it means to be a fan. If you stay a fan through the good and the bad, then you're a fan, not a "hardcore" fan.

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Originally posted by eyeball


Thank you, the whole point is I am so damn stubborn I can't leave the skins, even if I tried my heart wouldn't let me, and AF, yes it's good when they win, but it would be alot better if they could win a meaningful game, ie:playoffs, cowboys, hell I'll even settle for eagles.

I just keep thinking I have invested my heart and soul into this team, when am I going to get a return on my investment. :(

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Originally posted by pr11fan

I'd be a Carolina fan. about 10-11 years as a hardcore skins fan, 1 playoff appearances and numerous disappointments. This is like Battered wife syndrome. Common sense says you should leave, yet I keep sticking around and taking more punishment thinking things are going to get better. I feel like the redsox fan that started being a fan around 1920. :doh:

We have been conditioned to lose. God forbid this team actually starts winning. It's been so long, we probably wouldn't even know what to do.

Originally posted by skinsnatsfan

If you're a Redskins fan, you're a Redskins fan. If you think common sense says you should leave, then in my opinion you don't know what it means to be a fan. If you stay a fan through the good and the bad, then you're a fan, not a "hardcore" fan.

Why don't you just let the guy rant and worry about your own loyalties. Btw, I think you missed the whole point of this thread.

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If you stay a fan through the good and the bad, then you're a fan, not a "hardcore" fan.

What good, I can't even remember any skins memories before Petibone, so what good have i had to go with the bad. I'm sick and tired of it. I know someone else said it earlier but I'm saying it again. If I have a son I hope he isn't a skins fan cause I don't want him to go through the same suffering I've had to go through. Nobody deserves this!!

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Originally posted by pr11fan

What good, I can't even remember any skins memories before Petibone, so what good have i had to go with the bad. I'm sick and tired of it. I know someone else said it earlier but I'm saying it again. If I have a son I hope he isn't a skins fan cause I don't want him to go through the same suffering I've had to go through. Nobody deserves this!!

Not a problem. I just don't agree. My son and I will be at the game this Sunday. We're looking forward to it, and we're looking forward to next season.

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Originally posted by terpskins

Why don't you just let the guy rant and worry about your own loyalties. Btw, I think you missed the whole point of this thread.

Actually, I think you missed the point of my post. Not really a big deal. I clearly understood that he will continue to follow the Redskins. Again, in my opinion, that would make him a fan, not stubborn, or hard core.

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Originally posted by Akhhorus

hey, if you want to root for another team because the skins lost and are having a losing season, go ahead.

19-0, 0-16..I'm a skins fan forever.

I see the point went ^ your head. The skins are like a child. No matter how bad they screw up you still love them, no matter how much pain they put you through.

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Originally posted by pr11fan

Are you masochists?

Why no, we're Redskins fans!

We'll have fun, we always do. He's 13, so he's seen no real success either. Actually I became a fan in the mid 60's when they hadn't won anything in 20 years.

And next season will be much better than you appear to think.

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Well I have this to say about some of the responses to this post... this is my opinion and you are entitled to yours....however, this is an open forum and i will share... i have been a redskins fan since I can remember... i am only 21 years old and i have taken a whole lot of crap about the redskins as i am sure many of you have... how do i feel right now after dallas... horrible.. how have i felt most of the season.. horrible, upset and let down... eagles game( i was there) even more let down... but i didnt miss a game all year.. and i do not plan to miss one next year or any year for that matter.... i am already looking forward to graduating college in May and purchasing some tickets for home games next year when i have a job and can afford it.. real fans in my opinion do not come and go with the good and bad times... i feel as though some of you think that just because the Redskins are going through a bad time right now and have been for a while that they will never pull it out.... thats part of being a fan... all teams go through bad times... ours has lasted a while and its hard.. but thats part of being a fan as i said.... to those fans i say.. go jump on another bandwagon if you wish... go for it... when the skins get back on track(which they will sooner than some think) i will welcome you back as a skins fan.... not a loyal fan..but a Skins fan non the less..... and when i finally get married and start a family i hope that my children realize the great history, and great LOYAL fans that are that of the Redskins and i also hope that they will want to follow me and become one of those loyal fans... to those of you that have posted on this topic and other topics and are just blowing off steam after the tough loss i feel for you and i understand your anger... and i hope that when you calm down you will realize that you do not mean the things you say... to those who do mean what you say.. have fun with your new team.... and i will see you back pulling for the Skins soon enough. HAIL TO THE REDSKINS.....

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It's like loving someone. If you truly love them, you'll hang in there through the roughest of times. If it truly is love, then it will last. If not,then this too shall pass. Though at it's core, it's basically, well, football and really doesn't, ( or shouldn't), have a direct impact on life, ( unless you are a coach or a player), it's still a passion. And no matter how hurt the heart may be at times, if it's truly a passion, you're there for the bad as well as the good. Stubborness doesn't enter the equation.

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Once a Skins fan, always a Skins fan.

But I don't think ya'll understand... it seems like the team doesn't even give a **** about winning, that they have support. They are just content with doing what they wanna do (stupid sock incidents) and making a few plays for Sportscenter. I see very few people, outside Coles, Betts, Cooley, or Springs who give a ****.

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Originally posted by pr11fan

I see the point went ^ your head. The skins are like a child. No matter how bad they screw up you still love them, no matter how much pain they put you through.

dunno, if my son set off a tactical nuclear device accidentaly, I might be a bit pissed at him.

I see your point, but with all the douchebaggery tonight on the board, why contribute to it? If I was an admin here, everyone who did one of these threads would be sent to their room for a few days.

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I think PCS and Mittens hit it on the head. It is a love, but it feels like a one sided love, when are the players going to give the fans something to cheer about, and I don't mean winning 5-8 meaningless games against non-divisional opponents, I mean when are they going to act like they give a damn about winning or losing, especially when it comes to some of our most hated rivals.

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Originally posted by Akhhorus

dunno, if my son set off a tactical nuclear device accidentaly, I might be a bit pissed at him.

I see your point, but with all the douchebaggery tonight on the board, why contribute to it? If I was an admin here, everyone who did one of these threads would be sent to their room for a few days.

Call me crazy but I need to vent, and this seems like a more constructive way than putting a hole in my wall.

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Originally posted by pr11fan

I think PCS and Mittens hit it on the head. It is a love, but it feels like a one sided love, when are the players going to give the fans something to cheer about, and I don't mean winning 5-8 meaningless games against non-divisional opponents, I mean when are they going to act like they give a damn about winning or losing, especially when it comes to some of our most hated rivals.

I think Gibbs is talking about this when he says: "he's looking for the core redskins" and "looking for the ones still playing like we're going the playoffs". Give the man some time, he inheired a mixed roster and lost some of his best players to injury.

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