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Which rookie QB will have the best first year?

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I honestly believe we got the best of the lot. Carr sidearms too much, and Harrington doesn't have the armstrength of Patsy. Irregardless of this year's results, I'm betting long term we made out like bandits. Remember, Marino was around the last pick of the first round, while Jeff George was a #1, and Leaf was #2. Duante at 12 is better than the 1 and 3 of his class (Couch and Smith).

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That's an excellent point Riggo. I had never really thought of that before. Although (unfortunatlely) that dosn't gurantee us sucess, the chance is certainly there. We also have a lot less to lose than the Texans or the Lions do, cap wise, if Ramsey dosen't pan out then they do if their stud QB's don't work out for them. On that note...I wonder what Ramsey's contract will look like...

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Spurrier was quoted the best man will start. He left it wide open for Ramsey/Sage/Woeful to earn the starting spot. This should be very interesting. The Danny wants Ramsey to start. What if he isn't ready come September. Does Spurrier start the best man in his eyes or in Snyder's eyes??? We will all see the preseason games. We will know who performed the best and deserves it. I want to see a neck and neck battle between Sage and Patrick. But when the season starts I want 1 guy to b the man. We don't need any Qb controversary going into the season.

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