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3rd Corner = Starting Position


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For those of you upset about drafting a Corner in the 3rd, I'd table those objetions for a while. You have to think that Marvin Lewis was all over this pick.

The fact is, 3rd Corner is a starting position in the NFL. And typically, the 3rd Corner is matched up on the smaller, quicker slot WR .... meaning size is not as much a consideration for the 3rd corner. Bailey and Smoot are lock downs. One more solid Corner who can cover all over will really give Lewis some options.

If this kid can play, then he's just as necessary as any other need, because this will be an empty position next year. And there is no need to wait until the need is dire, it's okay to address the need one year out, and allow the kid some tutoring under D.Green

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so what is at play here? we draft a 10 year professional 3rd down nickel back? this brings more value than a full time blocker? i don't think so. i hear ya, but that kinda draft is what teams who have earned the 32nd spot in the draft do, not teams that fumble away victory to the pokes on national TV.

we have darrell, we don't need this guy - this year. so, does he sit around all year waiting for darrell to retire? this is just crappy value for a 3rd round pick arrived at after punting away on your higher picks because we had real value in mind (one can fantasize). i'm sorry, i will go on record like i did last year after the gardner pick in stating that, from the long run perspective, this was a dumb **** selection.

i hope i'm eating my words a year from now. face it, there is no doubt in my mind that management has taken a pass on the upcoming season as a building year in anticipation of a full throttle run next year. if so, i hope we don't mess around tinkering with this QB and that, but stick ramsey in there from the git-go, suffer the learning curve, and be lean and angry in 2003..

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Al, look at it this way....

Other than a handful of aging corners of various degrees of ability, that position is rarely as free as a competent guard. I think a third corner with cover skills is every bit as valuable as a fine starting guard, because fine starting guards are available all the time and corners are either big money guys, or draft picks of late.

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By the time we were in the 3rd round, I don't think they viewed any of the OG candidates as starters in 2002. I think there were only 3 lineman in this draft capable of that, and they were gone by the time San Diego picked Fonoti 7th in the 2nd round. From that point on, they were no looking for immediate starter, but looking to maximize their long term contributers.

The perspective from here on our is who will help us in 2-3 years.

That they are are doing this, isn't necessarily an indication that they are mailing it in for this year. They may just rely on veteran FA's to push us this year. But the fact is, Mendes is making some investments (which may or may not pan out) that we have not made over the last 3 years.

If this Orgeon DB can play, and help give us an air tight secondary (and the 3WR formation is the most common formation in football now), then it's not a bad pick at all.

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Bauman is under 5'8 and all the references to Darrell Green aside there is a question whether a corner TODAY the size of Mark McMillan can be a starting caliber player in the league.

Darrell came along in an era where he had significant experience before the advent of the Irvin, Keyshawn, Moss type 6'3-6'4 receivers.

He was able to use his guile to even out these matchups, even though he got beaten at times as well.

my view is with the needs of this team there is every reason to believe that the team could have selected a corner on day 2 to work with.

it's nice to develop depth, but not at the cost of leaving other STARTING positions go wanting, in almost complete ignorance over the first day and a half of the draft.

besides, I was of the opinion the Redskins already had a #3 corner for 2002 :)

certainly we could have waited until 2003 when Darrell retires to go after a veteran #3 corner.

that wasn't a burning need at this point.

it's the same problem I have with the Betts pick. A backup running back with Carter leaving?

Sure, why not. But not with one of our two top picks.

We could have looked at rb's in rounds 4 and 5.

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What really burns me is that Terrence Metcalf, a projected second round guard was available in the third round, we opt to take Rashad Bauman, a smurf who will sit on the bench of all this year, except in four receiver situations. We could have easily waited until next year and used a first or a second rounder on a third CB to replace Darrell. It is beginning to look like Loverne will be the starter, unless we sign somebody out of left field.

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