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Michael Who?

Ignatius J.

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Guess which QB passed 3 for 7 for 22 yards and one interception against a second team defense?

No it's not Todd Whosackedme nor Sage Rosiepalms. It was Michael Vick Wowing fans with his superstardom!

Husak was 4 for 6 for 32 yards guys, i'd say those are better numbers. This Vick Character sure is redefining the posision....

yeah i'm a little biter and Vick probably will be a better QB than Husak, but Husak outperformed Vick last night. Sure Vick LOOKED better, he was flashy and fancy, but you know when you're listening on the radio you don't get to see that.


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DB, it's my humble opinion that if you had been able to see the game, you wouldn't have walked away thinking Todd Husak outperformed Vick on any level.

You also would have seen how at least 2 of those Vick misses were lasers he bounced off receivers who had the misfortune of getting their hands up after the ball was already in flight, rather than as he wound up smile.gif .

They'll learn, and so will Vick.

When a QB's problem is reigning in his arm ... I gotta believe that a better problem to have than not having the arm to begin with.

This is a good kid here, all of 21 years old. All I ask is, don't let the hype put you off. That part isn't his doing.

What he CAN do is learn to be an NFL QB, and from where I sit, he's got a head start like no other raw kid I've ever seen. Why not let him succeed, or fail, on his own merits?

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What Om said, DB smile.gif.

Vick had two bullets that should have been caught, that were dropped. And, I haven't heard one person who saw the game not come out thinking he looked very good back there. He's got a ways to go to be productive and he should have stayed in school one more year, but, he's a keeper.


Doom is in the box.

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In fact, if I can borrow a thread from Art:

<u>I remember a QB</u>, lots of people were crazy for him out of college, but a lot more looked at him in the NFL and said he'd never live up to the hype. Too many of his passes were incomplete (the rah-rah fans said it was because the recievers dropped 'em. The critics said it was the QBs fault because he threw too hard).

Now, I'll admit it takes more than a rifle and scrambling ability to make another Elway, but. . . I can't think of anything else.

Will he win the Super Bowl? Remember, Elway couldn't do it until he got a team around him. But I'll always consider him one of (if not THE) best QBs ever, and I'm looking at his entire career, not just two Super Bowls. (Yeah, Montana accomplished a lot more. But that's because he was on a MUCH better team).

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I'd take Vick in a heartbeat. He is a franchise QB that Atlanta lucked out into getting a year early.

Flash will put butts in those Georgia dome seats

He is in the right situation to learn right now.

The offensive coordinator of the team will put him in situations to benefit his strong points this year and next year when he'd have as much time in the league as Husak we'll see who has progressed.


Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

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