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Who's fault is it?!


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Ok I've been watching the redskins all my life.. And these last 12 years have sucked. Even when the Redskins didn't make the play offs during the 70's and 80's they still looked like a talented team.

These Redskins of the 90's and today are a bunch of friggen jokes..

A lot of people want to put this on the coaches shoulders and blame them but I don't see that being the problem. Take the last 5 years.. You've had Gibbs, Spurrier, Marty and Norv Turner. 4 different head coaches in the past 5 years.

Norv, was unproven as a head coach and didn't accomplish much here..

Marty Schotinheimer<sp> He won pretty much every place he was, and he couldn't get these guys to perform for crap.. Of course he was only given one year(think we went 8-8 that year after a 0-4 start) which I think was a mistake.. DS fired him because Spurrier became available..

Spurrier, A coach who knows how to coach at the college level.. But was it his system that was so bad or the players? .

Gibbs, Now we're at the one of the greatest coaches to ever take the field and even HE can not get the players to play smart or with emotion.. (Outside our defense).. So what's the problem?

What can you do to fix it? Blow up the team and start from scratch as if you were an expansion?

I'm thinking at this point it may not be a bad idea. Hell what have we got to lose?

For years we've seen heartless play, uninspired play.. Players collecting a paycheck and f-ing off the length of their contract. With the exception of a few TRUE redskins I say get rid off all these over paid babies over played babies.


Is it just all DS? I know people love to hate on him but he's doing what he can to get us talent.. It's the TALENT that doesnt' work out for us.. Look at Coles, rocked in NJ, Brunell, rocked in Jacksonville, Portis, rocked in Denver. They come to Washington and become average or just down right bad. WTF? I think it's an infectous attitude that is passed on from current players to the new free Agents. Last year we'd see coles play well and would take responsability for us losing when it wasn't his fault.. This year he can't catch crap and I don't hear a word from him. I just think it's an attitude problem and the only way to fix it is to get rid of pretty much everyone.

It'll never happen, but I think that's the only way to right the ship.. I hope Gibbs proves me wrong. I'd hate to see his legacy ruined by lazy millionaire ball players.

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We do need blue collar hungry guys, but I think the team this year is playing more like a team. A lot of the inefficiency can be laid at Brunnell's feet. Our completion percentage (even if they were frequently six inch passes) went way up last Sunday. The cause of the offensive failure is multiple fold. One our lines were not solidified. Two our qb played inexplicably bad. Three Gibbs is rusty and seeing weakness he has gone very conservative to protect his players. Four... we have gotten rooked by spots, calls, and officiating in every single game this year with the possible exception of the Detroit game. We lead the league in touchdowns taken away by a 2:1 margin. For the third year in a row, we lead the league in league apologies for missed and blown calls.

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I don't think its fair to pin the blame on any one person. There have been problems from top to bottom throughout the organization. The wrong players, the wrong coaches, the wrong system....

The fact that Gibbs is struggling greatly is just a sign of how bad things truly were within the organization to begin with. This is not going to be something that can be fixed in just one off-season. This is going to take a few seasons. We may not start to see positive results for another year or two.

However, I have faith that Gibbs and his staff are in the process of establishing an infrastructure for the future of this team. They are trying to establish an atmosphere for success and to re-establish the teams lost identity.

We as fans are in for a long, bumpy ride. This is not going to magically turn around in a week or two.

Give the team, the coach, and the owner your support!!!! Remain faithful! Be a true believer!

We're going 19-0 next year!!!! (one can only hope!)

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What can you do to fix it? Blow up the team and start from scratch as if you were an expansion?

Not what you want to do. As you so carefully pointed out in your post we've had a lot of turnover (especially with coaches) over the last 5 seasons. That is one of the major problems with this team, no continuity. Gibbs is doing what needs to be done, determining who are the core players that will provide the base talent and institutional memory for the team and then adding a few players here and there as needed. It will not happen overnight or in one season as everyone had hoped. The fantasy football mentality that has plagued the fans (and owner) must come to an end.

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Originally posted by China

Not what you want to do. As you so carefully pointed out in your post we've had a lot of turnover (especially with coaches) over the last 5 seasons. That is one of the major problems with this team, no continuity. Gibbs is doing what needs to be done, determining who are the core players that will provide the base talent and institutional memory for the team and then adding a few players here and there as needed. It will not happen overnight or in one season as everyone had hoped. The fantasy football mentality that has plagued the fans (and owner) must come to an end.

I agree with you 100% I just don't want to see his and the other coaches good efforts go to waste. I'm sick and tired of seeing a heartless offense (Outside PR and portis).. You can't make a guy want to win.

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I really feel like we might see a different team this Sunday. I don't think we'll win; Pittsburg's too good. But, I think you'll see an inspired team play their guts out. I think it will be a close one, personally.

23-21 Steelers

Patrick Ramsey 23-35 285yds 2 TDs 1 INT

Betts 25 car. 113 yds

Portis 10 car. 20 yds

Sean Taylor 25 yd Interception returned for TD

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Originally posted by HoGz - For - Life

I agree with you 100% I just don't want to see his and the other coaches good efforts go to waste. I'm sick and tired of seeing a heartless offense (Outside PR and portis).. You can't make a guy want to win.

Have faith that Gibbs and his staff will weed out those who don't have "heart" and don't show that they want to win even when the chips are down and the season seems lost.

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