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Dammit, I can't keep up.....


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It's gotten so busy the last few days here, this board is moving faster than a chat room. Must catch my breath. It's 9 a.m. where I am and we already have 25 threads responded to today. Damn, real news brings all the geeks out, doesn't it :).

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My hat's off to anyone who has a job that affords them the time to not only READ all the threads/posts on a given day, but to also post any meaningful contributions therein. I stand amazed at those who can find time to write multiple, considered posts/responses all day long (and you know who you are).

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go slap my boss for the mere fact that I cannot.

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Om, I'm a computer guy. I got it good :). And, I type fast so, I'm always very productive :).

9, it may be true that as you age you do slow down in that manner. However, I'm yet to need lustful pictures of latina hotties to keep myself motivated, if you know what I mean. But, you seem to need that, and perhaps I shouldn't judge you too harshly yet. :)

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SPare, that's going to be a hard target to maintain to be sure. I went to sleep last night with 436 as my average. I'm already down to 420. It hurts to see such a drop off due to silly sleep requirements :).

I'm hopeful Die Hard edits me so I show as a member prior to April 10 of this year :).

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I thank all of you tax payers who daily contribute to the Navy Dave retirement fund to supplement my research on side effects of Sammie Adams or knotty head; so far knotty head seems to keep me more fertile :laugh:

My job(?) is great since I under cut contractors

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Originally posted by Art

9, it may be true that as you age you do slow down in that manner. However, I'm yet to need lustful pictures of latina hotties to keep myself motivated, if you know what I mean. But, you seem to need that, and perhaps I shouldn't judge you too harshly yet. :)

The Latina hotties are to keep me from falling asleep at work. Ha, ha. I figured I'd share them with my new Redskin friends. :pint:

Hey, so how many more posts do I need to work on before I graduate out of being a Waterboy???


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