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More Annoying: Don Banks or Len Pasquarelli?


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It seems that these two guys have successfully gotten on the nerves of many people on this message board. My question is which one do you find more annoying:

Don Banks


Len Pasquarelli


Do find both of them equally annoying?

For my money...Banks is the bigger jackass of the two...I mean the way he writes about the Skins you'd think that the franchise has no hope and we should let the franchise die out. His shots at Dan Snyder...even Len could take some lessons from this clown.

So what is your opinon?

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Originally posted by Hooper

Without a doubt, Don Banks. Lenny P actually writes about stuff other than his love for the Ravens and his hatred for the skins like Banks, who should really have a blog not a column.

He's a Ravens season ticket holder. Heaven forbid he'd have enough integrity to be impartial. :rolleyes:

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Well, these guys Len and Don think they are God's gift to football analysis. Len always lets you know when he's predicted something correctly, and then he pours on the false modesty by saying "I'm just going to point out that I was right about this, because it doesn't happen very often."

They also take pleasure in trampling Skinsnation for some reason. Perhaps because they find Danny boy's arrogance annoying and they wish to bring him down a notch. I'm not sure. But, I do know that in this day and age of constant over-analysis, football analysis has reached an all time low.

All of these experts rush to judgment, call the NY Giants potential NFC East winners when they're 5-1 and then say they knew all along that their dive would come. These guys, at the end of the day, are incapable of seeing the forrest for the trees. I read their articles more for comedic value than for anything else.

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