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How you know it's coaching

Ignatius J.

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These losses are squarely on gibbs shoulders.

It's not even close to those spurrier losses when it was really an issue of not having the talent. Gibbs has gone into second halves with the lead for half of his losses.

That's laughable.

I mean, rookie coaches do better than that.

I have all the faith in the world that gibbs will turn it around, but right now.... gibbs is the worst coach in the league.

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Since when do our Spurrier losses classify as 'no talent on the team' losses??? Sorry, but I don't agree with that comment!!! That team was poorly coached, poorly managed and poorly disciplined! There was no 'fight' in the Spurrier Redskin teams!!! I fail to see how a 'lack of talent' made Spurrier's years a big fat BOMB!!! I don't place ALL of the blame with Gibbs, nope sorry!

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I think you're mostly correct here.

Certainly Gibbs has not done a good job and you can pretty easily put the ineffectiveness of the offense on his shoulders. Because of that, it's certainly right to say he's MOSTLY to blame for the losses. What Williams is doing with the defense shows what good scheme, game-planning and coaching can do.

What's happening with our offense shows all the symptoms of bad coaching.

But, it's not really Gibbs' fault our offense has surrendered three touchdowns to the defense. Those are game changing plays that are hard to overcome. Combine those with giving Cleveland a short field last week after going into the half with a lead when Portis fumbled and this week's punt return for a touchdown and for the most part you're seeing other teams benefit from the sort of sudden game-changing plays we're not getting.

We've really only had the Smoot play in this game that fell into our laps and really turned things around. The Franz play was a great individual play I think is a little different. In any case, as much as Gibbs is to blame and Gibbs has accepted the blame, our offensive players are also killing us by giving the defense touchdowns.

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Originally posted by TenaciousB15

The point I will make. There can't a double standard. If you don't want to fault Gibbs for the poor offense, then you can't praise Williams for the defense. Take your pick.

yes you can because the defensive players are execting, offense is not, mainly ar QB

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Originally posted by bubba9497

yes you can because the defensive players are execting, offense is not, mainly ar QB

I believe that was his point. If the defensive players are executing and the offense is not, it's either coaching for both sides or it's coaching for neither. If Williams is the reason for the D playing well and executing, then the offensive coaches are the reason there's no execution on the O side of the ball (and your special teams too). I believe that's what TB's point is.

I could be wrong though. Just how I see what he was saying.

And I personally thought you guys had the game at half time. Baltimore's O was non-existent.

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Thing is; this coach will learn from his mistakes. It's obvious it's going to take Gibbs a full season to get his sea legs and find out what in his systems works or needs to be modified.

I expect the midnight oil to be burning alot! The bye week won't be a bye for the Skins.

With Gibbs you know he can turn things around. With our previous coach- you knew he wouldn't.

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what is making Gibbs look bad is the amazing progress the Redskins defense has made under Gregg Williams. HE seems to be the wonder coach around here.

Remember, in the offseason he was given some players that we at first questioned.

Shawn Springs was hurt much of the past 3 years and was a question mark coming back. Cornelius Griffin had a fine rookie season but looked average in 2003 and then we gave him $7 or $8 million. Joe Salave'a looked to most like camp fodder at age 28 rather than a starting quality DT.

And yet Williams has made these guys into a very good unit.

A unit that has absorbed injuries and a lack of support from the offense and yet continues to come out fighting each week.

If the offense today had done anything on its own, like driving the ball even once or twice 60 yards to give the D a breather the Skins would likely have won this game.

But this offense is as bad as it was near the end of last season. We couldn't run the ball, we couldn't throw the ball and lost games scoring 0 against Dallas and 7 against the Eagles.

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His offense is a work in progress, unfortunately there is no progress. I just don't the formations he is using will work consistently now. The lack of a fullback is hurting the passing game. I also think we need to send out more receivers. I fully expect Gibbs to learn from the mistakes he's make so far. We will eventually get it together, but we probably have to wait awhile for this to occur.

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