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O-Line Biggest Concern, But Hope for the Season


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Everyone's opinions so far seem pretty good, but I disagree with the pessimistic attitude of "another long haul." Our defense will be fine, although still needs work, and I think we can be optimistic that the offense will get things operating smoothly (we played well in the second half last night). The big question is will it happen too late.

If we play like we did in first half of last night, we lose. If we play like we did in second half, we can be competitive in every game.

Our biggest problems the way I see it are:

1) THE O-LINE. This is by far our biggest concern. Sacks/penalties killed us last night. You can blame Brunell all you want, but he made some great plays avoiding MORE sacks (i.e. the touchdown pass to Gardner - his move was sick to avoid that sack).

Aside from sacks/penalties, the biggest concern to me is the lack of opening up our running game. Portis, when he gains good yardage is either squirting through tiny holes or popping it outside. This can NOT continue if we're to win this season.

So far Portis has not looked like the pro-bowler from Denver. Why? Because our line is playing like trash.

2) GIBBS IS RUSTY. Playcalling. Poor clock management. Poor use of challenges. I think, and let's all pray this is right, many of our errors last night stem from Gibbs simply being rusty. Dunno about the playcalling, but this has gotta be it for clock management and challenges issues.

If we can get these two offensive kinks worked out, I think we'll be fine. Defensive has looked good, but we've gotta get a better pass rush somehow. Pass defense was poor last night, but I'm not going further into our defensive woes. I think our defense, especially when we get key injured players back, will be decent.

All in all, I think the second half of last night should give us all reason to hope that Skins can be a winning team this year. It's all a matter of how long it will take.

Hail to the Redskins baby, hail to motha f'n Skins!

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you are going to get caught in a "chicken or the egg" debate about the qb pressure vs brunell.

personally, from watching the game i take the stance that our oline looked so bad and didn't open any holes because defenses don't respect brunell's arm to beat them on the blitzes and the 8 man fronts. until brunell gets either his timing down or his arm back, our oline is going to look bad.

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1) THE O-LINE. This is by far our biggest concern. Sacks/penalties killed us last night. You can blame Brunell all you want, but he made some great plays avoiding MORE sacks (i.e. the touchdown pass to Gardner - his move was sick to avoid that sack).

Agreed. Brunell was great in the pocket yesterday. He was running all over the place, avoiding pressure from Dallas. Had he just sat back in the pocket like Ramsey, the Cowgirls would have had 10-15 sacks, and we'd have not had either TD.

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I have to disagree with your thought that our OL is playing poorly right now.

Many of the sacks last night were as the result of terrific coverage by the hated Cowboys.

No OL is going to look great when there are more defensive people coming at us than we have personnel to block.

Clinton had almost a hundred last night, 4-5 yards at a time. Lord knows what he would have had if we'd run him outside a little or called a few more quick hitters.

No, our biggest problem isn't our OL..not by a long shot. Our biggest problem is our passing offense, notwithstanding Brunell's statistical triumph last night.

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Originally posted by B&G

No, our biggest problem isn't our OL..not by a long shot. Our biggest problem is our passing offense, notwithstanding Brunell's statistical triumph last night.

yes it is because when they blitzed we couldn't stop them, why do you think we did so many rollouts? it was because we couldn't handle the pressure

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Jbooma, you think the rollouts were the result of Dallas blitzes? Were the HOGS incapable of stopping the blitz when we sprinted Theismann out all those times? Or, do you think the play is an integral part of Joe Gibb's offense designed to play to a mobile quarterback's strengths?

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B&G - I went into last night's game with same opinion that you have right now - that the key to our offense is opening up the passing game. Before tonight I figured Clinton wasn't getting much 'cause other teams weren't respecting the pass.

BUT, last night Brunell threw for over 300 yards and still the O-Line filed to open big holes. Plus, we had quite a few stalled drives due to either stupid O-LIne penalties and/or sacks. Now you can make a case for some of the sacks that it wasn't the o-lines fault, but Brunell was hurried/hit way more than the sack numbers show.

LIke I said, going into last night's game I agreed with your statement. But going into the Cleveland game I think the o-line is our biggest problem.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Denver's pass offense the last two years was anything special, yet look what Portis did there.

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on the goal line with the heavy jumbo package twice we were blown back by a smaller cowboy DL. That should have not have been.

Brunnell was rushed and hurried many times, when the boys didn't blitz. on just about every running play you didn't see any OL more than a yard or two off the LOS, when they clearly had the size advantage... some should have been several yards down the field.

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I thought the oline was good last night. You cant blame them for sacks that are given up because of good coverage. In those instances brunell needs to take off and stop double and triple pumping the ball. You get 3 sec, he had a least 4-5 seconds on 3 of those sacks. The other two you can blame on the line.

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