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I'm Listening to Dallas Sportstalk Radio


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and all Norm Hitzges (a Dallas fan, btw) can talk about on 1310 The Ticket is the bad officiating last night. He grades the officiating out at a D or D- and says the league owes both teams (but especially the Skins) an apology.

He singled out the PI calls as bad. Says the call on Harris was really really wrong as the best call would have been a No Call and the second best call would have been PI on Glenn. In fact, he says Glenn is doing this all the time and it is never called for some reason.

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Originally posted by Blondie

I was listening to ESPN here in Dallas also.

They know it, we know it, and the entire TV viewing audience knows it.

Now, if the NFL will admit it, I will feel vindicated.


I kind of agree, but if they admit the poor officiating...doesn't change the final score. I guess for me it will be too little too late.

Is it me, or does the calls always seem to go in favor of Parcells and/or Dallas?

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Originally posted by riggins44

I kind of agree, but if they admit the poor officiating...doesn't change the final score. I guess for me it will be too little too late.

Is it me, or does the calls always seem to go in favor of Parcells and/or Dallas?

No doubt what's done is done.

However, it was so very blatent, that something......anything needs to be done to admit the inconsistant and inexcusable calls.

Nothing will correct it. Just make me feel better....well, as much as I can.


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Originally posted by Sea Bass

An official apology would at least shut up the Cowboys fans that actually think the officiating favored the Redskins.

i seriouly doubt it would their cowboy fans :puke:

as long as their winning the games against the skins they'll

be talking their are$$ off . thats what they do :doh:

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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Originally posted by Blondie

No doubt what's done is done.

However, it was so very blatent, that something......anything needs to be done to admit the inconsistant and inexcusable calls.

Nothing will correct it. Just make me feel better....well, as much as I can.


:flowers: :grouphug: :kiss: If not, maybe this will help.

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Originally posted by Sea Bass

An official apology would at least shut up the Cowboys fans that actually think the officiating favored the Redskins.

Hey, I may be a Redskins fan but I recognize there were issues in the officiating that favored both teams. Dallas got off easy with the PI calls but they got screwed with the Portis first down call. He was clearly down by contact before getting up to run for the first down. That call was really bad. Ray Brown could have been called for holding Greg Ellis on nearly every pass play.

The officiating just plain sucked.

The point being made by Norm today is that right now all the Cowboy fans are saying "hey, the officiating was fine" because they won the game even though they were out played. He has been very loud in his caution to the Boyz fans today that someday it will be them with the "L" in a game they "won" but the zebras gave away and they will be pissed. He is taking a lot of flake on the air about it too...

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