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Fred Smoot on The Coaches Corner - Send Questions


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The Coaches Corner will air the first episode of The Fred Smoot Show tomorrow night from Bungalow Billiards in Cascades, Virginia. Please reply with your questions and if your question is chosen on the show you will be entered in a drawing to win a Hat signed by Fred Smoot. Please give your name and what city you are from.

Andy Hayes

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Hey Fred, since Champ has left and we added Springs to assist you, and of couse our # 1 pick, Mr. Taylor. do you think the secondary is better this year or last year. How long before you would like to see Taylor in the secondary on every down??

Dave Halter

The Suburbs of Philly, Collegeville Pa.


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What is the difference from going to #2 to now being the #1 corner on a team?

How much more pressure is there on you?

For the last few years, you have sort of gotten used to shutin down the same guys in divisional games, but now you are given all new players to take, how tough is that?

What type of Receiver would you rather cover, Big position receivers, or little quick burners?

One more thing, when are you going to get a TD? One that isn’t called back.

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2 questions,

1) What's the most important thing you've learned from Gibbs and the rest of the staff?

2) This is clearly not a traditional defense. Is there anything in the new defense that you find yourself having to do that you've never had to do as a cornerback? Has Gregg Williams changed your role as a corner at all?


Chris Singleton

Gainesville, FL

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Originally posted by TheCoachesCorner.TV

The Coaches Corner will air the first episode of The Fred Smoot Show tomorrow night from Bungalow Billiards in Cascades, Virginia. Please reply with your questions and if your question is chosen on the show you will be entered in a drawing to win a Hat signed by Fred Smoot. Please give your name and what city you are from.

Andy Hayes

Andy, check your web site, the admins have done something bad to it.

How'd the night with Smootie go?

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My question pertain's to the offensive side of the ball, and C.Portis, do the coaches have any plan's of implimenting a few running play's from the Denver blocking schemes, it seem's Clinton is better suited for following his blocker's in a trapping style blocking scheme, where he has to let the play develope, and then using his speed, and quickness, to hit the hole, rather than straight ahead running, which I believe he is a little undersized to do?

P.S. don't let some of these fickle fan's fool you, I was in your corner after year 1! Now answer my question!:D

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