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$1M Question: Do we win if Brunell doesn't get hurt?


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I say no.

Mark had not been able to stretch the field all day.

The G-men were playing 8 in the box and the squatting on the mid and long range routes.

Because MB does not have enough zip on his passes the db's able to play off and tackle the short dump off type passes.

With no score, a tie, or a compfortable lead MB might have been able to win the game.

However I do not think he has a stong enough arm to stretch the field verticaly unless the reciever had a fair amount of seperation.

I think PR does have the arm, MB could not have thrown that TD pass Portis caught.

What hurt PR today was the drops and a couple of bad decisions.

The drops were huge, that just eats a QB up inside.

The only way were were going to come back and win the game was to loosen the g-men up and stretch the field.

I just do not feel MB has the arm to do it.

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The Giants didn't score at all in the second half. I think it's possible. All of Ramsey's INTs were devistating. One in the endzone, one when driving deep into Giant territory and one "what the hell?!?!" that he just launched downfield to three guys standing there instead of throwing out of bounds or dumping it off to someone a little closer.

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Dont know if we wouldve or not with brunell. we probably woudve had a better chance. i say this because brunell is more conservative and would not have thrown those INTs. which means , even if we didnt get TDs on those drives , at least come out with few FGs.

But this is not ramsey's fault either. matter of fact we shouldve won this game. Redskins Receivers didnt help the matter, especially Rod Garnder. The one Gardner dropped in the end zone was a killer. the ball went right through his hands. if Gardner catches the ball we score a TD and ramsey dont throw that INT.

Coles had a drop late in the game as well but Gardner drops too many for us. its getting to be annoying and unacceptable.

Gardner to me has a long history of drop passes.

Where is Mccants?

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3 fumbles


Countless costly penalties

All the drops by Gardner

The fumble return for a TD

....and many many other factors

We WIN!!!

Oh well, we are 1-1 and have Dallas at home on MNF. That is about all I care about right now. 1-1 and trying to get a home win, a division win, a win against the hated Cowboys and go to 2-1.

That is all anyone should be caring about right about now. This one is over and we get em again later in the year.

HTTR - Let's get in on against the Cowboys!!!

BTW - My fantasy team BLOWS!!!!!

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