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Enough Negatives, here are the positives


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First of all we didn't get beat we beat ourselves.

With that being said I think we can beat ourselves to death all day saying all the things we did wrong but lets look at some positives we can build off of.

1. After the one play where Bowen got burnt (not his fault, great move by that Giants receiver on his route) our DEFENSE played EXTREMELY well.

2. The running game didn't go as well because we had to play catch up, Portis didn't run THAT bad and if we had been able to run more the big play may have opened up at some point.

3. When Ramsey came in he had 3 picks... I know you are saying that is ridiculous... but look at the film... on the first one there is a guy in his face and he thought he saw someone... just a simple mistake...not good but not to bad... his second pick was Coles slipping on his route... if you disagree with me on this I'll tell you right now you are wrong... not matter how bad a quarter back may be... they would not throw a ball across the middle like that if they didn't think their WR was making that cut.... the last pick was just the Spurrier mentality of throw it downfield...inexcusable but gibbs will fix it.

4. Spurrier and Turner are no longer here, we have coaches who care and want to win. They will watch the film and make the corrections.

Have some faith guys, we had a terrible game, it's bound to happen, this was just one of those games where nothing went our way, (John Halls field goal that hit the post for example, coles slipping, Portis fumbling when falling on Randy Thomas) Let's just thank our lucky stars it happened now, it's a long season, we should be just fine.

GO SKINS, :wewantd: :dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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You are right Chris Cooley was great, I think you underestimate the fact that our Defense has given up less TD's than our offense (kind of scary)... Our Kickoff coverage was once again subpar... it looks to me like we are either getting blocked well or not fast enough on kickoff.... i can't tell which but I would guess the later... although Ade Jimoh (for all you jimoh haters) has looked great on special teams... GO SKINS :wewantd:

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Originally posted by NoCalMike

Chris Cooley has been EXCELLENT so far, in all elements of the offensive game. I am also LOVING the fact that he is being overlooked by the media because they all think Jason Witten is the next big thing. It allows Cooley to sneak in under the radar. He was a draft STEAL.

Heck, I like Cooley so much I started him as TE in my fantasy league today and guess what....he scored.

HAIL Chris Cooley!!!!!




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Originally posted by SkinsCrunkin

First of all we didn't get beat we beat ourselves.

With that being said I think we can beat ourselves to death all day saying all the things we did wrong but lets look at some positives we can build off of.

1. After the one play where Bowen got burnt (not his fault, great move by that Giants receiver on his route) our DEFENSE played EXTREMELY well.

2. The running game didn't go as well because we had to play catch up, Portis didn't run THAT bad and if we had been able to run more the big play may have opened up at some point.

3. When Ramsey came in he had 3 picks... I know you are saying that is ridiculous... but look at the film... on the first one there is a guy in his face and he thought he saw someone... just a simple mistake...not good but not to bad... his second pick was Coles slipping on his route... if you disagree with me on this I'll tell you right now you are wrong... not matter how bad a quarter back may be... they would not throw a ball across the middle like that if they didn't think their WR was making that cut.... the last pick was just the Spurrier mentality of throw it downfield...inexcusable but gibbs will fix it.

4. Spurrier and Turner are no longer here, we have coaches who care and want to win. They will watch the film and make the corrections.

Have some faith guys, we had a terrible game, it's bound to happen, this was just one of those games where nothing went our way, (John Halls field goal that hit the post for example, coles slipping, Portis fumbling when falling on Randy Thomas) Let's just thank our lucky stars it happened now, it's a long season, we should be just fine.

GO SKINS, :wewantd: :dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

Finally, some rational thinking. Patience people...........Patience. "Rome wasn't built in a day" now that's the worst phrase ever, but it's true.

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