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Idiots, morons, ignorant and "sky is falling" people post here

Guest SkinsHokie Fan

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

This is your thread for you people that do not want to talk intelligent football.

The Redskins lost a game. It happens. Its only Week 2. If you are going to post threads saying we suck, or Ramsey sucks and should die, put it all in here.

I don't want to see crap clutter this board. Too many good members here who want to speak intelligent football. Here is your thread

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We will be in games like this all year.

This is what I think

-Ramsey MUST sit this year. He gives us the best chance to win a super bowl next year or the year after. But now Brunnell gives us the best shot at the wild card.

-Gibbs must activate McCants , he has the solid hands that 50/50 lacks

-This is Week 2, the season isn't over. I dont think cowgirl fans cried a river after last week. Let's hope they lose today and we get a division win next week.

-This is our second whole game together as a team. Give it time please

-When we draft a pass rusher next year no team will be able to mess with us.

These our my thoughts

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what you guys say is true, but did you watch the game today? i don't think it's that bad for people to bash the skins after the performance they put on today, 7 TOs, penalties all over the place, missed FG, botched snaps, dropped passes...i wouldn't say our season is over, but it sure as hell brings me back to the crap i've put up with the last 12 years, i'm scared

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Cool...can we also start a thread entitled "Pollyannas, Apologists, and the Naive" so that both sides get equal time?

There's losing a game, and there's getting humiliated and surrendering your manhood. Skins took it like a b*tch today. This team has SERIOUS problems to address. No reason for confidence or optimism was displayed on that field.

Sorry, I know you guys have the right idea with the positivity, but I'm just p*ssed.

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I was reading the PANTHA'S Board all last week and their FANZ....( J/K ) were JUMPING SHIP......I guess we should set up a Hari Karri ( sp ) Webpage to get your Burgundy and Gold Suicide Knives on the Web !!! PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULESE folks remain calm...lolololololol

At LEAST 14 more to go !!!

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