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Should I stay or should I go ????


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Well, being my wife is a Giants fan, we would normally go out for the game tomorrow. She said she has to catch up with missed work from bugging out last weekend and doesn't want to go out.

She said I could go out for the game without her. My first reaction was joy, but it soon cooled a bit once I started thinking.

Could this be a test............You know, like the famous "do you like my new hair doo" question. If you say you like it, you could get

A: Oh, didn't you like my hair before........

B: well I'm glad you do, cause I don't

Or, if you say you don't you could get

A: Killed

B:this is what I get for trying to look nice you

C:All of the above

So, should I go out and catch the game, or sit by the computer and listen in on the geo.

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Like Blondie said, bring her something. You know her far better than we Pete. My guess she wants to go but really needs to catch up. Anything you can do to help? If not. go. But preface your gift with a call on the way home. She's been working hard and not having fun. Been a tough week or so. " Anything I can get ya? Drink? something to eat?" Not a set up. a sincere wish to do something for her. If not. No problem. Just get her soemthing nice to let her know " Hey. had fun, but wish you were there. And I know you;ve been working hard." Or something like that.


Then again. What the hell do I know? I'm still single.

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did she or didshe not say you could go?

don't play her games...never play these games women try.

You're now pondering whether or not your wife will get mad at you for going out to watch the game at a bar with friends instead of sitting at home and watching the game by yoursele while she does paperwork...after she told you to go out? If she gets mad you have no reason to listen to her ramblings, you must use your logical male brain to explain to her why what she did makes your life suck, or else go ahead and seal up that jar that your penis and testicles are in. I don't care if its easier to just be a ***** and do what she says. That's no way to go through life,

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Go..even if she secretly gets pissed at you, that will pass eventually. The week 2 Skins game is a once a year occurance, have some fun now,. and see what happens...

Hell you might not go and catch hell for something else completely unrelated. At least this way you know what you did and it was good...

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Originally posted by SkinsFanMania

Take off the dress and put on some pants. Then go out for the game.

I just luvvvvvvvvv how tough some of y'all are!!

Really I do.

Y'all kill me.........really really kill me!

:laugh: :laugh:

Soliloquy............From a sports bar?

"Here honey, I got you a Sam Adams souvenir glass! Enjoy!"

Duh. Like the car can't stop somewhere else?




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Originally posted by Blondie

Duh. Like the car can't stop somewhere else?




Exactly. Something like flowers would be nice.

However, she is going to be in a very bad mood after the Giants get clobbered. Not sure if flowers are enough in this case. Perhaps jewelry might be in order.

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Originally posted by FullbackIsKey

did she or didshe not say you could go?

don't play her games...never play these games women try.

You're now pondering whether or not your wife will get mad at you for going out to watch the game at a bar with friends instead of sitting at home and watching the game by yoursele while she does paperwork...after she told you to go out? If she gets mad you have no reason to listen to her ramblings, you must use your logical male brain to explain to her why what she did makes your life suck, or else go ahead and seal up that jar that your penis and testicles are in. I don't care if its easier to just be a ***** and do what she says. That's no way to go through life,

I'm guessing....NOT married.

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