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I think we all might need to take a deep breath and calm down


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We have got a lot of stuff going on, especially in that thread about wanting Lott to get burnt, which I must say is ridiculous.

But in general I think we all need to calm down a little. I'm just worried that with all this hype now that we are going to raise expectations to an unrealistic level and then everyone is going to be let down.

1st thing: This defense still has a LONG way to go. I wish we would back off talking about how we are ranked #1 in defense all the time b/c we were ranked #1 after week 1 last year. And the Bucs have a pathetic offense. After Galloway went out they had absolutely no speed out there, except maybe Clayton and he is a rookie. They had no threats. With the high risk high reward defense we're playing this year we are going to give up big plays, it wont be like last week all the time, smoot and springs and the safeties are going to get burned from time to time, but hopefully the defense can also make some big plays too. I dont want anyone flipping out if Springs or Smoot gets burnt next week, b/c we all know that its bound to happen.

2nd thing: I love Taylor just as much as all of you, I have been a huge fan of his ever since he was a sophmore at Miami. However, if the coaches decide not to start him THAT IS OKAY!!! He is a rookie, he has a lot to learn, we are doing some complicated things right now that he still needs to grasp. He is still in on a lot of plays and he is still learning, as Greg Williams has said starting is not that big a deal with him b/c the starters arent the ones who really play the most. Taylor will continue to come along, and I know its real exciting when he's out there to see what he'll do but we have to understand that it takes time.

3rd thing: Matt Bowen had a good game. And it is just that, a good game. Hopefully he can flourish in this system that Greg Williams plays and become a very very good player for us. But as of now it was just one good game for Matt Bowen, lets not be unfair to Bowen and expect games like that all the time.

4th thing: Andre Lott is not a terrible player. For some reason a lot of people here think that Lott cannot hold the jock straps of these guys he's playing with or against. That is not the case, Lott was very good at UT, versatile as well playing CB and S. He has very good all around skills and can hang with these guys in the NFL.

5th Thing: Some players who REALLY had big plays last week are somewhat going under the radar and I think we should take time to notice them. First is Chris Cooley who had the biggest catch in the game, and a beautiful catch it was, that FINALLY got us out our own endzone and flip flopped the fields a little bit. Pierce did get a lot of attention but his play I think was better than Bowen's, mainly b/c he had to do some things himself more, such as reading the plays and getting to the ball carrier, and making that INT.

6th Thing: We should be worrying more about what the hell is going on with the kickoff coverage teams than who is starting at safety. B/c we gave them 3 points last week on a kick return, and he had another nice one that was called back, they looked like a joke out there.

Having said all of those we need to realize that this weeks game is a whole hell of a lot bigger than last weeks. Division wins are going to be hard to come by this year with all the good teams, and the Giants look like they are a little behind everyone else right now so we cannot afford to let them beat us.

I also think the Giants are a lot tougher than the Bucs were, so I think we are going to have to play much better this week.

Throughout the year the defense will give up more and more points as the offenses learn to adjust to our blitzes, now hopefully throughout the year our offense can gel and develope and score more and more points, thus still creating wins.

Now I know a lot of you know all that I just said, I just felt like I needed to put a few things in perspective here so that we didnt get unrealistic with our expectations for our defense or team.

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And bubba,

I love the Eric Ainge pic on your sig line. You should put one of Brent Shaffer on there too. I was at that game 2 weeks ago it was great to see all the excitement out there with the 2 new freshman QB's. Big game tomorrow night, I am pretty pumped for that.

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I picked the Skins to beat Tampa in a close fought game, 21-17 and it turned out to be close.

I am picking the Skins to beat NY 24-13 also with the game being close for the first half to up to three quarters.

Nothing is going to come 'easy' for this team, but with 100% effort I think the final record will make us smile, after what we have seen in past years.

Are the Skins going to finish #1 in the NFC in total defense. Of course not :laugh:

The defensive line is what I would call 'solid', ie we have NFL caliber performers on the line but no one that stands out as a 'must stop' guy for opposing coordinators.

The passing game has not yet jelled and I have doubts that Gardner is consistent enough to be a go-to guy as a possession receiver as Art Monk was, despite the similarities in size and strength.

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i want and expect this team to get to 10 wins.....that means 6 losses....and I won't be a chicken little after each one....we're headed in the right direction, progress is being made....that is enough for me....and anyone rooting against individual players doesn't "get it"

i hated deion and george with a passion....but i didn't root against them when they were here....


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why are people so anxious about Taylor?

rookies all around the league are being worked in slowly into the lineup.

the fact the Skins actually have some capable players ahead of the raw Taylor at safety should be a good indication of our greater depth this year than in past years :)

let's all remember that Andre Lott and Antonio Pierce were dogmeat on this team last year, they didn't get a chance to get on the field at all despite how poorly a lot of the other guys played on D.

Williams is truly optimizing the talent of the players that are here.

How can anybody argue with that?

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Originally posted by Skins26

And bubba,

I love the Eric Ainge pic on your sig line. You should put one of Brent Shaffer on there too. I was at that game 2 weeks ago it was great to see all the excitement out there with the 2 new freshman QB's. Big game tomorrow night, I am pretty pumped for that.

as soon as I find one :)

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And let's all calm down about Brunell too. The guy has played one game, people! Against the Tampa Bay Defense! And he won! I love Ramsey too, and yes, Brunell's lack of going downfield does scare me, but come on, let's give him a couple games at least. Jesus.

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Originally posted by Hooper

And let's all calm down about Brunell too. The guy has played one game, people! Against the Tampa Bay Defense! And he won! I love Ramsey too, and yes, Brunell's lack of going downfield does scare me, but come on, let's give him a couple games at least. Jesus.

Yes mark is going to be fine. He is going to go down the field a bit more this week after clinton loosens the d up a bit. I made him my starter this week over bledsoe so I truley hope my prediction does come to fruition for the teams sucess first and foremost and secondarily for my fantasy team. Gonna be a heck of a year.

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