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DTC Tailgate Pics 9/12/04.........


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Here are some pics I took at our first tailgate of the season.

We had a blast and alot of people came by and either tailgated with us, or just stopped to say "Hi."

I would say we had over 60 people at the tailgate.

The pics I posted are the only ones that are aproperate to post here. There was some wild and crazy antics going on yesterday.



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Originally posted by rdsknbill

Great Picks. I see that Thito-da-Skins fan made another appearance.. :cheers:

What was the upside down thing??? Was that beer bongs?

Rockstars all of you!!!!! :wave:


They didn't have Keg stands in your day?

BTW I see thitto is rocking the free towl for signing up for the credit card:laugh: I have both towls and the shirt

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Pez/Huly, those wings were AWESOME. Definitely my favorite food of the tailgate. Thankfully I had sunglasses on in those pics so you can't really tell how destroyed I was. I was pretty bad going into the game, I had to take a nap at halftime. However, I did not miss a play, and the intensity at FedEx Sunday was A-MA-ZZZZING. I was real glad to meet those who I did meet. I might have been at the tailgate physically, but mentally. . . anyways, I hope you all had a good time and come back for more, you're always welcome.

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Like CK said, pez and Hurly, those wings were awesome.

It was great meeting and tailgating with y'all.

Y'all are welcome back anytime.

But don't forget to bring wings.:laugh:

We had soooo much food there, that I didn't cook half the food I brought.

Here's to another great tailgate when we crush the cowturds on Monday night. :cheers:

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