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And It Continues


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It is now being reported that 4 men, armed with knives and guns, tried to board an outgoing aircraft at JFK airport.

CNN is also reporting that the Capitol building is being evacuating. No details known at this time.


Ok, the Capitol has been reopened after a bomb threat was made and bomb-sniffing dogs hit on an area. Nothing was found.

[<IMG SRC="http://www.extremeskins.com/ubb/edited.gif" border=0> by AdamB on September 13, 2001.]

[edited.gif by AdamB on September 13, 2001.]

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9/10 of what I'm reading here are unsubstantiated rumors that aren't worth printing. They're getting bomb scares everywhere.

Resort to posting links from reputable news sources (who are havingn enough trouble sorting truth from fiction) so you won't have to keep retracting all this garbage.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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Art et al.,

I doubt these people are even remotely related to those who were involved with tuesday's attack. The people who attacked us on tuesday were amazingly well trained and well prepared. Not to mention smart. These guys were probably a bunch of wanna-be hacks, equally capable of causing massive amounts of destruction, but copy-cats none the less.

First, I'd bet these guys are white. And if not, they're real dumb. Four arabic pilots on one of these flights looks suspicious, especially ones with knives and guns. The US has lenty of enemies, so getting these guys to talk won't lead us to bin laden.

No, we're gonna see a lot of people trying to take advantage of the situation. That's why our security is so tight right now.


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DB, I'd be kidding you if I pretended to know who the guys who were caught today are or who they represent. However, I think I heard on a report that the names they used turned on on the passenger manifests of Tuesday's flights. If so, that's awfully coincidental and could well be a cell of these guys in stolen uniforms.

Also very stupid of course smile.gif. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it turned out to be nothing. I also wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be a fine catch.


Doom is in the box.

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Does anyone have a link to the JFk stuff?


<IMG SRC="http://a188.g.akamaitech.net/f/188/920/1h/www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/images/I8133-2000Sep03" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://a188.g.akamaitech.net/f/188/920/1h/www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/images/I57271-2000Oct01" border=0>



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Of the "2" of how many of them they have as suspects and those 2 were in handcuffs, they have the appearance of being people from the mideast. Now if we want to play tit for tat about appearances, just go ahead and Help "yourself".

Fact is, why would anyone, as soon as flights are available, get on a plane from the most heavily guarded area, with "phony passports" and what looks to be the same form of nomenclature, being of relation of the Mideast, and traveling in groups of "4". These guys were on a mission and there are more of these "****roaches" all over, but we will spank that as*. Oh yeah, eat your heart out, cus, the U. S. is onto what they're doing and will punish them. Bet on it.

Well, now talk about denial. Put a sock it in it and be for real for once.

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Indy, in response to your question as to why anyone would try again so quickly to perform a terrorist act and in the teeth of high security.

Well, it may point out the the most horrifying aspect of all this week:

These guys are fanatical, motivated, and single minded in their aims. They are obviously determined to meet Allah at any cost. But these foot soldiers don't seem especially bright.

If they can be picked up now carrying knives, box cutters, false documents, and phony airline baggage, then what might a lttle REAL security in Tuesday have prevented?

As it is, we know that on Tuesday, one cell was turned away when they tried to get knives past the metal detectors, and another cell was actually boarded on a plane that was grounded and raised a fuss when told that the flight was candelled and security had to escort them off.

Perhaps another reason for their doing this so quickly is that they know the FBI is hot on their trail, and arrest is imminent anyway. Some of the guys had papers from that flight school in Fla. Don't you think that the FBI has that list of students and is already doing a massive manhunt for them?

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Guys, this was all in the Post this morning.


however, Sen Biden JUST announced about five minutes ago that these guys were NOT in fact armed and are not linked to the terrorists after all. Shrug.


"Men, there's nothing to get excited about. The situation is normal; we are surrounded."

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CBS, buried at the bottom of their lead piece, says all but one of the guys detained last night at the New York airports have been released. They were detained on coincidence and the one arrest was because a man became belligerent.

I don't know the truth of this whole story one way or the other, but it SEEMS awfully fishy. There were LOTS of stories about these guys, and it sure seemed more than coincidence. Including the story about four guys turned away on Tuesday who came back yesterday. Now, not everything reported is true, but, it seems to me that this is the start of a bit of cover.

I could be well off, but, I wouldn't be surprised if these guys were caught doing what we think they were, and now that we have them, we are going to keep them locked and without attorneys for severe questioning until one breaks. This story may go away for a while, but, I won't be surprised if it comes back and we know something of it was true. But, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, so, I believe Biden. A little.


Doom is in the box.

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All I ask for is that the airlines and airports step up and man their facilities to avoid anger in the future. How many times have you gone to the airport previously and waited in line while your airline had four of 15 counters open, and then you had to wait in line for a while to get through security, because only two entry points were open, rather thant he full four.

The FAA has now imposed restrictions that do limit passengers, but do nothing to prevent hijackings. And, in response, the airlines had better assure all their counters are open -- since everyone has to check in now -- and the security checkpoints should be fully manned all day, every day.

If I walk into an airport and see a line around the corner I won't be mad in the future. However, if I see four of 10 ticket counters open for my airline, I'm going to yell at someone in a loud manner smile.gif. News at 11.


Doom is in the box.

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