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Cheap Authentic Portis jersey


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Originally posted by KingGibbs

One thing that you have to be aware of, are the EQT's being billed as authentic's. People will do anything to make a buck.

Ok, the jersey that is pictured is not, I repeat, not an EQT. You can tell by the sleeves. From what this guy says, if you can grab one for $185, you are getting a damn good deal. He looks like he gets good reviews. If this is for real, then it is a good deal.

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Originally posted by afparent

Ok, the jersey that is pictured is not, I repeat, not an EQT. You can tell by the sleeves. From what this guy says, if you can grab one for $185, you are getting a damn good deal. He looks like he gets good reviews. If this is for real, then it is a good deal.

I was not refering to this jersey. Just jerseys in general.

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Originally posted by afparent

Dang, this guy has a lot of authentics. He has a white 52 Portis, a white 50 Arrington for $150.

52 PORTIS ??? 50 ARRINGTON ???? :D whats wrong with this picture ? :laugh:

AFP, i didn't go to the site , was just laughing at your post :cheers:

:ravensuck :dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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