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I did not Know????


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Damn guys easy. Geeeeez. She lost her ring. Now, I don't know about you fellows, but in my years of bartending,l I've found wedding rings, graduations, earrings, ect... not sure why wearing this out should be any different. Now, maybe she is wearing it to get attention, or maybe she's just damned proud to wear the ring, ( sort of like a lot of players out there hwo have one), but for crying out loud "attention whore?" C'mon.

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The article says she went to multiple clubs and showed it to multiple people, which I'm sure included strangers. She was probably like, look at me, look what I got, blah blah... It's karma for her to loose it. She's a attention whore, just like that blondy girl on this site with the huge pics in her sig on a dam football site.

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Originally posted by MonkeySkin

I hope whoever found it doesn't turn it back to her. Stupid !@#$% wore the thing out to go clubbing? ATTENTION WHORE

I agree. That's like some broad posting her picture on some message board to see what kind of reaction she would get. :D

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Originally posted by MonkeySkin

The article says she went to multiple clubs and showed it to multiple people, which I'm sure included strangers. She was probably like, look at me, look what I got, blah blah... It's karma for her to loose it. She's a attention whore, just like that blondy girl on this site with the huge pics in her sig on a dam football site.

No. You assume. And assumptions are based on what you think you know as opposed to what you do know. Big difference. Now, could it be that some people asked to see it? ok. Maybe she wears it for that reason or maybe again, she 's proud of the damn thing. As I stated, the players wear the rings around as well, ( have read a few articles in the past that have stated as much), does this make them attention whores as well?

Now, as for Blondy. I will admit to the fact that keeping rather large pics of herself can be a grab for attention.

However, and let me make this very, very clear. And this will not be repeated. If you wish to call some gal in an article a whore by all means feel free to do so no matter how narrowminded it can be. But one thing that is expected here sir is respect. And I highly recommend that you do not, under any circumstances, refer to Blondy or any other female on this board as whore. Or any other derogatory name even resembling that. Whether you like her or not, is irrelevant. Courtesy is and that is way over the line. We do not allow for name calling to each other as males on this board, I almost assure you that this is not allowed.

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Monkeyskin, lighten up dude. As PCS stated, call whoever whatever you want, just not the members here. This place has been built on mutual respect, and civility. If you have a problem with Blondie536, either ignore her posts, or turn off the sig pics.

As for the lost ring, an old saying applys.

If ya got it, flaunt it;)

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Come on guys.

For the record, I didn't know that NFL cheerleaders received a version of a SB ring either. That is the point of the thread. Thanks to TXRedskin44 for informing.

As for the rest, why do we have to go there? Whether she showed it around or not, whats it to you?

I'd think we ALL qualify as 'attention whores'. I mean, why else spend hours posting snappy remarks to a bunch of strangers on the internet?

You're all a bunch of whores.

Now that thats clarified, back to the topic at hand (and lets try and keep it to that). :)

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

And I highly recommend that you do not, under any circumstances, refer to Blondy or any other female on this board as whore.

Attention whore has nothing to do with females or the standard defenition for the word whore. It's a term that doesn't have anything to do with either female or male. Anybody can be one.

Now if your dreaming that some posters might coming running to their internet hero, best of luck to you. I don't know what your intentions are, and I can't understand how you could think that I ment whore as in "whore."

Have a coke and a smile buddy :laugh:

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No MonkeySkinm no such agenda. I have no fragile ego to build by such little things like that. My concern as always is exactly what I said and what has been repeated since. I may be a little sensitve to the term "whore" being thrown in the direction of women, especially those that frequent this board, but it has been my experience to err on the side of caution. This ensures no misunderstandings on what was meant or not meant. With that said. Have a nice day.

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what kinda girl isnt an attention whore, especially if shes a Pats cheerleader? Honestly, Id still go easy. I actually feel bad for her, and If I found it, id prolly just give it back. Another stupid girl, oh well, but at least Ill have my integrity.

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

No MonkeySkinm no such agenda. I have no fragile ego to build by such little things like that. My concern as always is exactly what I said and what has been repeated since. I may be a little sensitve to the term "whore" being thrown in the direction of women, especially those that frequent this board, but it has been my experience to err on the side of caution. This ensures no misunderstandings on what was meant or not meant. With that said. Have a nice day.

It's all good in da hood. I won't use that word again.

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