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My highschool football situation


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I have played Varsity football for the last three years and this will be my senior year. My coach is the same way and likes to have year round participation. The way I see it, if you are a good player you can simply do whatever you want. If your a bad player it would be best to attend these practices and hopefully move up on the depth charts. You see, all coaches have the same thing in mind, to win. If you are a valuble player there is just no way a coach will bench you during a game. Never has it happened in my school, or the surrounding schools. A good player will almost always start even if he has missed practices.

At some of the powerhouse schools in Westchester, NY like John Jay, Edgemont, Somers, Harrison, etc the players who skip practices will still start if they are the best players. I think its just the way it is.

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rockinallstar, I was saying the coach WILL remember if you skip his "optional" weight lifting or practices.

the law or regulations might say it's only optional, but a coach considers it mandatory and if you catch his eye for missing something or skipping some of it .....

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Bust your @$$ and you might be as good as I was my junior year.....

2nd string punter.....:laugh: :2ndplace:

don't worry I started at safety and punter my senior year.....

thats what work will do for ya....

Now I just punt for the thunderbolts but I'm not big enough to compete with the XFL safeties in this league....:helmet:

work hard kid !:lift:

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I know what your are talking about. I play for Freeman HS and we have weight lifting/condtioning every month of the year and only the winter workouts are actually optional. In winter we go Monday Wednesday Friday with lifting and a littile condtioning. In Spring we go Mon. Tue. Thurs. Fri. with more of the same. In Summer we do same weight lifting but even more conditioning and end it with 2 weeks of two-a-days. And during the season we even have to show up on Satrudays, but as for you complaining about having to watch other kids ie freshman participate, well it is a team if part of your team (I assume you are JV sophomore) is doing something then you definitely have to go and watch it even if you are not participating. Maybe if you were a Varisty player you could have a point about watching JV kids practicing.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Code I thought schools were not allowed to force kids to practice year round, maybe I am wrong on that.

You are correct, they are not allowed to force them to, but the kids know that the coaches will hold it against them in some way, or that the other kids that are participating are getting a huge advantage.

I used to teach many of the finer details during the fall and pre season, therefore if kids didn't attend, they would clearly be behind.

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Originally posted by Liberty

I know what your are talking about. I play for Freeman HS and we have weight lifting/condtioning every month of the year and only the winter workouts are actually optional. In winter we go Monday Wednesday Friday with lifting and a littile condtioning. In Spring we go Mon. Tue. Thurs. Fri. with more of the same. In Summer we do same weight lifting but even more conditioning and end it with 2 weeks of two-a-days. And during the season we even have to show up on Satrudays, but as for you complaining about having to watch other kids ie freshman participate, well it is a team if part of your team (I assume you are JV sophomore) is doing something then you definitely have to go and watch it even if you are not participating. Maybe if you were a Varisty player you could have a point about watching JV kids practicing.

Dam HS is getting bad now, starting to sound like colleges. What happens if you want to get a job??

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Originally posted by jbooma

Dam HS is getting bad now, starting to sound like colleges. What happens if you want to get a job??

HS's are alot like colleges now. Seriously.

In Newport News Va, each high school has a magnet program, so basically, because of the magnet programs, recruiting becomes an option. Coaches have to recruit at the middle schools all over the city because if you don't, you will lose players.

A coach can convince a player to go to their school, and all the student/parents have to do is enroll in the magnet program at the out of zone school and all is legal.

It totally sucks IMO.

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You said your coach is new, I'm just wondering how new and how young. I think a lot of younger coaches get too overzealous with their players in an attempt to prove something. I had a young coach on my HS team, from PA in fact, and he would run the holy shoit out of us,way more than the other coaches. i think there's a reason the newest coach is usually the conditioning coach. My point about the overzealousness is that you mentioned the fact that he has you all running drills during the summer, and i know that in florida there's specific rulkes about what a coach can do with his players at certain time of the year. For instance we can lift under a coach's supervision all year long, but in the spring and summer, before two- or three-a-days begin, there can be no football-related activities going on under a coach's eye. No route-running, no passing, i think there's even rules regarding talking about football strategy. Because of this we would play a game of basketball or jsut do some wind sprints after we lifted, because we couldn't do anything football-related with a coach around. I'm not saying you have that rule system in PA, but if you're feeling completely burned out and over-practiced in the offseason, you may want to look up your local HSAA rules that'sd what they're there to protect. But you should be lifting and running 3 days a week in the offseason. Whether you're black or white, if you work hard and show marked improvement, your coach will notice, especially if he sees you in the weight room working hard every time. Don't forget, if you've played football in the past, you've possibly benefitted from a racist white coach playing you over a better balck player, it's not a black thing, its a people thing. If you want to be a tight end, get as good as you can at blocking and completely forget about being a reciever, HS coaches don't want recievers at tight end, the want a 6th lineman, most others TEs won't understand that.

Your chance is now, work as hard as you can in the gym and on the practice field. If not you'll regret it when you're done.

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Originally posted by rockANDallstar

When summer came, my coach wanted to continue this monday wednesday friday process of lifting, but he added drills too, where I have arrived and had to watch the incoming freshman run out for passes in 7 on drills and stuff like that. I want to know what the deal is about this all-year-round football program. In all honesty, it is making me HATE the only thing i really love to do. What should I do? I haven't gone to the Monday Wednesday Friday drills all summer, should I start going before preseason, or should I just stay put and wait until preseason starts? What do you guys think? :(

Since I'm a HC for a high school football team, I thought I'd put my 2 cents in. Though I don't know if I'd put too many 7 on drills during the summer, except during camp, most of what I do is weight training and flag football. I don't work with the freshmen or sophomores, only the varsity so not sure what the other coaches do until the season.

However, unless one of my players were into another sport during my "voluntary" work outs, they know that they might not see much play time during the season. The more you're around your team mates, the more you will know them. The more you know them, the better you work together during a game. I need to know who's going to work for me and who won't.

If you are still not sure, ask your coach what he expects from his players. Most coaches aren't total aholes, just me. :D

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if you love the game you will not have any problems working out year-round and dedicating yourself to being the best player you can. when you are 25 and it hurts to walk, kneel down, bend over to pick something up, and you still miss the game you will wish you could play just one more. make the most of it dude, you've got but one shot.

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Originally posted by AJWatson3

if you love the game you will not have any problems working out year-round and dedicating yourself to being the best player you can. when you are 25 and it hurts to walk, kneel down, bend over to pick something up, and you still miss the game you will wish you could play just one more. make the most of it dude, you've got but one shot.

Good statement AJ. I'm about to be 31, I'm a coach so I'm still in the game, but I do wish I were out there hitting. You have to have fun with the game. Just remember, to be the best, you have to work harder than the rest.

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