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Snyder on the sports reporters Wed.


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Talking about upgrades to FedEx. Snyder has said a retractable dome as been talked about, but Snyder likes outdoors football and real grass. Says it would be easy to get a Super Bowl if they put on a dome but they worry about the Skins and championships first. "We are an outdoor team."

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Paraphrase of what I caught so far:

Q - Perception is that you try to squeeze every penny out of the fans with all the different club packages and tailgate parties and things.

A - We try to give the best product to our fans. We added 4000 seats to the lower bowl and offered upper deck fans the opportunity to move down. We offer a couple times a year to upgrade to the club level. Some people see that as asking to spend more money. We kept the ticket prices the same again this year.

Q - Would you consider changing to a dome? You could probably get a Superbowl here easier.

A - The Redskins come first. We like playing on grass, playing outside. We don’t want to play on that plastic stuff. I’m a traditionalist in football, I like being out in the cold. We took the glass off of the owners suite, VIPs are asking for blankets, but that’s real football.

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Did you have any idea Norv wanted to leave after 99?

DS: I don't know, because he asked to stay.

DS: He and Casserly get along pretty well and thinks Charly is a good guy. Casserly told Snyder when he left, "you're going to find its not me". Snyder said he would call him if that was the case, and he kept his word.

DS: Says sometimes they make bad moves and slip, but is thrilled where they are now. Says he has developed patience and made some hasty decisions. To the fans: we're going to win and build an organization we can all be proud of.

A lot of your standard, it's an honor to own this team, we're excited, etc., etc.

Wally does a better job...but thats what could gather so far...

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Paraphrase of the rest that I got:

Q - Norv Turner said he wanted to leave after 99, but only stayed because of his son playing in a local high school.

A - He told me he wanted to stay. (laughs) When you buy a franchise and didn’t hire the coach, and see the fans’ signs and things, you get pretty frustrated.

Q - Charlie Casserly – did you call him and tell him you fired the wrong guy?

A - I did, he’s a good guy

Q - If you could rewind every thing, would you have done it different?

A - I would have bought the team in January instead of July. It’s sort of hard to get organized in such a short time. Charlie told me I was getting rid of the wrong guy. I told him I’ll call you up and let you know, and I did.

Q - What was the worst move you made? Jeff George, Deion Sanders, Schottenheimer, Spurrier?

A - Sometimes you make mistakes, I’m just thrilled with where we are today.

Q - Must have been hard to restrain yourself when you took over the team. Would you take a more cautious approach now?

A - Maybe I’m aging, but I’m much more patient now. We’re going to win, our future looks very bright now.

Q - Best thing about owning the Redskins?

A - It’s really cool. I’m always thankful for the opportunity. Im a fan. I’m so committed to winning, it’s really an honor for me.

Q - Worst thing?

A - Losing all those games in a row last year. No private life at all. You’re constantly bombarded, we try to keep our private lives private.

Q - When are we getting a Superbowl?

A - We’re just excited, we have a great future. What better person than Joe Gibbs to lead the Redskins?

----Heard coming back from commercial - aired earlier while we were sleeping----

We were thinking about who should coach the Skins, and thought who would be the ultimate? Joe Gibbs. So we called him up, and he said he'd be willing to take a meeting. We were in North Carolina within 3 hours.

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--Snyder was on the ground in NC “three hours” after Spurrier’s letter of resignation hit his desk. Talked for 6-7 hours at the airport, then went to SF to interview other canidates. Came back to NC later and sealed the deal.

--Was prepared to stick it out with Spurrier, even if he “had an inkling” that Gibbs could be persuaded to come back. Thought that SOS would be back until he quit.

--Snyder deals with agents, contracts and caps. Goes out and gets the players that Gibbs wants.

--Says Gibbs has learned the cap, more so than most coaches. DS presents options to Gibbs and company (If we do A, then we can’t afford B; if we bypass A, we can do C, D and/or E)

--Working on a three-year budget, feel very comfortable with it. In 4-5 years, cap will grow and we’ll have more room.

--Turner’s firing/Pepper Rogers—“Fiction” to bringing in Rogers to replace Norv, although Rogers was on the preliminary “long” list of possible replacements. First offered to Rhodes, who turned it down. Should have kept Norv until end of season, a new owner making mistakes.

--Did not order coaching staff to start D. Russell vs. Dallas this year. Has never told a coach who to play.

--Admission to camp in ’00 was to defray costs for building stands, etc, not to make money. As to future camps, “We’ll do whatever Joe wants

Got this from CPND.

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Here are the rambling highlights I posted on CPND. There's some redundance with Wally G3 towards the end.

--Snyder was on the ground in NC “three hours” after Spurrier’s letter of resignation hit his desk. Talked for 6-7 hours at the airport, then went to SF to interview other canidates. Came back to NC later and sealed the deal.

--Was prepared to stick it out with Spurrier, even if he “had an inkling” that Gibbs could be persuaded to come back. Thought that SOS would be back until he quit.

--Snyder deals with agents, contracts and caps. Goes out and gets the players that Gibbs wants.

--Says Gibbs has learned the cap, more so than most coaches. DS presents options to Gibbs and company (If we do A, then we can’t afford B; if we bypass A, we can do C, D and/or E)

--Working on a three-year budget, feel very comfortable with it. In 4-5 years, cap will grow and we’ll have more room.

--Turner’s firing/Pepper Rogers—“Fiction” to bringing in Rogers to replace Norv, although Rogers was on the preliminary “long” list of possible replacements. First offered to Rhodes, who turned it down. Should have kept Norv until end of season, a new owner making mistakes.

--Did not order coaching staff to start D. Russell vs. Dallas this year. Has never told a coach who to play.

--Admission to camp in ’00 was to defray costs for building stands, etc, not to make money. As to future camps, “We’ll do whatever Joe wants.”

--Re FedEx Field prices and “tailgate club” offers: Moved thousands of people from upper to lower bowl, no price increase for third straight year. Has invested nearly $100 million in stadium since he bought it. Capacity is at 91,000 now. Have talked about retractable dome, but DS is a traditionalist, likes outdoor football. “We’re an outdoor team.”

--“Door not closed” on DC Super Bowl, but there’s a long way to go.

--Recognition of history at FedEx, Redskins Park, “up to Joe.” He seems to think that Gibbs wants to be careful about riding on past glories.

--Earlier this year, Norv said he wanted to leave after ’99 season. According to Snyder, he asked to stay.

--If he could have done a rewind, he would have kept Cass and canned Norv. At the time he canned Cass, he told Charley he would call him and tell him if he thought the move was right or wrong. Snyder kept his word a few years later and told CC that he’d made a mistake.

--Thinks he’s developed patience, made some “hasty” decisions early on.

--Doesn’t talk to media during the season because it takes away from the focus.

Nothing really newsworthy out of it, but a worthwhile interview to listen to. Pollin did a great job, asking him some pointed questions and good followups without coming off like a jerk. Czaban was not there, Larry Weisman of USA Today piped in with just a few questions.

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Originally posted by WallyG3

Q - Would you consider changing to a dome? You could probably get a Superbowl here easier.

A - The Redskins come first. We like playing on grass, playing outside. We don’t want to play on that plastic stuff. I’m a traditionalist in football, I like being out in the cold. We took the glass off of the owners suite, VIPs are asking for blankets, but that’s real football.

I love this guy!!! :laugh:

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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I thought that it was a very good interview. DS was very mellow and relaxed and came across very well. It is a real sign of progress when someone in his position is willing to admit to mistakes. It steals the thunder away from the media and diffuses the angst of the fans.

I am glad that he called Casserly and owned up a mistake he thought he made. That is real maturity. I think this past year really scared him. Before he brought Gibbs in, a ton of people passed on renewing their season tickets. Aside from some of the new seats, that reason, more than any other, is why people have been moving down to the lower bowl.

I signed up for season tickets in 1995. Back then, you had to wait a minimum of 20 years or more because tickets were being issued like molassas. Fans were willing off the tickets to others. At the time, the team was at RFK and my waiting list number was 45k After the new stadium opened, I got postcards under the former ownership that indicated that I had moved down to 40k. This year my number came up. That is way to short of a wait compared to how it used to be. Reasons: more seats and poor product on the field.

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Guest Westbrook36

That Danny Snyder is some owner. I wonder how long it took someone to ask him questions before taping before he got them all right. :D

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Originally posted by Westbrook36

That Danny Snyder is some owner. I wonder how long it took someone to ask him questions before taping before he got them all right. :D

I wonder how long it will take for the Eagles to get it right. :cool:

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