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NFL Network , NO love for skins..


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Is it me? Or does the NFL network seem to not have ANY love for the skins.. I believe in the entire time I've been watching it. Perhaps the skins cam has been on maybe 1 time..

Just seems we get 1 min for the latest news then they

go indepth for every other team..

Maybe they don't like danny boy?

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We arent really a "winning" club over the past couple years.... You have to keep in mind, everything goes in cycles. Once Gibbs brings the Lombardi trophy back to the Nations Capital then you will see a lot more media coverage on the skins.;)

All in due time.

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Originally posted by Synergist

Maybe they don't like danny boy?

Dude c'mon. Everyone on this board or any Redskin fan on this planet know's of the media's bias against our team. We also accept the fact that until we shut them up on the field this is how it's going to go. I'm tired of seeing threads about this crap. WHO CARES. F#@k 'em:D

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Originally posted by focker1636

How many years now has Snyder made a HUGE splash in free agency, only to finish the season at .500 or below? If the Skins actually do something this year they'll start getting plenty of attention.

Focker!!! :D

Actually, I remember a show called "Inside the NFL" on HBO that I used to watch when I was a kid hosted by Nick Bouniconti (sp?) and Len Dawson. I was addicted to that show, man but what burned me was the percieved lack of Skins love even back then. And that was when we were winning Superbowls!!

I think the Skins aren't as national a team as we give them credit for. This is surprising given how profitable the team is and how much press (negative) our neophyte owner gets. It will be interesting to see how/if things change once Gibbs is able to right the ship.

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Originally posted by bird_1972

I think the Skins aren't as national a team as we give them credit for.

I'm not so sure that's true, especially for the older generation. I know plenty of older folks that grew up in Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, etc.. who's closest team was the Skins. They have a solid fan base. I think the media is simply tired of lavishing attention on a team that explodes in free agency, appears to have the talent to go all of the way, only to collapse less than half way into the season.

Over the last few years, I've noticed less and less coverage of the Skins each year. Little Danny signs a FA and everyone now goes, "blah...blah...blah."

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I remember there always being a lack of media love for the Redskins.

Case in point, Joe Gibbs first Super Bowl run. Anyone remember our rallying cry?

R-E-S-P-E-C-T!!!! We were trying to acheive some because no one took us seriously, and there were even coaches throughout the league that openly pondered if the Redskins even had fans at all.....

(does anyone remember which coach said that?)

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yeah there is a bais from the media the problem is the media should get over themselves, winning or not look at the bottom line the skins make the most money because they are most marketable team with a smart onwer they deserve at least an equall amount of air time. luckly giibs will bring that back.

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Originally posted by ccableguy

should get over thyeah there is a bais from the media the problem is the media emselves, winning or not look at the bottom line the skins make the most money because they are most marketable team with a smart onwer they deserve at least an equall amount of air time. luckly giibs will bring that back.

How are the Redskins the most marketable team? I haven't lived in Maryland for 10 years and I have met many DIEHARD Skins fans over the years who ranged from MD to SC and even inland to Kentucky and Arkansas.

The reality is that past achievements in the 80's have built a strong east coast foundation. These people spend a lot of money. And it don't hurt when we're always the headline in the offseason. They definitely aren't spending money based on our winning percentage.

Plus I bet it don't hurt when Dan own's the house.

Hey I love the Skins but the most marketable team is the cowgirls. We just make more money.

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Illone's right. We just have to re-establish ourselves as a winner and a team that commands respect. Not just the paper. Once that happens, it'll be one of the hottest tickets in town.

One thing that can never be taken away is the way Gibbs teams played. Some heart breaking seasons and losses, or even weird, yet they gave you a game. What a lot of folks overlooked was during the 1980's there were a lot of "great" teams, not just average. In the 60's and most of the 70's, 90's, there were a "few" great teams.

The competition level was like a feeding frenzy in the 1980s because the period was reflective to the past (old timers finally hanging it up and there were many "great" players, passing on the torch to the 1980's youngsters, as was the final push by those still playing. The 1990's wasn't anywhere near what the 1980's were. The 90's was more officiating driven, marketing aspects, favorable scheduling to fit locations for corporate sponsorhip, etc. The 1980's was the LAST stand on getting smacked all over the place, with only an occasional flag.

Of course there is period change over, but that, IMO was the last one that included teams put together without free agency favortism factors. In fact, Those players from the late 60's to early 80's gave us one last look at the glimpses of just how great they were and it was NO mistaking it. They focused on football only (ok on the field :) )

The 90's did produce dominant teams in the face of free agency, but not necessarily great, because the competition level was helped with so many favorable rule changes to generate more offense, to keep the geeks happy about "their" team having some points (waaaaa!). A great team for the ages - The Pittsburgh Steelers (1970's), is just an example. There were great players on one team, like the 60's Packers. Not just a core of prima dona's surrounded by one hit wonders or one year stocking stuffers in hopes of a present to the SB after not taking a few chances against the odds - where are the "true characters" of the game!.

We will earn our respect, thank you.

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Geez, here we go again. It's the everyone is against the Skins argument. Believe me, you are not the center of the world. It's almost as funny as the notion that teams and fans are jealous of you...I mean for what ?? Large checks to players who hadnt done much but lose? Get over it. Skins will only be measured by wins and losses.

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