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What will the Skins do if...


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Those guys are hardly the guys I'd like to see take over.

I think Iffy will be worked in as a primary reserve CB and SS.

They cannot expect to go with Harris and Brown as reserves. Just not good enough. :)

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Originally posted by IAMBG

Those guys are hardly the guys I'd like to see take over.

I think Iffy will be worked in as a primary reserve CB and SS.

They cannot expect to go with Harris and Brown as reserves. Just not good enough. :)

Iffy is waaaaay too slow to play corner. I'd imagine Harris would take over as a starter with Brown and Bauman backing him up. Harris is a pretty good player who we could probably get by with for a game or two, but I wouldn't want him starting for an extended period of time. Sean Taylor could probably be used to match up with some bigger wideouts if Springs was out for several weeks. After all he did cover Larry Fitzgerald last year, one on one for most of the game.

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When you look at things closely, the only years in which Springs missed a significant amount of playing time were his rookie year in 1997 (6 games) and 2001 (8 games). The last two seasons he's bounced back in terms of durability by missing a combined total of 5 games. He's started 16 games in 3 of his 7 seasons and played in 15 games in 2002. That's not too bad for a guy who is perceived to be "hurt" all the time. People sometimes emphasize 2001 way too much.

Arguably, we could have posed this very question in past seasons and asked what we would have done if say Champ or Smoot went down with injuries. The fact of the matter is that this season we are going to be equipped with far superior depth at the cornerback position. As fans, this should be comforting to us.

A season ago, if Bailey or Smoot went down we were pretty much forced to revert to Rashad Bauman. Now I'm not saying that Bauman is terrible, but you don't want to be put in a situation where he is your "only" option. Especially considering the fact that he is only 5'8 and had minimal starting experience, if any. This season, in the event of an injury at DB we are being afforded the opportunity to choose from a number of "viable" options. Ralph Brown has 8 games of starting experience under his belt from a year ago, along with 2 INTS to show for it. In Walt Harris you get a guy who carries 118 games of NFL experience with him, much of that spent as a starter. Add a Rashad Bauman who is a year older/wiser and you have three DBs who you can feel pretty comfortable about outside of your top two in Smoot and Springs.

Injuries are part of the game. Successful teams always seem to find guys who can come in, step up their play, and help the team to not miss a beat. Realistically speaking, with the depth we have at DB this season the goal of "not missing a beat in the event of injury" is an achievable one for the Washington Redskins because that very depth is "quality" depth this time around.

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Originally posted by Rejuvenated Canadian Hog

When you look at things closely, the only years in which Springs missed a significant amount of playing time were his rookie year in 1997 (6 games) and 2001 (8 games). The last two seasons he's bounced

The question should be: What if Shawn Springs PLAYED like he has the last 3 years (even being benched last year)?

Because he's stunk the last 3 seasons. Ask Seahawk fans, they'll tell you.

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The question should be: What if Shawn Springs PLAYED like he has the last 3 years (even being benched last year)?

Because he's stunk the last 3 seasons. Ask Seahawk fans, they'll tell you.

It's funny you should say that because if you remember correctly, in the process of searching for a replacement for Bailey Coach Gibbs, Gregg Williams, etc., broke down the tape of all the available free agent corners and felt that Shawn was the best of the bunch. Apparently, he was the guy who would fit into our defensive plans most effectively and impressed our coaching staff the most.

I think I'll trust Gibbs' and Williams' assessment before I trust yours or the Seahawks fans'. :)

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I still woulda wanted to go after Winfield instead, not known to be injury prone. No matter how their very recent track record has been, a player who has missed games like Springs has is definitely considered injury prone, heck some say Trotter is injury prone cause of his blown knees, even though he started every game last year.

Harris was a good acquisition, a solid starter for the Colts before and I think he can fill the role well if needed.

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I still woulda wanted to go after Winfield instead, not known to be injury prone. No matter how their very recent track record has been, a player who has missed games like Springs has is definitely considered injury prone, heck some say Trotter is injury prone cause of his blown knees, even though he started every game last year.


You have a point. Yeah, I guess guys who have had injuries in the past always are a bit more at risk. But as we know, injuries are the name of the game and it can take any player by surprise.

In regards to Winfield, I think alot of people share your feelings. Many of us felt that Winfield's better track record in terms of injuries along with Williams' familiarity with Winfield (having coached him) would have given him the inside track on Springs to be signed here. I think the fact that Williams felt more comfortable going with a guy who he has not coached is saying alot about both the ability of Springs and possible deficiencies about Winfield.

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Winfield was a sexy name this offseason, but he was way overpriced considering his talent level.

I'd personally rather have quality depth at the corner position than one exceptional talent and a bunch of scrubs, taking into consideration the increasing number of 3 and 4 reciever sets that teams are running.

I'm willing to bet that our secondary this year will outperform last year's by a healthy margin.

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As a cover corner I think Antoine Winfield is overrated, and maybe Williams knew that, thats why they never pursued him. Pound-for-Pound, Winfield is probably the best tackler in the NFL, but he definately has stone-hands and is only 5'9" I believe.

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I think one of the reasons they went after Springs vs. Winfield was size. Bailey was a taller, physical corner. We already have a quick but smaller CB in smoot. I think they didn't want two shorter guys, but rather at least one taller corner to match up with some of the taller, physical WRs.

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Have faith in Springs...I am not going to create an illusion that Shawn Springs has been exceptional these past two seasons, but when he is on he is on. Maybe being back home is just what Springs needed to turn it on every game. What ever happens I can't wait to watch Springs in a Skins uniform.

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