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A giant rookie free agent from Louisville named Joe Jacoby (1982-1993) walked into Coach Gibbs office looking for a job. Figuring Jacoby was a defensive tackle because of his massive size (6'7", 300 lbs), Gibbs told Joe that he'd give him a chance.

''I was scared and frightened because I didn't know what to expect,'' Jacoby remembers about that first meeting. ''So I didn't want to correct him.''

Joe Jacoby almost got cut trying to be a DT. Just goes to show, you never know.
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Original Quote by Oldskool - At this level, O lineman and D lineman have such different specialized skills that it wouldnt make sense to switch

Could anyone tell me more about the different skills these players possess? Just curious. Im guessing that the offensive lineman need strong legs to support & hold? The defensive lineman are probably quicker on their feet, jumping into holes and harder hitters?

Am i on the right page?

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Originally posted by Arsenic

Could anyone tell me more about the different skills these players possess? Just curious. Im guessing that the offensive lineman need strong legs to support & hold? The defensive lineman are probably quicker on their feet, jumping into holes and harder hitters?

Am i on the right page?

You're on the right track. O-linemen, need to have a quick burst so that they get off the ball and make, and sustain contact. They need to have strong lower body to drive, but also good upperbody so that they can get inside and sustain their blocks.

D-linemen need to more all out speed to also get off the ball and get through the O-line first step. They need to be able to make the o-line change direction, which will get them off balance, and not be able to get inside postion.

Obviously, there is a lot more involved. Different techniques, but both postions require quickness, as well as pure speed, and strength.

Hope this helps some.

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