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Patrick Ramsey


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I was wondering what all you guys thought about Ramsey being benched. To tell a family secret, I'm not a Skins fan per say, ubt when I saw him play I though Ramsey did well for a second year QB. Plus, as much as I wanted Steve to succeed in the NFL, his system did not protect QB's at all.

I know Brunell has been a Pro Bowler with playoff experience, but I wanted to see if any of you die-hard Skins fans though that Ramsey got the shaft.

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First he hasn't been benched. Brunell came in because Coach Gibbs wants two starter quality QB's on the roster. I think by the end of the preseason, Ramsey will solidify his role as the starter. That's my opinion and I'm sticking with it.

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Umm..shouldn't this be in the other forum?

But anyway, of all the moves Gibbs and company made this offseason....this move is the most controversial to me. I have to say that I'm not thrilled with the possibility of Brunell opening the season for us. I think his best days are behind him...and I think it's highly unlikely he surives the season without serious injury. So all that money, and the pick...will probably not be worth it for Brunell.

However, he does have the potential to do good things, and the best thing he could do is mentor Patrick and help him become a better QB (like in the areas of reading defenses and pocket precense). It remains to be seen if Brunell will play that role, but I think Gibbs brought him in b/c he believes he's the type of guy that will do that.

You will get a lot of posters that will argue that Ramsey has not been benched at all. They will quote Gibbs on the "open competition" statement...but to be realistic, I think Gibbs just feels better with a veteran at this point. And, though many may not want to admit it....I think if the competition is close, one of the deciding factors will be the big contract Brunell got. And this is not so much for money the organization would be wasting...as for the fact that the organization basically signed Brunell to a starter's salary, b/c many people envision him in that role. He will have to play himself out of that concevied role in camp....and I don't think he will. I kinda think that "open competition" might mean...Ramsey can play well enough to win it...but he has to win it from Brunell...and there's a big difference between that...and simply winning the job.

Personally, I'm pulling for Ramsey...and if he doesn't start opening day (which I don't think he will) then I hope he gets back in there soon. But there's the downside to that, b/c if he does get in there soon after not being the starter...it means Brunell is struggling...and that means we are struggling.

Like the military in times of war. I will follow my President...my commander in cheif....if Brunell is our QB when the season starts...he has my full support and I will root for him no matter what.

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The Brunnell move remind me a lot of the 'skins aquiring Jim Hart and Doug Williams in the day. Both of them were gray beards and neither was signed to start, but expected to excell if called upon. I do think that the 'skins organization expect Brunnell to win the starting job, but they won't hesitate to Patrick in if he proves to be the man. More importantly, I think it will be good for Patrick to unlearn some of the things he has encountered both in college and with Spurrier in terms of how to deal with little protection. Some grooming and protection will be good for him.

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I don't think Burnell will even step on the field 2005-06. I think that he will teach Ramsey, and even help mentor him into a great player. Burnell, unfortantly will probably start this season, but I think Ramsey will finish it. I don't have anything Burnell, but I just like Ramsey more.

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So it's an "open competition", eh? I guess I heard wrong, I thought when they signed Brunell he was already annointed the starter. Don't get me wrong, it was nothing against Brunell, but I thought Ramsey should at least get a shot at it.

Sorry about posting in the worng forum, newbie mistake!!


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Originally posted by tsu307

So it's an "open competition", eh? I guess I heard wrong, I thought when they signed Brunell he was already annointed the starter. Don't get me wrong, it was nothing against Brunell, but I thought Ramsey should at least get a shot at it.

Sorry about posting in the worng forum, newbie mistake!!


it's sports writters like lenny p. who just "annointed" him the started without listening to what gibbs said.

gibbs is out to win, he is more comfortable with a vet at qb, but he is most comfortable with the best player available at a position to start. if ramsey is better, he'll start, if brunell is better he'll start. problem is that reporters are so eager to knock the skins off seasons moves, that they'll say whatever is good drama and not necessarily good reporting.

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