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Is Rumsfeld Safe?


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First off the Democrats can not force Bush to bounce the Donald. The only thing that can force Bush to bounce him is if the cost of keeping him hurts the ticket so much that Bush is can't keep him and have any chance of re-election.

Well after Bush came down so strongly on Rumsfelds side I would have thought he was safe. Last week new polls came out saying bush's approval rating is at an all time low of 42% and now the New Yorker is saying Rumsfeld personally approved of the interigation techniques over objections of Pentigon personel and the inteliegence comunity...


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First off, the only thing that should influence this decision is how this plays out for the US, our situation in the Middle East, and other foreign policy issues, not how it affects GWB and his campaign. But you're probably right, this will mostly be determined by election-year politics.

And in that light, 'taint nobody safe.

I know Bush likes the guy, and a majority of conservatives do as well. But however supportive people might be of our intent in Iraq, and however much one might like Rummy's vision of our military, there's no hiding that he has presided over a string of miscalculations that would have sunk most ordinary men.

Safe? No. Remain in position? Well, unless there's a smoking gun that he's misrepresented things, or the polls get worse, he stays thru the election.

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Rumsfeld isn't going anywhere. If something drastic happens, then maybe an act of desperation will ensue.

The Bush admin. has shown quite openly that they will not change in any way -- even if it's a more rational option than what they follow at the given time.

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Well I could definately see it being a PR boon for the administration were Rumsfeld to resign I don't think he will or will be asked to either. Nor have I been fully convinced that this is really his grenade to fall on either. Now if it turns out that he gave out some order that resulted in this type of behavior then thats different. As it stands though it seems more likely a result of orders and decisions made well below his paygrade.

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Jimbo, your right. The only thing that will decide weather of not Rumsfeld should resign is his ability to lead our forces in Iraq. On that record, I think he should resign. He is loved by the RW, but they will be the first to throw him on a sword if they think they'll lose.

As for the Dems, they'd be stupid to force his resignation, they want him to keep his entire staff, cabinet and all, no excuses.

If He does resign, Bush could appoint McCain (although I have my doubts he'd take the job) or another heavyweight more for political purposes, rather than run the defense.

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Actually he shouldnt resign and the people who matter the troops love Rumsfeld.

Unfounded stories isnt how you make policy. Though personally I see nothing wrong with getting information by any means necessary from terrorists to protect my country.

President Bush is smart.

He knows if he were to push for Rumsfeld to resign it will be another commercial ad to be seen at move on .com

Win or lose you should always stick to your convictions.

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I've heard that as long as the abuse is just in one prison and not a system wide situation Rums is good. But is there is a smoking gun that Rum facilitated this abuses in any way he has to go. Funny fact is the International Red Cross reported this abuse in March 2003.

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Originally posted by NavyDave


The same company with brown and root that was and still is in Bosnia since 1995 when clinton was in office?

I didn't say the potrayl was accurate they never seem to be against this administration. However, I think Bush would get a much bigger PR result from dumping Cheney (who many think is really holding Bush's hand through this presidency) than from dumping Rumsfield.

Also, I think dumping Cheney is a better move for the party overall. Bush's term in office will end sometime...wouldn't it be nice to groom someone as a clear front runner for the office? Cheney can't run for and win a presidental election. They need to find a VP who can...or more accurately can with the help of the VP job.

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Unfounded stories isnt how you make policy. Though personally I see nothing wrong with getting information by any means necessary from terrorists to protect my country.

SEYMOUR M. HERSH is a pulitzer prise winning journalist who has broken many such stories in the past all of which originally were denied and all of which eventually turned out to be true. He was the journalist who originally broke the My Lai massacre in Vietnam which he won the pulitzer for. His article can not be dismissed a "unfounded" by any reasonable person. Also some specific statements he's made regarding the "operation" like the CIA pulled their support after it was broadenned to Iraqi civilian detainiees catagorized as "cab drivers". That's something that will come out as many people will be knowledgeable of that.

Rumsfeld lied before congress and now seems to be the architect of this policy along with his hand picked administrator Stephen Cambone, the Undersecetary of Defense for Intelegence.. A new position Rumsfeild created.


I've heard that as long as the abuse is just in one prison and not a system wide situation Rums is good. But is there is a smoking gun that Rum facilitated this abuses in any way he has to go. Funny fact is the International Red Cross reported this abuse in March 2003.

The Red Cross reported 50 unrelated cases of abuse none of which occured at Abu Ghraib prison.....

This story is alive and well and all the progress made last week by Bush standing by his man and Rumsfeld going to visit his troops has been blown apart.


Actually he shouldnt resign and the people who matter the troops love Rumsfeld.

LBJ could travel to any military base in the world and recieve a standing ovation right up until the week he left office. The troops moral and support don't translate into Rumsfleld keeping his job. If it was Rumsfeld's idea's and policies which caused this interogation mess he's undermined the war on terror and handicapped our troops in the field. That's enough to get him fired. If he lied to Congress last week when he said he had said everything he knew on the matter it might be enough to send him to jail.

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