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Thanks, I don't mean to toot my own horn. This just goes to show that if you write enough letters that slam the Bucs and Rams to TSN, they'll put them up there.

so....get out there folks and email TSN your thoughts. My next one is going to go off on the Anti-Skins feelings going around while slamming all the bandwagon punks who couldn't name the QB from the Rams 3 years ago. hint hint


<IMG SRC="http://www.tenaciousd.com/images/tenaciousd_090901_02thumb.jpg" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.tenaciousd.com/images/tenaciousd_090901_03thumb.jpg" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.tenaciousd.com/images/tenaciousd_090901_04thumb.jpg" border=0>

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Way to go Bufford! On a related note with regards to the Sporting News, I wish I could get the audio to work to hear that piece titled, "Miller's shtick won't save MNF". I'm behind a firewall and apparently their streaming server isn't sending it out via the HTTP protocol.

I absolutely can't STAND Miller on MNF. If it weren't for the fact that satellite t.v. has a 3 second delay I'd turn down the sound and try to get audio from another source. I can't believe those addle-brained idiots at ABC brought him back for a second season. I'd just as soon have someone spear my nuts with an icepick than to hear his forced humor and stating-the-obvious-just-to-be-heard commentary.


"The Kurp"

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There is nothing more entertaining than seeing a team of hot dogs like the Bucs eat some humble pie. Yes, they are a quality team, but are not a juggernaut. They are not the 92-93 Cowboys or even the 97-98 Broncos. Indeed they really haven't won anything yet. They made the playoffs last year as a wildcard, they didn't even win their division and lost in the first round to another wildcard team. Big Whopee!

And yet Sapp and Keyshawn are constantly in front of the mike telling everyone how great they are and what they are going to do.

It would be nice for a change for these doughnut heads to wait UNTIL they have something to crow about to then engage the press with their rather dull wits laugh.gif

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Bulldog for Prez!

thank you for the backup there!

Seriously, the Bucs are pure hype. A mean mean D and I hate to slam the Refs in the NFL but I remember a time when Aikman never got called for Intentional Grounding and for a few years Darrell rarely got called for PI (even though he didn't is rarely). Now I think the Bucs get away with Raiders-type dirty play. Next time they play, count how many times Lynch leads with his head and think how many games each hit would end up in suspension for Mark Career. Lynch should be held out til 2005. Even with all that help from the Zebra's, they've never even smelled the field at a superbowl. bullocks to them.


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It's easy to understand why the Bucs get so excited about their marginal success in recent years. It's damn near the only success they've ever had! Really, it must FEEL to them like a Super Bowl just making the playoffs for a couple of years in a row after such a long run of ineptness.

God help us if they ever actually make the Super Bowl.

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