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Madden 2005 and NCAA 2005 Update Blowout.....


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May 06, 2004 - Terrell Owens is pissed.

For the last two games, he's only caught one ball. He's e-mailed his coach to complain, but nothing's been resolved. So now T.O.'s taking his outburst public. First he does an interview for the local Philadelphia paper, then he goes national and the story catches the headline of the USA Today. It's the story of all stories in Philadelphia, you can't go anywhere without hearing about it. You turn on the radio and Tony Bruno is talking to Andy Reid about the uprising on his team. Fans call in to ask questions, and you know if the situation isn't fixed, the marketing team is going to be on your ass because ticket sales are already starting to fall.

What are you supposed to do? You can't cut the superstar selling jerseys and tickets, no matter how much he gets on your nerves. You can throw him the ball, but his anger is affecting his performance now. His morale is so low, he's been infected by a case of the alligator arms - call it "For what? For who?: Part 2. So you hit the trading block and see what you can get for him. Hopefully you do better than the Niners, because the NFL is about playmakers, and T.O. pretty much defines the term.

So you try to smooth things over. You keep throwing him the ball until he feels more comfortable. Maybe you run a reverse or WR screen to him to get his confidence up, then go deep for the instant cure. No guarantee that he's going to catch it. No guarantee that T.O. will be happy at the end of the game, but a win seems to go a long way toward healing the ills of Philadelphia.

Next day Bruno is on the air again talking about how great the Eagles looked, how Terrell really stepped it up and the headline in the paper talks about how Owens and the Eagles are back on track.

This is the up and down life of an NFL owner. This is your life in Madden NFL 2005.


The NFL is driven by these types of stories everyday, and Madden is going to bring this weekly drama into homes this August.

Throughout the week you'll be able to see what's going on throughout the league and your team by reading newspapers, both local and national. This serves as a way to judge the public's reaction to some of your moves (raise the price of beer, trade T.O.) as one day the headline might be about the road to the Super Bowl, the next it's ridiculing you for not benching your struggling quarterback. The papers will also provide stories on the latest injuries, trades, and roster moves, along with player profiles to help you get better acquainted with your lineup. All in all, there are over 20,000 stories that can be generated in the game, offering owners unique articles throughout multiple franchise experiences.


As you read the paper and look over your team throughout the week, in the background you'll hear the new voice of EA Sports Radio, Tony Bruno, talking football and even conducting interviews with the actual coaches featured in the game. That's right, the real voices of the real coaches talking about your team and what's happening throughout your season.

Internally, the stories within your team will be delivered through e-mail. Scouts will tell you about upcoming opponents, your marketing director will ***** about ticket sales, and players will tell you to just give them the damn ball.


Madden NFL 2005 will be the first football game where player attitudes actually matter outside of the field, and should give fans a whole new perspective of signing players who never heard the expression "There's no I in team."

Notes: Outside of Franchise mode, a few other details about Madden have also emerged. Receivers will run option routes, and based upon what they see on the field, that's what direction they'll finish the route. These include everything from receivers turning left instead of right to running backs sitting in the middle of the zone. These plays are shown in orange on the play select screen. Defensive Playmaker controls will enable you to adjust what every defender on the field does before a play. You can make everyone blitz, drop linemen back in coverage, press corners, etc. Formation shifts similar to what you see from the New York Giants before the snap have also been implemented. Use this to call the same play while at the same time creating mismatches.

Click on the media link to check out a whole new batch of Madden NFL 2005 screens and movies.

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May 06, 2004 - With Home Field Advantage, you already knew that the fans were going to play a big role in NCAA Football 2005. What you didn't know was that some of those fans yelling, jumping, and going out of their minds, are fans that you're going to help create, or at least the signs they're holding.

Introducing Create-A-Sign. NCAA is going to feature a number of cut scenes (think ESPN NFL) that show fans doing everything from the Gator chomp to the tomahawk chop, and gamers will be add their own twist. Before games, you can create custom signs that say anything you want. If you want to go the G-route and say "Go Cardinals!" then that's your prerogative. If you want to go the O.G.-route and say "Cal sucks and so does your mom!" then you have that option as well. Then, throughout the game, you can add humiliation to your opponents by watching as your fans show support by not only making audibles hell to call, but by also holding up your sign and taunting the man holding the second controller.

And while it's always fun to taunt, there are some exciting new gameplay features that have also been revealed.

When running your Dynasty, program integrity will now play a major role. The NCAA will watch and try to make sure you're running a clean program, and that involves everything from benching a player for missing a workout to recruiting to making sure your players aren't skipping class. You'll also have to manage player feelings for the first time, as freshmen might get frustrated with their lack of playing time and try to transfer to a rival, so during blowouts, you'll need to make sure to rotate in all of your players to make them happy, while at the same time maintaining your lead.


Other improvements include the ability to recruit players as athletes and not necessarily by position. There might be a high school star who plays QB, WR, and DB, so you can add him to your team and try him out at a variety of positions to see what sticks. You will also be able to switch him to new positions throughout his career once you find his best spot.


Other additions include full 75-man rosters for each squad, and the inclusion of more Division 1-AA schools to the game's already overwhelming list of teams. And while the game will not include a "Hit Stick" like Madden, there are a number of big tackles that have been added to the game, along with more tipped passes to add to the chaos in the open field.


Looks like another winning season for the NCAA franchise.

Now click on the media link to check out an all new batch of screens and movies of the series that defines college football, including the first footage of Home Field Advantage at work, shaking camera and all.

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Madden is more of a football sim. Maddens playmaker feature owned all football games last season.

Although I did buy ESPN 2004 and NCAA 2004. ESPN is more fast paced and more fun off the bat than madden. Has some cool animation though. NCAA 2004 had the best animation of any football game, i really did need to see a playmaker for it, since it is an EA title. The cannon after every touchdown gets on my nerves though

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