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From Jabba the Len's column 4-30-04


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If you need a defensive end -- and, no, we're not speaking specifically to St. Louis Rams officials, who lost Grant Wistrom to free agency and could be without Leonard Little because of a recent DUI -- you might consider phoning New Orleans general manager Mickey Loomis. No, we don't know that Loomis is in a selling mode, and chances are he isn't. But the Saints suddenly have one of the deepest end contingents in the NFL, after the addition of Will Smith of Ohio State in the first round last week, and New Orleans arguably has one of the thickest defensive line groups in general. The ends include Darren Howard, Charles Grant and Willie Whitehead, in addition to Smith. At tackle, the Saints have Johnathan Sullivan, Brian Young and Kenny Smith. The old axiom is that you can never have enough big bodies and, given the injuries the Saints have suffered the past few years, they might balk at decreasing their current inventory. But even a player such as Whitehead, arguably the No. 4 end on the New Orleans depth chart right now, might look pretty good to a franchise that has a shortage at the position.

With our over abundance at the CB position and their bounty in the D line, I wonder if a deal could be struck....

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Originally posted by RTerps2002

I think we have 4 guys at the CB position that are starting material.

We need the depth at cb because of the different sets that Williams uses. Brown and Harris are good and may have started some last year but are still not a possible 1 and 2 on our team. I only mention that because the questionable health of Springs and Smoot playing hurt last year make me nervous. Bauman is an efficient nickel back but Jimoh made alot of mistakes last year. They'll both be better this year but I'd only be comfortable with them as a 4 and 5 at the most.

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Now that we have a reliable safety in Taylor, that may enhance the confidence and play of ALL our CBs.

That would be a good thing. IMO, nothing boosts confidence in young people more than having the confidence of the support of their peers.

Taylor has had good press. He was drafted @ #5.

If he impresses during pre-season practice and games, that translates into superior confidence in our CB play for the entire season. Our back seven is in pretty good shape.

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Pass on Whitehead. The last depth player we acquired from New Orleans, Martin Chase, was little more than a tackling dummy in 2003 for the Skins :mad:

If they want to deal Howard or Grant, let them call us back :D

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